Saturday 20 November 2021

Death Battle Predictions: Korra vs Storm


Korra, the prodigious and literal spiritual successor to Avatar Aang from The Legend of Korra.

Storm, the wind-riding X-Men leader from Marvel Comics.

No matter how far mankind goes in their advancement, one thing has remained consistent over all of history: nature rules all. Whether it be the freezing cold winds of a blizzard, the harsh booms of a thunderstorm, or the intense, scorching heat of a wildfire, the powers of nature can prove fatal to someone unworthy of wielding them. However, a select few are born lucky enough to harness the potential to call themselves a force of nature.

Of course, mastering these powers is one thing. But having to deal with your training, while also helping to defeat evil and save the world at the same time is a lot to ask for. But, even at a young age, these two have proven themselves more than capable of overcoming any obstacles in their way, whether they be discrimination, mental trauma, or physical hardships. Even after losing their powers, these two have proven themselves capable of leading their allies to victory. But on their own, whose powers will reign supreme? It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!



“I’m the Avatar, you gotta deal with it!”

“There are constant cycles in history. There is loss, but it is always followed by regeneration.” This quote from author Carmen Agra Deedy applies to many cycles in life, but for the Avatar, it is their entire existence. Thousands of years ago, humans and spirits lived in the same world, though mostly separated from each other. Order was maintained by the quintessential spirits, Raava and Vaatu, the embodiments of light and darkness respectively. But everything would change with the arrival of Wan.

Wan was an impoverished young man who had obtained the power of firebending from one of the great lion turtles, mystical beings that granted humans with one of the four elements upon request. Unfortunately, Wan made trouble for himself one too many times, and was banished to the Spirit Wilds as a result. He eventually befriended the inhabitants there, and decided he would block himself off from humanity to live with these other beings. But this dream of his would define the rest of history itself.

Vaatu used his deceit and cunning to trick Wan into thinking that Raava held him captive, prompting Wan to use his firebending to release her hold over the dark spirit. Now with nothing holding him back, Vaatu sought to unleash his chaos all over the world. Now full of remorse, Wan merged with Raava and requested more bending arts from the lion turtle. As the first ever human to do this, he had become the first ever Avatar, master of all the elements and protector of peace.

With this newfound power, he defeated Vaatu, the spirits departed from the human world, and Raava began the Avatar Cycle, in which Wan would reincarnate over and over into new people, and each new Avatar would hold the spirits of those before them. You may be familiar with Avatar Aang, the adolescent who would end the Hundred Year War. He was legendary, but unfortunately, he too had to pass on. And he would reincarnate into a girl from the Southern Water Tribe named Korra.

Unlike her predecessor, who was a master at airbending and had to learn the other forms over a short period of time, Korra was a prodigy, having been trained all her life in waterbending, firebending, and earthbending, making her incredibly skilled, along with her natural talent. Under the tutelage of an older Katara, and the son Katara had with Aang, Tenzin, Korra was a promising Avatar. She even had her own animal companion, a polar bear-dog named Naga.

Due to a failed kidnapping attempt, Korra had been secluded for most of her life. However, when she reached the age of 17, she departed to the bustling metropolis known as Republic City in search of the restored Air Temple to learn airbending from Tenzin and his family.

She initially struggled with the art, due to her more headstrong and unfocused nature. She needed discipline in her life, but she just wanted to have fun more than anything, and after a run-in with the law following a beatdown on some thugs, she entered the pro-bending competition. As part of the Fire Ferrets, alongside brothers Mako and Bolin, she made waves of sensation with the community. 

But her call to action came with the Equalist movement, a group of radical non-benders hellbent on forbidding the use of the art. Their operatives used chi-blocking techniques to take benders down, and their leader, Amon, used bloodbending to take it away permanently.

Though she initially struggled, Korra rose to the occasion and defeated Amon and his forces. Ever since then, she would routinely take on threats to Republic City, as well as the rest of the world, whether it be anarchists or totalitarians. She even had to battle Vaatu, fused with her traitorous uncle. Unfortunately, this struggle between forces culminated in the erasure of the past Avatars from the cycle, making it begin anew with Korra and Raava, just like so long ago. 

Still, despite this crushing failure, Korra ultimately came out on top. She’s always stared danger in the eye with a determination her predecessors would be proud of. With the help of her family and friends, she proved herself as the Avatar, and the cycle will be hers to continue. May the world rest easy knowing these arbiters of justice will go on.


“But if any of you believe in the would be the time to start praying.”

Have you heard of the phrase “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them,” from William Shakespeare? Well in some ways, all three describe Ororo Monroe. 

Born as part of a tribe in Kenya, Ororo’s mother N’Dare was born as a princess, while her father, David Munroe, had… well, more of an ordinary life working as a photojournalist. N’Dare and David decided to live together and would eventually move to Cairo, Egypt. Ororo had a fairly ordinary life until - like with a lot of Marvel Heroes - tragedy struck, as a plane crashed into their home and forced young her to live on the streets. Found by Achmed El Gibรกr, a street thief who trained her in the arts of thievery, deception, and escape, Ororo’s life would change for the better when she encountered an American tourist. This American tourist was no ordinary man; his name was Charles Xavier. Charles knew something was special about the young girl, but kept that information to himself so as to not frighten her. 

As Ororo’s life of thievery continued more and more, she started to think about her calling in life and decided she would move south, into the Sahara Desert. A foolish action to be sure, considering how big and how dry the desert was, but it was here in the driest place on earth that she realised that she was special - that she had the power to manipulate the weather. It was on these travels that she encountered a young prince by the name of T'Challa, who you may know as the future Black Panther. Ororo would rescue T’Challa from kidnappers, and the two would spend time together, though due to T’Challa’s status as a prince they couldn’t be together (for the time being). Eventually Ororo’s journey would bear fruit, as she finally landed in her ancestors' homeland of the Kilimanjaro Valley on the Serengeti Plain in Kenya. It was there where she found her mentor, an old woman named Ainet, who would train her to use her powers responsibly. Ororo’s reputation grew and grew, to the point that many people considered to be a goddess - which isn’t really inaccurate, considering everything she can do and what was found out later.

Years later, after helping out the X-Men in an incident involving the Savage Lands, Charles Xavier decided to recruit her into the new X-Men team he was building alongside Nightcrawler, Colossus, Wolverine, Thunderbird, and Banshee. Taking on the codename Storm (named after her weather powers of course), she became an invaluable member of the X-Men team, to the point that it was eventually decided that she would lead them, ultimately culminating in her becoming one of the greatest leaders in the X-Men’s history, as well as someone that could be counted upon to be a reliable friend and member.

She would go on many adventures with her team, though she would eventually go back to where she grew up, discover her ancestry, unlock the Power of Faith, and marry her childhood lover, Prince T’Challa. It has been a long journey for Ororo, but through all the loves and losses that she had experienced over her life, she has pushed through it. Perhaps her greatest success is weathering through the storms of her life, and paving the way for a bright future for all of mutant-kind. 



Glider Staff

Korra’s main weapon, obtained after mastering the art of airbending. With it, Korra can better channel different airbender techniques, such as sending large gusts of wind at her opponent, and flying around the battlefield.



Storm’s costume is composed of fireproof Unstable Molecules, a material developed by Reed Richards to be extremely resilient under extreme conditions. As a result, Storm can use its free composition for quick costume changes. She can also use her costume’s elastic properties as a capturing device with her cape, blind others and to glide through the air while carrying multiple people


Storm carries multiple lock-picks in her headband, with which she is very skilled. She is so advanced with the lock-picks that she was still capable of utilizing them when her body was reduced to the physical ability of a six year old, and pick locks in seconds that normally would take experienced lock-pickers hours.  


When not using the elements, Storm’s primary weapon is a staff which she can channel lightning through, though she also has trained to proficiency with other weapons, like handguns, knives, and swords.


Stormcaster was a hammer similar to that of Mjolnir created by the God of Mischief, Loki. When Storm picked up the hammer, she gained divine powers similar to that of Thor, in order to become the Goddess of Thunder. Eventually, she would give up Stormcaster when she had realized she only attained it through the deceit of Loki, and the hammer would eventually be destroyed in a fight against Thor. However, the ancestral magic within Ororo would cause Stormcaster to return to her, which she would use to defeat the god Uovu. Afterward, the Stormcaster would turn to dust.



Martial Arts

Unlike her pacifistic predecessor, Korra is incredibly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. In fact, aside from using her bending to further enhance her physical attacks, the different elements actually have roots in real-life martial arts.


Granted by the Spirit World, bending is the art of controlling the natural elements of the surrounding environment (offensively, defensively, or otherwise). As the Avatar, Korra can utilize all of the main elements, to an extent far beyond your average bender.


Waterbending is the ability to control water in various manners, whether it be moving it around or adjusting its temperature to freeze it solid. When in the hands of an Avatar, it can be incredibly destructive. Waterbending is characterized by elegant and graceful movement, with a sense of “flow” to properly control the tides. Being from the Water Tribe, it’s likely Korra’s most familiar element. 

Waterbending comes from Tui, the Moon Spirit. Existing in fish form, swimming ever happily, Tui was the first ever waterbender, and thus, waterbenders get their power from the moon. As a result, they get stronger in the night, and should the moon ever disappear, they will be rendered powerless.

Waterbending can also affect water in more than just its purest form (by itself), so things like flowers and vines are fair game. It is also possible for the most advanced waterbenders to manipulate blood, but Korra has never demonstrated usage of this ability, so it cannot be attributed to her.

Techniques that Korra can do whilst using waterbending include:

  • Water Manipulation: Waterbenders are able to move and shape water in any way they wish. Avatars are capable of manipulating water to a much greater extent, as shown with Aang pulling water in from the sea, as well as Korra using a large body of water to trap a colossus. 

  • Ice/Snow Manipulation: Korra is also capable of manipulating ice and snow, by freezing water in order to create ice, using it as a barrier or a way to restrict enemies. 

  • Steam Manipulation: To cover her tracks, Korra can also manipulate the water particles in steam to cloak herself and others

  • Streaming the Water: Named by Katara, it is a move that draws water from a source that waterbenders move around their bodies to be used as a defensive technique.

  • Water Waves: Waterbenders are able to move a large mass of water in order to create waves. These waves are able to sweep enemies away or transport the user. 

  • Water Tendrils: Korra can create tendrils of water to grab hold of enemies or restrict their movement.

  • Ice Shield/Wall: A waterbender can freeze water in front of them, creating a shield of ice or an ice wall to restrict enemies.

  • Tsunamis: Avatars can create and control water bodies of far greater size and scale, causing massive tsunamis at will. In "The Awakening", Aang creates a large tsunami in order to bring himself to a safe location. 

  • Water Compression: An Avatar in the Avatar State has enough power over water to compress its volume, compacting several thousands of gallons. Aang does so when creating his elemental sphere to pursue Ozai in "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang".


The second bending art that Korra mastered. Earthbending is the ability to manipulate the earth itself, and rock in its various forms. Earthbending is a strong, rigid style, requiring a firm center of gravity to utilize properly.

Techniques that Korra can do whilst using Earthbending include:

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Metalbending is a specific form of earthbending. Originally a form of earthbending created by Toph, metalbending requires the user to bend and manipulate the earthly composition within the metal. Korra is the first Avatar to use and master this art, and is skilled enough to precisely remove a metallic poison from her body.

Avatar Symbolism — First gif: Korra starts off with some nice...

The third form of bending mastered by Korra. Unlike the other arts, firebending does not involve manipulating existing elements, or require a nearby source to use. Instead, Korra is able to form fire herself and use it as a weapon. Firebending is the most offensive of the four elements, and focuses on overwhelming foes with fiery attacks. It uses quick, firm, and powerful movements. 


Airbending, the final element Korra had to master, leans more into the spiritual side than the others. It is more passive and defensive in nature, using an opponent’s own energy against them while keeping the user out of harm’s way. Quick and evasive movements are key to the physicality of airbending, so it’s necessary for one to be light on their feet.

Korra is able to use Airbending techniques such as:


A form of bending that predates all the four other bending arts, energybending grants the user the ability to bend another person's life energy. 

  • Granting/Removing Bending: Korra is capable of granting a person bending, such as when Korra restored Lin Beifong's bending after it was taken by Amon. On the opposite end, it is also capable of permanently removing a person's bending. While Korra herself hasn’t done so, Aang used it to remove Ozai's firebending.

  • Spirit Energy Manipulation: Korra can manipulate energy that originates from the Spirit World, such as Kuvira's spirit cannon when she deflected the beams of energy fired by it. 

  • Astral Projection: While in the Tree of Time, Korra was able to bend the spirit energy within her and create a giant astral projection of herself. This projection was able to use bending and fire off light beams against Vaatu. *(An important note is that Korra cannot use this on her own, as she needed a vast amount of energy she gathered in the Tree of Time) 

Avatar State

A super form that Korra can activate at will. In this form, Korra gets a boost to all of her bending abilities through her connection to Raava. She originally also gained more power and abilities through her connection to her past lives, though after her ties to all of the previous avatars were cut off, she can no longer use any abilities learned by them (i.e. lavabending).


Elemental Senses

The primary feature of Storm’s power set that allows her to use them so effectively: Ororo perceives weather and the classical elements themself as forms of energy. She can utilize this ability in a variety of ways, most notably sensing natural disasters, detecting anomalous disturbances in nature, holes in the ozone layer, the gravitational pull of the moon, pressure shifts from just voices or just plain feeling the Earth’s “pain”. Overtime, she has developed this power to the extent that she can detect the slightest traces of elemental energy, even down to neurons which she can use to sense others.  

Weather Manipulation

Storm Marvel GIF - Storm Marvel GIFs

Whenever Storm uses the height of her psionic elemental powers in conjunction with one another, she can create disasters of epic proportions, heightened by her emotional state. Whether that be a tornado, hurricane, or just a massive storm, Storm is capable of causing massive elemental damage and can do so without having to use her hands. Her climate-shaping ability isn’t even limited to the planet, as she’s capable of using them on other planets, deep space (if there's a star nearby that is), other dimensions, and even the astral plane.


As the name implies, she controls well… storms, from tropical, to arctic, to even cosmic storms. She’s proficient enough to practically summon them out of nowhere, with no spaces too small or big, and their power can twist weather patterns for miles, spanning the horizon, or even being seen from space.


While on paper, rain may seem like one of the weaker forms of weather, Storm’s rain is nothing to scoff at. By summoning rain, she can easily conjure floods, monsoons, and even her own personal shower. 

The cooling power of her rain is so powerful it can even douse the flames of Sunfire, the same mutant who broke part of Apocalypse’s armor, could punch through a planetoid, and nearly killed Tony Stark in his suit with his powers.


Storm tends to use her wind in a variety of ways. The most common is to simply blow away her enemies, however she’s also capable of using it to generate whirlwinds, manipulate solar winds & air pressure itself, and create tornadoes.

She’s talented enough with her wind to use it for a variety of defensive purposes as well, most notably dispersing large scale flames and moving her allies out of harm's way. 

She can also use this power to create extra oxygen in a pinch to breathe underwater, or to dampen sound. It’s gotten to the level where she can even solidify her own winds to create cocoons and projectile-reflecting domes of air. Even the air inside the lungs isn’t safe from Storm’s reach, as she can easily control that as well.


Another staple of Storm’s powerset, she’s no stranger to creating large scale blizzards and freezing rain far below zero to trip up her foes. She’s proficient enough with this power to flash-freeze opponents instantly, stop machinery, target specific organ systems, blind opponents with its sheer shininess, and even sap people’s strength away with her control over the cold.


A common misdirection tactic used by Ororo, she can quickly whip up massive amounts of fog to cloak her and her allies from sight. Not much else is unique about her control over this, apart from the fact that she’s capable of ionizing it to screw with technology-based sensors and radio communication


One of the more iconic classical elements in her arsenal, Storm is capable of manipulating pre-existing water itself just as well as the water that she summons from the sky.

Storm’s sheer precision with this facet of her arsenal is vast enough to sense and control oceanic currents, which, combined with her wind powers, can create water-spouts and of course the obvious large scale tsunami.

However, what’s truly impressive about this ability is Storm’s precision on a smaller scale, as she’s able to manipulate water itself down into the individual atoms. She’s so skilled with this, she can even disperse water into nothing but vapor. However, she can't manipulate it as well as she does to the air

Heat / Humidity

Continuing with Storm's list of Captain Planet abilities is her impressive control over heat. Storm can bring about heat capable of enveloping an ice mountain, as well as create powerful heat blasts large enough to cover 20 yards and induce heatstroke. Her power is so great that she once subconsciously agitated the air molecules in a room, heating it up. To top it all off, Ororo is also able to drain all the humidity out of the air around someone.


Storm is able to manipulate lighting to give her enemies a shocking surprise. The energy output of her lighting attacks are determined by her mind and mutant metabolism and can be used in various different ways. She can call down lightning from the sky to strike her enemies, even from continents away, or create lightning through her fingers for a quick bolt. She can even use lightning to create an EMP that neutralises all technology, which she can also use on people. When not used against tech, she can use her electricity to induce violent seizures, scramble someone’s brain, or even jump-start people’s hearts.

In terms of how strong her lightning is, it is stated to be around a billion volts, and the air around the lighting is six times hotter than the surface of the sun by Storm’s own statement.

Magnetic Field Manipulation

Yes we are still talking about weather. Storm later in her time as a superhero discovered the fact that she can manipulate the fundamental forces of the weather. Storm can manipulate the magnetic field of the entire planet, once using this ability to literally remove zombies off the entire planet and into space, and has also opened the Earth's ozone layer and magnetic fields to evaporate a huge wave

Thermal Variance

Ororo’s body will change its temperature in accordance to the environment, either increasing her temperature in a colder environment or vice versa. For example, at one point she was in the Antarctic, and attempted to alter the blizzards raging over its entirety while she was in the center of one. This caused her body temperature to increase so drastically that it nearly fried her system.

Combat and Thievery

Ororo has proven time and time again to be quite formidable even without her mutant abilities. Her training under Achmed El Gibรกr helped her become one of the most skilled thieves in Cairo even when she was still a child, she has shown to be stealthy enough to get past advanced security systems and even pickpocket her fellow X-Man Forge. Ororo is also quite skilled in hand-to-hand, even when she was a child, having not only been trained by Achmed but also Wolverine and her husband T'Challa.

Energy Vision

Instead of seeing the world as physical matter, Storm can shift her vision into a different frequency to see and experience the world as pure energy.


Passed from ancestor to ancestor, Storm’s family comes from a long line of godly power (which include goddesses like Hadari Yao, Gaia and the Bright Lady, Oshtur). She originally didn’t know this was the case, but eventually discovered it and realised that due to being a god, she can use what is called the Power of Faith. 

The Power of Faith

After Ororo discovered that her ancestors had the power of gods (and she did too), she realised she can gain power from people believing in and praying to her - the more people that believe in her, the stronger she becomes. It was during this period where she gained a hammer called Stormchaser that is comparable to Thor’s hammer Mjolnir, and allowed her to fight Norse Gods such as Hela and Thor on equal footing. Though, she would eventually use all of Stormchaser’s power to defeat Novu.

With this, combined with her divinity, she is able to overcome her weakness of being unable to manipulate unnatural weather, such as when she stopped an unnatural storm created by Wakandan gods, or how she took control of someone else's lightning


Due to her ancestry, Storm has latent magical abilities that allow her to perform magical rituals, sense magic, as well as use magic to teleport herself. This ancestral connection to mysticism is so potent that it even made Storm a candidate for being the high priestess archetype, giving her magic potential comparable to the Scarlet Witch and Agatha Harkness.

Spiritual Strength

Possibly as a result of her mystic potential thanks to her ancestry, Storm's spirit has been noted to be extremely strong. On one occasion in a gathering consisting of herself, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer, and the Fantastic Four, Strange himself stated that only he and Ororo had the strength of spirit to hold the essence of Eternity, an abstract entity that embodies the entire multiverse. While this was only a manifestation-body of Eternity, it is a great feat nonetheless. 

Mental Resistances 

Surprisingly, Ororo has incredible resistance to mental and psychic attacks, despite not being a psychic herself. This is mainly due to the amount of electrical forces in her brain, AKA a "lightning field", and being trained by the most powerful telepath in the world (I’m sure you can guess who). She is able to resist psychic attacks, illusions, and mind control from Karma, Psylocke, Rachel Summers, Psycho-Man and even Dracula. She is even able to attack people in the Dreamscape when psychically connected to them.      




  • Defeated Amon and stopped his uprising

  • Restored balance to the Spirit World 

  • Stopped Zaheer and his plans of anarchy

  • Defeated Kuvira and prevented her takeover

  • Restored the connection between the Human World and the Spirit World

  • Destroyed the evil spirit Vaatu

  • Stopped the rise of the new Earth Empire and helped redeem Kuvira

  • The only Avatar to learn and master metalbending 

  • The second Avatar to use energybending 

  • Conquered her fears and doubts and became the Avatar she was always meant to be

  • One of the first LGBTQ+ Protagonists in cartoon media 


Image - 885758] | Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra | Know  Your Meme


Korra Probending GIF - Korra Probending Avatar - Discover & Share GIFs




Marvel Marvel Super War GIF - Marvel Marvel Super War X Men GIFs

  • One of the founding members of the X-Men

  • Eventually became the leader of the X-Men

  • Gained & wielded the power of Stormcaster 

  • Formed her own division of X-Men apart from Xavier

  • Was one of the most skilled thieves in the entire city of Cairo when she was still a child

  • Was accepted by the Panther God

  • Gained the respect of Magneto, Doctor Doom, and Namor

  • Defeated Callisto, Crimson Commando, and the Dora Milaje in hand-to-hand



#black superheroes from Junior




Korra may be the newest incarnation of the Avatar, but that doesn’t mean she’s perfect. She’s always been a hotheaded individual, susceptible to reckless outbursts, and years of trauma and a few crucial missteps have planted seeds of self-doubt within her. Additionally, Korra may be the Avatar, but she is still mostly bound by the rules of bending, requiring movement, breathing, concentration, all that jazz. Meaning, if she is restrained, it becomes significantly harder for her to use her bending, as most bending techniques require freedom of both hands and feet. 


Even with her awe-inspiring abilities and feats, Storm still has very human weaknesses. Her most well-known one being her claustrophobia that came as a result of being buried under the rubble of the accident that took her parents' lives for three days. Her claustrophobia used to be so severe in fact, that the very mention of the word "tomb" would cause her to have a breakdown. While Ororo has worked to overcome this fear and doesn't panic like she used to in tight spaces, they still very much make her uncomfortable.

Storm's powers are also affected by her emotions, meaning should she not keep herself in control while in a fit of rage it could have disastrous effects on the environment around her even putting the world in danger. This is why Ororo has often kept a tight rein on all extreme emotions. It’s also worth noting that overuse of her powers can cause great exhaustion and even potentially kill her should she push herself too hard. 

Since her very soul is bound to the primal forces of Earth, the longer she is away from the planet, she will begin to lose her spirit and her emotions will suffer due to this. Her mutant abilities are also linked to her nervous system, therefore, if it's damaged her powers become limited. 

Surprisingly, despite being the Mistress of the Elements, she is unable to freely manipulate or sense weather or elemental forces created by an unnatural source, outside force such as magic or artificial mechanism. However, this weakness can become null once she taps into her goddess heritage and starts to draw power from the faith of other people.



No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I’ll always try to restore balance.


  • Can use waterbending to heal herself

  • Storm cannot manipulate her firebending when not tapping into the Power of Faith

  • LoK animation


  • Completely outclassed in the stat trinity

  • Storm resists all of her hax

  • Cannot manipulate Storm’s lightning

  • Outranged by a large margin

  • Has no counter to Storm in base manipulating her elements (barring firebending)

  • Storm is able to counter her firebending when tapping into the Power of Faith

  • Has no counter to many of Storm’s instant win options 

  • Less skilled and experienced (not helped by losing her connection to the past Avatars)

  • Ororo’s ancestral connection to divinity is more potent than the ancestral connection to past Avatars

  • LoK Season 2


“When I was just a girl, I called myself goddess...and I lived in the sky. Sometimes I wonder why I ever left. I'm a mutant with the power to control the weather. Here's where I belong...every nerve connected with the wind, the clouds, the vapor.”


  • Dominates the stat trinity

  • Go-to element is one Korra is unable to manipulate

  • Wider array of elements and abilities to utilize

  • Abilities give her very easy win-cons that Korra has no way to counter

  • Resists all of Korra’s hax, including spirit bending

  • Much larger range and AoE with her storms

  • More skilled and experienced

  • Can freely manipulate Korra’s waterbending, airbending, and earthbending

  • Will be able to freely manipulate Korra’s firebending once tapped into the Power of Faith

  • Doesn’t need to move to use her powers

  • Ancestral connection to divinity is more potent than the ancestral connection to past Avatars

  • MAHVEL BAYBEE (MVC2 god tier)

  • Know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?


  • Cannot manipulate Korra’s firebending in base 

  • Last Stand and Apocalypse 



“It could be Delsin.”


“It’s gonna be Rey.”

“What if Storm”
-Those 3 dudes in the corner

Ah, shit. Another capeshit matchup.

Oop, just kidding, that’s a stupid fucking complaint when there are a myriad of other things you could target.

Anyway, not gonna spend too much time here, easily my least favorite of the choices for Korra, I’m done coping and malding over no InFamous, it is what it is. At least it’s a matchup where I thoroughly enjoy both characters. 

Storm is gonna do what Iron Fist couldn’t and kill a spiritually enhanced animated character btw

So...yeah. I don’t really need to go in-depth on why exactly Storm wins. Her direct feats are better than Korra’s, her scaling is IMMENSELY better, she has pretty much every ability but better, she’s more experienced, has several ways of instantly ending the fight…like, I don’t know what else to say here. I’m also not entirely sold on Moon Korra, but who cares, that changes literally nothing.

Instead, I’d like to dedicate the rest of this to talking about the funniest argument I’ve ever seen in favor of Korra. 

The Mother of Faces.

You see this woman? She’s a spirit. Her job is to give out faces and identities to people, so Koi can steal them later! Er, anyway, she shows up in the comics and is literally completely featless, but:

“Through me, separateness came into the world.”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand this must mean she separated the human and spirit worlds, right? This also means she is above concepts and created transduality itself.

Actual argument I’ve seen from more than one individual. Not only is this singular flowery statement not anything even slightly resembling a feat, Korra never even fights her.

But Raava MUST be above this spirit, right? Though, even if that was true, there’s no way to verifiably scale it to AP, and normal ass benders have been able to hurt Avatars before...nah, totally works.

Anyway, I just wanted to briefly touch on that. Shit is funny. 

Storm wins. There is no pun. Go home. or read the rest of this I don’t care


(Let’s get some Mahvel music in here)

When I saw this announced at the end of Akuma vs Shao Kahn I honestly just had a good laugh. Despite a lot of people agreeing that Storm had a decent shot at being Korra's opponent, I rarely saw people actually talk about this match a whole lot prior to it finally being revealed, most of the discussion was largely just "I hope it'll be Delsin but it's most likely gonna be Rey...oh or maybe it could be Storm" and so here we are and you know what? Storm's a pretty cool character who I'm happy to see get on the show and I think her abilities could make for a fun fight when paired up against an Avatar...and well I guess now's the part where we talk about the elephant in the room.

Yeah, so Storm wins. By uh, by a lot. Now I want to avoid talking about their stats for just a minute and cover some of the other aspects of this fight as I could easily just say “Marvel Herald GG” and end it there, but where’s the fun in that? In terms of experience, hand-to-hand, and smarts Korra certainly isn't a slouch but when she's up against someone like Storm who has

  • much more years of experience 

  • was trained by some of the best hand-to-hand fighters in Marvel

  • has led teams of X-Men for years and has constantly proven herself to be a skilled strategist and tactician

It’s very easy to see who has the edge here. 

“Wait but doesn’t Korra have the experience of the past Avatars on her side?”



Now it’s possible the actual episode might give Korra her connections to her past lives probably so she can actually have a advantage here and with them these advantages would flip over to Korra when she’s in the Avatar State, however I wouldn't bet on her getting them and even if she did there are still plenty of other advantages Ororo has here. As you read in her ability sections (or at least I hope you’ve read them and didn’t just immediately scroll down here) Storm’s control over weather is just downright absurd and the way she can manipulate these elements is league’s above what Korra can do with them. 

I mean just look at this bullshit

wait what’s with the ones at the bottom

This one panel already gives Storm three ways of ending the fight instantly and she is capable of doing all of it without even having to use her hands, meanwhile, Korra requires movement to use pretty much all of her bending techniques, something Storm could very well be able to pick up on and take advantage of. Even if Storm for some reason couldn’t do that she still has plenty of other ways of neutralizing Korra’s options such as dispersing her water into humidity like she did to Hydro-Man or manipulating her air, hell if Ororo really felt like it she could manipulate the Earth’s magnetic field to literally chuck her into space.

And I guess now’s a good time to fully get into the enormous stat gap that when combined with Storm’s abilities, put this in the running as what’s likely the most one-sided fight this season, which is saying a lot considering we had one dude who had literally no way of killing their opponent. I know there's a lot of contention on if moon level Avatar is legit (Never forget this equation ๐ŸŸ + ๐ŸŒ™ = ☔) but to be frank it does not matter here in the slightest. Even if you were to give Korra every benefit of the doubt here and give Storm the bare minimum in stats, Ororo has still shown off enough feats to put her leagues above and that’s of course not getting into the fact that Storm is straight up a herald tier.

All in all, it's almost impressive/sad just how clear-cut this entire fight is, the fact that we were genuinely struggling to find any advantage for Korra at all while making this blog should speak volumes. While the Avatar may be a god-tier within their verse, This X-Men just has the stats, counters, hax, etc, to end them without any issue at all. I guess Korra was quite simply out of her element in this fight. 

 Random Guy #7

Sup everybody? Random here on G1 for yet another comics fight. One that probably not a lot of you were expecting. However, in the process of making this blog similar to other MUs, I’ve come to appreciate it myself. Even if I’m sad about no Mera vs Storm.

But enough semantics, let’s get down to the debate.

To put it bluntly, there really isn’t one. But let’s break it down anyway.

In terms of stats, Storm blows Korra out of the water both figuratively and literally. For starters, even if you buy Moon level Avatar State from spirit scaling, ragdolling the likes of Magneto, Grey Hulk, and Stardust put Storm above Korra by a WIDE margin. Even solely using her direct feats, Storm’s control over cosmic storms (which are made when galaxy clusters collide btw) again shows that Storm just has a power about her Korra can’t quite match.

Now onto speed, just about the best you can get Korra in this department is MHS. Not even MHS+, just somewhat deep into MHS. Compare this to Storm, who can directly react to, block, and dodge Cyclops’ optic blasts (which are streams of pure kinetic energy overtly stated to move at light speed) as well as being able to properly fight Thor and Ragnarok, and Korra is looking like a snail to Storm.

However let’s be nice and put both in a setting where stats are completely and totally equalized. Who wins then? 

Still Storm. By quite the large margin still.

Storm has a massive amount of AoE with her powers, completely dwarfs Korra in terms of experience and skill, and is capable of utilizing elements Korra could only dream of using. Namely magnetic fields, lightning, ice, oh and did I mention that time Storm literally manipulated space and time itself to rip a hole in reality? Because Storm did that.

Also remember whenever ripping the air out of someone’s lungs was a big deal in Avatar? Storm can do that, scramble your nervous system, freeze your circulatory system, and so much more. 

To make things even worse for Korra, the one element she has over Storm is that Storm can’t bend fire. Which on paper seems like a big deal. Until you realize Storm deals with multiple fire bending mutants on a routine basis and her technique is usually the same, drown out the fire. Storm’s ability to disperse water into humidity also eliminates any chance Korra’s waterbending has of being truly substantial.

So in conclusion Storm can:

  • Suffocate Korra with oxygen ripping

  • Freeze her blood in a near instant 

  • Fry her from the inside out with lightning

  • Yeet Korra into space.

  • Outright negates two of Korra’s elements and out-manipulates her on the other two.

  • Just punch her lol.

Take your bets which of these ends up being the killshot in the animation. Personally I’m gonna be holding out the space yeet, even though it’s probably the most unlikely to happen.

Looks like Korra’s chances of winning Stormed out the room.

(I’m sorry I’ll leave again. No more puns from me I promise. Maybe.)


If you’ve read the verdicts above me, then you don’t need to be a psychic to predict how mine will go. It’s kind of a shame that this one had to be my first one, but hey, at least it’s for one of the most badass X-Men, so that’s something. But I don’t really hate the matchup or anything. In fact, the X-Men are probably my favorite superhero team, which just makes this matchup kind of sad, in a way. Let me explain.

Like the majority of people, I’m assuming, I also thought Korra was going to fight Rey. Some part of me (probably the part that gives me all my self-doubts) told me “Nah, Korra’s not going to fight Storm, Korra VS Rey seems way more popular.” Then Akuma VS Shao Kahn came out, and I was immediately surprised. Of course, once it was announced as the next fight, a lot of people were pretty upset that it wasn’t Korra VS Rey. But, after thinking it over, I came to my own sort of conclusion.

When it came to whoever Korra fought, it felt like it was going to disappoint at least someone, in the end. Not everyone likes every matchup, after all. If this was Korra VS Delsin, I feel people would’ve complained about Alex VS Cole not happening first, especially since it’s been teased in the past, and it would just make sense for that one to happen first. If it was Korra VS Rey, there were probably going to be arguments over those specific series, given the… reputation that the two characters and their series have. And of course, since it’s Korra VS Storm, the main problem is people upset over the fact that this isn’t Korra VS Delsin or Korra VS Rey. I feel like those were the three big matchups that Korra could’ve had, and of the three of them, this really was the safest choice. Believe me, as a people pleaser, I don’t like that everyone’s upset either, so if people don’t watch this episode because it’s not what they wanted, I can understand that.

Of course, I don’t think you should do that, because you would miss out on seeing and hearing just how damn powerful Storm is. She has so many powers and skills, some of which don’t even matter in this fight, it’s crazy. But then again, this is one of the original X-Men, so maybe it’s not as surprising as it should be. But the point is, Ororo has so many advantages over Korra at this point, I would be very surprised if Korra somehow had a way to win this, unlikely as it is. Storm has better training, both in hand-to-hand combat and elemental combat, which are Korra’s main forms of offense, not to mention she has loads of other attacks that Korra’s never really had to deal with before. It could be argued that Korra has her airbender staff and more than a few ways of getting around the battlefield, but when Storm’s both dodged and blocked attacks from faster people like Cyclops and Thor, I really don’t think it’s going to matter much. Plus, as cool as it is, there’s nothing really stopping Storm from just destroying the airbender staff, like how Aang’s was destroyed, or literally bursting Korra’s bubble by breaking her air scooter. And yeah, Korra does have fire, which is an element that Storm can’t technically manipulate, but again, with how much faster she is, she shouldn’t have much trouble dodging any kind of fire attacks Korra could throw at her. Plus, with how much stronger and more durable Storm is, I doubt Korra could even land a fatal hit before Storm gets in multiple.

The only thing Korra really has going for her is the Avatar State, which does give her bending powers a general boost, but while it does close the gap a little bit, it’s nowhere near enough of a difference, especially when all of her connections to previous avatars were cut off from her, limiting her already pretty limited abilities, and by extension, the possible moon level that she could scale to, which is still less than the stat trio that Storm already dominates. And this doesn’t even get into all the other powers Storm has, like for example, being able to use ice instead of having to rely on water to use ice. 

Honestly, the more I’ve discussed and talked about this matchup, the more I think Storm could be a representation of Korra in an alternate future. Storm did become a Goddess, after all, which seems like a form even higher than plain old Avatar State. Or, maybe that’s just me. But, to summarize, Storm has better strength, speed, and durability, a much more varied arsenal, more experience and training, and more ways to end the fight. And a sick part of my brain kinda hopes it has to do with Storm sucking all of the air out of Korra like in the show because that’d be so mean and I kinda wanna see that At the Korra of it all, weather she likes it or not, Republic City’s defender is going to lose. Ororo will be taking her (and Death Battle) by Storm, and leave the latest reincarnation Ava-tarnished.


  1. I had a feeling korra would have know advantages whatsoever even Goku black and Alucard had at least a few advantages Korra literally has none besides Storm can’t manipulate her fire bending (not like she has too ๐Ÿ˜’) this is soooooo sad and probably the biggest stomp in the entire series ๐Ÿ˜‚ lol

  2. Clockboxxer mentioning Mother of Faces......... Still not enough

  3. I thought you guys would include her ancestral blade from X of Swords. A sword that adapts to its weilder (basically + 2 Agility) and can enhance her lightning casting.

    Guess she didn't need that

    1. If you mean skybreaker then she stole that from Wakanda to take part in X of Swords and returned it after the event ended because it belonged to Wakanda.

      Storm even notes she'd even further ruined her relationship with T'Challa & Wakanda by stealing the sword after they'd nearly patched things up after A&X.

    2. I mean if they included Stormcaster might as well use Sky Breaker

  4. I think it's more likely just an accident rather than spamming

  5. It was an accident sorry ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท

  6. I know it was a stomop for Storm, but I am suprised with how BIG the stomp was in this fight, truly is the biggest one I have seen for this season if not of all Death Battle. Can not wait for the fight, but great blog overall.

    1. I would have to agree to a certain extant. This is already up there alongside previous season fights like Sephiroth vs Vergil and Optimus Prime vs Gundam as far as how one sided this fight will turn out.

      Heck, it's arguably even more one sided then some of the matchups we already got this season, like Ryuko vs Shadow and Goku Black vs Reverse Flash, and that's saying quite a lot to be honest (I can name a few more on the top of my head). At least the losers in those fights had a few things going for them. Korra literally has none that I can think of.

  7. I think you should make it a movie, it should be better if u can virtualize this great article. Btw thanks for sharing, if u have free time u can visit my website at

  8. I would like to speak on Aizen vs Madara.

  9. king of prediction<a href="</a

  10. I want to say according to a friend who knows some of you. I'm aware you are about to release virtually incomplete bias prediction on Aizen vs Madara. I was told none of you have fully read Bleach manga, I have. I am standing my ground to say I'm going for Aizen.

    I got so many reasons it would take a while to fully read it all. If anything, if you don't get additional information before releasing it. I'm officially not reading your predictions anymore. I can tell you Aizen is much more dangerous than any of you even realize.

    1. Wow, the prediction for Madara vs Aizen isn't even out yet, and already we're getting toxicity regarding it. That's some next level fanboy-ism right there.

      And I love how you don't even know any of the guys on the blog or what they're taking into account, you just "heard from a friend". Yeah, I don't see ANYTHING wrong with that whatsoever.

  11. Storm Solos the verse easily.
