Monday 20 May 2024

Death Battle Predictions: Charlie Morningstar VS Marceline



For this blog we have enlisted the services of the incredibly talented DJTiki, official DEATH BATTLE! editor, to provide us with some custom made assets edited in the style of an actual DB episode! DJ has recently opened up commissions for intros, slates and more, so that YOU, yes you, can get custom made assets for whatever matchup you want, with the option for custom stylistic requests, all with equal quality to what you would see in an actual DB production. Keep an eye out for his work throughout the blog, and if you like what you see, head over here to find out how to get started on a commission of your own, and send it to him via Twitter or Discord (@slashtiki on Twitter, @djtiki on Discord).


Charlie Morningstar, child of Lucifer and founder of the Hazbin Hotel.

Marceline Abadeer, Adventure Time’s vampire queen and slayer from Ooo.

Hell is hot, and so are these two. Daddy issues, singing chops, and demonic abilities aside, they’re willing to do whatever it takes to defend their people. You can pray to glob, because he definitely won’t help. Will Charlie bring a new sinner to Hell to redeem, or will Marcy find a new soul to snack on? Ready or not, here comes a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

For Charlie, we’re using Hazbin Hotel, it’s sister series, Helluva Boss (except for the pilot since that’s non-canon), the Vivienne Madranno interviews, and essentially everything Hazbin Hotel related on the Vivziepop channel. For Marceline, all of the mainline Adventure Time TV shows, video games, and the comics. Elaboration on that in Before The Verdicts. 



“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!”

Protected by golden gates is the glowing city of Heaven ruled and inhabited by angels, beings of pure light that worshiped everything good and protected life from evil. One of these angels was Lucifer Morningstar, who had big dreams and ideas for all of creation. However, the elder angels deemed Lucifer’s style of thinking too dangerous and chaotic for their society and viewed him as a troublemaker. Now an outcast, Lucifer watched as the angels expanded the universe by creating Earth and the first two humans to inhabit it, Adam and Lilith.

Even though mankind’s first two humans were created as equals, Adam tried to take control, but Lilith refused to be obedient and ran away from the Garden of Eden. Sensing a strong independence and a kindred soul within Lilith, Lucifer approached the first woman and the two fell in love. In the meantime, Eve was created as Adam’s new bride. Wishing to share free will with humanity, Lucifer and Lilith persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, this act of sin would curse humanity for eternity with darkness and evil, disrupting the perfect order that Heaven worked hard to maintain.

As punishment for corrupting Earth with sin, Lucifer and Lilith were casted down by Heaven into the fiery pits of Hell, a realm created by Lucifer’s own sins. Now, Lucifer is forced to live with the cruelest and wickedest of humanity. Filled with shame and regret, Lucifer lost his free will to dream and create. Lilith, on the other hand, thrived in Hell and empowered the sinners of Hell with her voice and songs. With more sinners populating it, Hell grew more powerful.

Threatened by Hell’s increasing power, Heaven sent an army of angelic warriors to exterminate Hell of its sinners every year. This act was made not only to control Hell’s overpopulation but also to ensure that the sinners will never try to rise up against Heaven. Despite this, Lilith’s hopes and dreams were later passed down to her and Lucifer’s daughter, Charlie Morningstar. Heartbroken by the extermination of her people and wishing to make her mother proud, Charlie dreamt for a solution to solve Hell’s overpopulation without any more killings or bloodshed. That’s when it came to her. Instead of killing sinners, why not try to redeem them?

With help from her girlfriend Vaggie, Charlie managed to convince drug addict and famous porn star Angel Dust to be the first patron of her new Happy Hotel, a hotel dedicated to rehabilitating sinners of their vices and sins. Through this solution, Charlie hoped that sinners would be redeemed enough to be allowed into Heaven. Now prepared, Charlie announced the grand opening of her hotel throughout all of Hell. Unfortunately, nearly all of Hell laughed at Charlie’s dream as the idea of redeeming sinners sounded too impossible and ridiculous to them. Now viewed as a laughingstock, the Princess of Hell was disheartened and felt discouraged from pursuing her dream. It simply looked like another shitty day in Hell.

That was until she met the Radio Demon Overlord known as Alastor. While Alastor doesn’t believe sinners can be redeemed, even calling it “wacky nonsense”, he agreed to help Charlie’s dream just so he can watch sinners struggle for redemption only for them to fail when they’re so close. Despite knowing Alastor’s true intentions for helping her, Charlie accepted his help and regained her resolve to ensure her people no longer suffer from exterminations. So with her passion and Alastor’s power and the newly christened Hazbin Hotel, Charlie is determined more than ever to bring some Heaven to Hell.

Of course, running a hotel to rehabilitate the worst of humanity isn’t easy, especially since Charlie needs to prove to Lucifer and Heaven that her solution can work. Thankfully, Charlie isn’t alone in this as she has the help of her friends and girlfriend. With the Hazbin Hotel now open for business, Charlie Morningstar is out to prove that there is indeed a rainbow inside of every demon. Even with the threats of Hell’s other Overlords and Heaven looming, nothing will stop the Princess of Hell from making sure that every day will be a fucking happy day in Hell.


“I’m not mean. I’m a thousand years old, and I just lost track of my moral code.”

Hunson Abadeer, one of the most prolific and powerful demons to ever come into existence. Harkening back before the beginning of time he ruled the Nightosphere, a separate hellscape reality that harbored demons of all shapes and sizes. Through unknown circumstances he would eventually meet and fall in love with a human woman named Elise. With whom they had given birth to their daughter, Marceline Abadeer.

Starting out innocent as any child, Marceline would grow up under the love of Elise with her father rarely ever a part of her life due to his own work in the Nightosphere. Although she had a loving childhood with her, great tragedy befell her when a pivotal catastrophe known as the Great Mushroom War commenced. Reducing most of civilization to ash culminating into the deployment of the Mushroom Bomb, which not only wreaked further destruction but permanently contaminated the entire landscape, resulting in radioactive mutations and most of the entire population annihilated. 

Left with little choice, Marceline and Elise would venture out to a bunker to convene with the other surviving humans. Unbeknownst to Marceline, Elise had contracted a severe illness that would soon take her life. Not wanting her to know the cruel truth Elise tricked Marceline to run on ahead without her to the bunker before succumbing to her illness all the while leaving Marceline a final message expressing her love for her that she wouldn’t uncover until much later. 

Now saddened and alone in a desecrated world, Marceline would find herself under the care of a man named Simon Petrikov. Who gave her the protection and love of a father she never had before. Despite his own declining mental stability due to the ice crown’s influence, Simon ensured Marceline would be protected through the precarious state of the world. Until one fateful encounter with mutated creatures leaving Simon no choice but to use the crown again, expediting his insanity even further. Due to becoming too unstable and dangerous to be with Marceline, Simon arranged for Hunson to look after her before parting ways with her for Marceline’s own well being. 

Unfortunately because of Hunson’s lack of empathy or understanding for showing regard for others, including his daughter, Marceline would sever all ties with him and strike out on her own. Before long the world would see a rising invasion of vampires that sought to suck the blood of all surviving humans. Because of this Marceline would make it her personal mission to protect all humans left and stake every vampire. Ending in a crucial encounter with the Vampire King, which resulted in his death but not before he left his bite on Marceline turning her into a vampire. 

Over the next 1000 years, Marceline would embark on various escapades. Including ensconcing into various areas around the newly formed Land of Ooo, becoming known as the vampire queen and meeting the princess of the Candy Kingdom Bonnibel Bubblegum. As well as encountering the heroic duo Finn and Jake in her old home. And despite having initial conflict with them, she would go on to consider them fun and some of her closest friends. 

In spite of a millennium of grief and misery, Marceline would ultimately become one of the greatest heroes of Ooo in addition to mitigating her strained relationships. Including reuniting with her surrogate father Simon (now the Ice King), reconciling and forming a loving bond with Princess Bubblegum and learning the truth that her mother truly loved her all those years ago. When the night arises, you can count on Marceline to live up to any fun situation.

Experience & Skill


Charlie is several hundred years old, managed to fight and defeat numerous veteran angels in the battle at the Hotel, and was able to fight Adam and even catch him off guard, even if she ultimately lost.

It should be noted however, in spite of these points, Charlie has very little combat experience. She spends very little time of her extended life fighting, and has not spent any significant period of time practicing the use of her full hellish power. And while she did manage to catch Adam off guard and wound him, Adam himself is not an overly tactical fighter, and his pride led him to get caught off guard against other weaker demons such as Alastor.


Growing up in the precarious state of the world and needing to learn to fend for herself. Marceline has a considerable amount of survival and fighting experience. From hunting down and vanquishing the court of vampires, several life or death battles with her father Hunson and several skirmishes with all the bizarre hazards Ooo has to offer. Like a varmint infestation, a sentient garbage monster, the lava dragon Larvo and his offshoot glass creatures or even a mutated monster of candy civilians created by GOLB the abstract embodiment of chaos.

Even outside of battle she’s shown to be resourceful and knowledgeable in several areas. Like taming a group of giant goldfish, learning how to hack and escaping from a mound surrounded by lava while becoming feral from lack of blood consumption. Because of her immortality she’s lived for over 1000 years and has spent a good amount of it fighting or traversing the land of Ooo. She even explicitly remembers everything she’s experienced because of this.




A pitchfork that Charlie conjured herself that is presumably made with angelic steel. Angelic steel can permanently end sinners and is the only material capable of harming angels. As seen above when it made Adam bleed.


When defending her beloved Hotel from angels, Charlie picked up a pacifist's greatest weapon to defend her friends. Just like her trident, Charlie’s shield is made from angelic steel and has successfully blocked Exterminator attacks without a dent. It also looks really cool! Seriously, that’s quality design.

Pocket Glitter

At one moment during the battle against Heaven, Charlie takes out some sparkling glitter from her pocket and throws it at the face of an Exterminator. The glitter seemingly knocked out the Exterminator as she collapsed onto the ground after getting hit with it and didn’t get back up after being hit. I hate glitter. It’s coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere.

Hell Phone (Hah! Get it?)

Charlie keeps a hell phone on her for communication. It functions similar to a cell phone, including calling, texting, social media apps, taking pictures, etc.


Ax Bass

Originally a “gift” from her father, this weapon doubles as her main instrument, and something she’s been constantly seen with. True to the name, it’s an ax that she uses as a bass, initially much to her father’s chagrin. It can be used as an ax for slicing and emitting sound waves by playing its strings. It can even be imbued with fire to increase its offensive power.

Wooden Stake 

Stakes carved from wood, Marceline carries an assortment of them on hand in order to kill vampires by puncturing them in the heart. They’re effective for stabbing and pelting, and Marceline has developed a proficiency in their use to the point she can throw them as projectiles with great accuracy.

Nightosphere Amulet 

A dark mystical amulet from Hunson Abadeer himself. It’s the cornerstone where all of Hunson’s power comes from, so he gifted it to Marceline in the hopes that she would take up the mantle as the Nightosphere’s ruler. Once worn around the neck the amulet forcibly envelops the wearer in a black business suit and transforms them into a horrific demon akin to Hunson. Under this state Marceline gets an extraordinary boost in power while also becoming unstable from losing control of herself. Moreover it grants Marceline access to a deluge of magic and new abilities. As it is the source of all of Hunson’s power, this could potentially encompass any abilities Hunson himself has demonstrated which includes:  

Transformation: Can change into a cloud of sentient blood mist at will.

Deconstruction: Fires beams of green energy that disintegrates targets to dust and can break someone apart down to miniature versions of themselves.

Curse Manipulation: Made a demon violently regurgitate an endless amount of bananas.

Possession: inhabited the body of a marauder.

Transmutation: Anyone unqualified to read the Enchiridion (a version magically enchanted by Hunson) that tries will be forcibly converted into a mucus worm whose spirit is doomed to forever be attracted to anything disgusting upon death.

Precognition: Scanned the Wobbly Wheel of Future Time to learn of Finn’s secret.

BFR: Can cast a spell to form a portal that leads to a bottomless pit can also utilize a spell that banishes someone back to where they came from.

Power Nullification: Has a spell that strips someone of their magical abilities.

Weapon Hand: Can use Vorpal Hand to turn his hand into a blade.

Information Analysis: Used Evil Psychic Resonance to obtain information on Ooo.

Life Manipulation: Gave his book sentience and self awareness.

Time Manipulation: Can create portals through time that takes someone to the future, can also use it to peer into the future and even communicate directly with his future self. Can also cast a spell that make one’s sleeves flash back to the past.

Portal Creation: Can create viewing portals that depict events and people, even works across space time.

Mind Manipulation: Mind controlled everyone in a room to serve others requests.

Existence Erasure: Erases a page from the Enchiridion from existence after it is read, is capable of obliterating Ooo from existence.

Sealing: Turned a technician into a page in his book and sealed him in it.

Death Manipulation: Those who read the last page of his book die.

Duplication: Conjured several replicas of the Enchiridion.

Communication Device 

An advanced device equipped around her wrist given to Marceline from Bubblegum. Which allows her to maintain communications and speak with Bonnie in the form of a holographic projection, which can also provide coordinates for areas. It’s even capable of functioning across different universes

Cursed Bracelet

A cursed accessory that Marceline owns. Once it’s worn it compels the wearer to perpetually cry and upon having it on the wrist, it cannot be removed for a full 24 hours. 

Creature Phone

A miniature sentient creature that doubles as Marceline’s phone. Uses it for conversation or to prank unsuspecting people right under their noises.


As sunlight is an active threat to her life, Marceline keeps an umbrella to obstruct her from the sun to walk out in broad daylight.

The Enchiridion (& Marcy’s Super Secret Scrapbook!!!)

Given to her by her father, Marceline has access to a “facsimile edition” of the Enchiridion, a legendary grimoire containing useful information for heroes and wizards alike. Within its texts include information on different types of swords, how to kiss princesses, defeat different types of monsters and adversaries, the origins of wizardry, the principles of magic, the four elementals, and the nature of the Enchiridion itself. Also a diary passed on to Marceline from Simon happens to be affixed to the Enchiridion by accident, though a spell placed by Hunson Abadeer allows only Marcy to open that section.

More than a mere guidebook however the Enchiridion, even this facsimile of it, is a sentient, unreadable book supersaturated with spells by ten thousand wizards over a period of a million years. Spells change after each reading, as it is the synthesis of the random thoughts in the reader’s mind combined with the magical energy in the book. As it is never the same after each reading, it is effectively a book of infinite pages and infinite words, making it impossible to truly read as no definitive version of the Enchiridion truly exists, just the ephemeral, ever-changing experience of reading it. The sentience within it is imbued with the consciousnesses of all Wizards since the formation of the four elements. Wizards refer to it as "The Book That Is Not A Book", a magical device meant to access the Central Time Room of the multiverse, the dwelling place of Prismo The Wishmaster and the Clock Titans that generate time across the multiverse

What’s peculiar to note with this edition of the Enchiridion is the last chapter of the book where The Enchiridion interacts directly with “The Reader”. The book transports the two of them into the Central Time Room where it explains that all life is about to end and the multiverse along with it and that it is up to "The Reader", the writer of the Enchiridion who has been living various loops of the past ten thousand years leading up to this moment to make the same decision at the end of every loop, allow the end of reality to come or restart a new variation of the past ten thousand years once more. “The Reader” chooses to reset time once more, and the Enchiridion proceeds to reset time, "The Reader" forgetting everything as they slumber and enter The Cosmic Imagination. To add to the mystery of this whole final chapter to the Enchiridion is the last few pages of Marceline’s Scrapbook, where a young Marcy sleeps on the Enchiridion and appears to access The Cosmic Imagination. Now what could this all mean…? [See Before The Verdict]




Being the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, Charlie is biologically immortal. Despite having the appearance of a young adult woman, she’s actually over 200 years old. Lucifer has been alive since before the creation of Earth while Lilith was the first woman ever created, so Charlie’s lifespan should be similar to theirs. Sinners also can’t die from illness, although they still feel the effects of it. The only way Charlie can die is through the use of angelic weapons.Though when a sinner’s body does get killed off, the dark energy that remains in their soul and wanders into inanimate objects within their surroundings. This explains why some furniture in Hell has functioning eyes. 


In Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, sinners are human souls condemned to Hell. As a result, sinners cannot be killed through conventional means, allowing them to possess a healing factor. If a sinner gets blown apart or dismembered, they can pull themselves back together and fully heal afterwards. However, Velvette implies the regeneration takes awhile after one of her models got dismembered. Due to Charlie being nearly at the top of Hell’s hierarchy, she should have similar or even superior regeneration to sinners.


Charlie possesses the ability to summon and manipulate fire at will, such as pillars of fire or a small flaming vortex around her. She can also fire pyrotechnics from her fingers to create fireworks or as a lethal ranged attack.

Demon Magic

Being a daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, Charlie can perform magic of various kinds. Hazbin Hotel creator Vivienne Medrano confirmed that Charlie can perform magic because of how powerful she is and the more powerful a demon becomes, so does their magical capabilities. Due to being at the top of Hell’s hierarchy, Charlie should have access to the magical abilities of lesser demons.


Charlie can summon objects from thin air or from small portals. As shown above, she was able to conjure her drawings for her rehabilitation plans from a small portal. During her transformation into her full Demon Form, Charlie conjured her trident out of thin air.


Charlie is able to use her magic to light up newly installed light bulbs.

Portal Creation

High ranking demons like Stolas can use their magic to create portals, allowing them to travel to anywhere in the Seven Rings of Hell. In addition, high ranking demons can create portals to travel between Hell and the living world.

Soul Manipulation

Demons can take control over another person’s soul through deals or contracts. By forging a contract or making a deal, one party can possess ownership of another party’s soul. The more souls a demon takes full control over, the more powerful they become. This is how Sinners can become Overlords in Hell. However, losing ownership of souls can also result in a loss of power, meaning that Overlords can end up becoming powerless Sinners if they lose ownership of all the souls in their possession. When a demon has full control over a person’s soul, they can summon chains on that person and easily tear their soul apart.


High ranking demons like the Seven Deadly Sins are capable of teleporting from places to places in an explosion of smoke using their magic. Some demons can add their own aesthetic to their teleportation, such as open flaming circles or charges of lightning.


High ranking demons can use their magic to move objects with their mind. They can use their telekinesis passively or aggressively, whether to hold up an object for convenience or throw objects around violently.


Even though Lucifer is the strongest being in Hell, Charlie should have magical abilities similar to Lucifer’s due to being his daughter. One of these abilities is the ability to shapeshift into various animals. Some of these animals include a snake (obviously), a goat, a bird, a horse, and an octopus.

Body Modification

High ranking demons like Asmodeus are able to use their magic to manipulate or reshape their body, or at least parts of their body, for certain purposes such as shrinking down to fit into smaller areas. While in her full demon form, Charlie was able to enlarge her right arm to catch Adam’s punch as pictured above.

Human Disguise

Lower-tier members of Hell’s hierarchy such as Hellhounds and Succubi are capable of using magic to disguise themselves as humans. However, higher ranked demons like Stolas are also capable of using magic to disguise themselves as humans. Due to being at the near top of Hell’s hierarchy, Charlie should have access to this type of magic as well.

Demonic Possession

Powerful demons such as Stolas are capable of possessing living people. This allows demons manipulating the humans they’re possessing like puppets such as talking through them and twisting their bodies around. Being near the top of Hell’s hierarchy and being a demon royal herself, Charlie should be capable of the same thing.


Powerful demons like Stolas can use their magic to appear invisible to the naked eye, though they will appear on screens and leave behind footprints. Being near the top of Hell’s hierarchy, Charlie should be capable of the same thing.


Powerful demons like Stolas can bring the dead to life and control them like pawns. Stolas uses this magic to bring a couple of dead government agents to life and draw a summoning circle for him. Being near the top of Hell’s hierarchy, Charlie should have access to this type of magic as well.


Powerful demons such as Alastor and Stolas are capable of manipulating shadows however they want. Alastor can summon living shadows and disperse them on a whim as well melt into shadows as a form of travel and reappear in a different area. It can also be used as a form of escape. Alastor has also been shown to use shadows in combat. Stolas is able to control the shadows of other beings and morph them into his own as well as transform into a shadow bird for travel. Since Charlie is near the top of Hell’s hierarchy, she should have access to this type of magic as well.


Powerful demons like Stolas and Alastor can use magic to give themselves a form of clairvoyance, allowing them to track and keep watch over specific people. Stolas uses clairvoyance to watch over Blitzo in case the imp gets into serious trouble in the living world. This proved useful as Stolas interfered when government agents had Blitzo and his team trapped in their facility with no way out. Stolas’ clairvoyance allowed him to know that the imps were in trouble. Alastor uses his clairvoyance to perceive the souls under his control like Husk. Due to being near the top of Hell’s hierarchy, Charlie should have this type of magic to access.

Death Manipulation

Powerful demons like Alastor can instantly imbue death to living beings. As shown above, Alastor picked a rose and a single gaze from him caused it to wilt and die. Being near the top of Hell’s hierarchy, Charlie should have access to this type of ability.



In accordance with her demon heritage and vampire bite, Marceline becomes biologically immortal. Despite having the physique and maturity of a young adult she’s lived for over 1000 years and cannot die from natural causes such as aging. Even without her vampiric aspect as a demon she’s shown to possess a far longer lifespan than humans as seen in an alternate timeline without becoming a vampire she lived for over a millennium and remained alive albeit in an aged and decrepit state.

This also comes with the bonus of added survivability as she doesn’t need oxygen to survive and can persist in the vacuum of space without any issue. That being said, she is still susceptible to traditional means of killing vampires such as sunlight, garlic and a wooden stake to the heart.

Vampire Bite 

Just like any self respecting vampire can, Marceline is able to turn others into vampires by biting their necks. This instills vampiric physiology and immortality onto the victims. Though she typically is adverse to doing this as her own morals are firmly opposed to enforcing vampirism on others.

Color Absorption

The main way Marceline eats, vampires have the ability to drink the color red  no matter the shade. Like traditional vampires, the thing she drains winds up shriveling up afterwards. Furthermore, drinking specifically color is a choice of Marceline. She can fully drink a person’s bodily fluids, as she attempted to do this to Jake on her debut, and her alternate self The Star did to her world’s version of Finn’s father Martin Mertens.

Soul Absorption

Of all her powers, this is the one most intrinsic to her, coming from her demon heritage. Like her father, she is very capable of sucking up the soul of any living creature, from mighty warriors to small insignificant ants. Furthermore, upon draining the soul, she gains the abilities of the poor creature she consumed, hence the vampiric abilities she received even before becoming a vampire due to the vampires she sucked. An enhanced version of this was used to absorb a massive cloud construct of the Vampire King, though it also shows that the spirit is able to physically interact with Marceline as they are being absorbed.


Taken from absorbing the Fool, Marceline is capable of levitation and flight at her own leisure. Becoming so natural that she uses it for typical movement on a regular basis even when she sleeps. This allows her to take off to the skies at extraordinary speeds, as well as great maneuverability, ensuring she can travel great distances and elude incoming obstacles and attacks. 

Mind Control

Most likely taken from the Empress, her enchanted gaze allows her to pierce through the psyches of others and control their minds forcing them to submit to her every whim. It can also be emitted through energy waves. Though it should be noted while Marceline has potential access to this, she’s unlikely to call upon it unless absolutely necessary. As this power pertains to a painful memory of the Empress abusing this power to force Simon to serve her.


Taken from the vampire Moon, Marceline has accelerated regeneration that allows her to recover wounds at a much faster rate. And survive injuries that would otherwise be fatal for a normal person. This includes severe burns, stabbings and bisection. It can even counteract the effects of poison inflicted on her



Taken from absorbing the Hierophant, Marceline is able to mold and shape her body into a plethora of different forms, enabling her to transform into nearly anything she can imagine. While predominantly used to increase strength and size, her shape shifting grants her plenty of useful forms including: 

Smoke: A mist form that grants Marcy immunity to physical attacks.

Bat: Marceline’s trademark form, she can turn into either a large version to increase stature and strength or a smaller version useful for hiding amidst areas to go undetected. It’s also capable of firing an energy projectile from its mouth.

Tentacled Monster: A gigantic monstrous form that grows numerous tentacles. Used for its size increase and wrapping around targets with its added limbs.

Giant: A larger version of herself that’s more monstrous and comes with fortified strength and physique.

Combined animals: A form that’s various animals rolled into one.

Demon: A massive demon form that comes with wings and enhanced strength.

Wolf: A gargantuan wolf that drastically increases strength and comes equipped with claws.

Varmint: A multi-limbed chattering teeth like creature that chomps on anything. Marceline learned how to form it shortly after meeting them and is effective for masticating living things or digging through solid rock. 

Armadillo: An armadillo form that comes with a hardened external structure and claws conducive for digging through the Earth.

Bug: A bug form that allows her to reach into small openings and become harder to immediately spot.

Snake: A snake form that allows her to coil around and constrain someone by wrapping around them.

Reptilian: A form that resembles a reptile.


Obtained from absorbing the Empress, Marceline is capable of turning invisible. Occluding herself from sight and disappearing and reappearing whenever she pleases.


Marceline has exhibited the ability to conjure and manipulate fire. Such as lighting various candles at once, setting her eyes on fire and even breathing fire from her mouth.


Procured from the Vampire King, Marceline can telekinetically move objects or people with her mind. Its usage includes levitating objects, tossing people across large distances and forcibly restraining their movements as well as crushing them.


Marceline has the ability to resurrect the dead to serve her every whim. With magic she casts necromancy to summon forth a skeletal army at her beck and call, equipped with various weapons to fight at her command.

Enhanced Senses 

Marceline possesses a unique keen sense of smell that allows her to detect the presence of magic by sniffing them out and getting a feel of the sensation they emit. She can even pick up the presence of magic previously used in an area. 

Non-Physical Interaction

Multiple characters in Adventure Time are able to interact and harm ghosts, including characters like Ghost Princess. Marceline herself has held onto a ghost’s guitar. However, it explicitly isn’t layered, as Finn, someone on the same level as Marceline, needed to go to another plane of reality in order to see and interact with certain spirits and creatures.


Most likely acquired from Vampire King, Marceline is able to telepathically communicate with others by relaying thoughts and feelings towards them. It also allows her to hear the thoughts of others by perceiving their minds.

Portal Creation 

By channeling a substantial amount of power, Marceline is capable of creating portals across realties to traverse through them. She used this to transport herself and Jake from the Nightosphere back to her house in Ooo. 

The Spark 

A source of energy initially sent by the Tuffbone as a distress signal. It’s a rejuvenating and invigorating energy source that comes with a variety of different effects, such as producing a powerful magnetic force in attraction and repulsion. Providing fuel to structures and space ships to move them through space and enveloping around a person or object to increase impact. Marceline obtained it from the Tuffbone’s call for help and although she struggled to control it at first she’s later able to effectively produce it by playing music and by feeling powerful emotion, essentially providing herself with means to rejuvenate and increase the energy she can dole out.


As a result of her history absorbing the souls of vampires on top of a millennia of traveling through Ooo, Marceline has developed a strong proficiency for magic. When coupled with her demon heritage she’s obtained an affinity for dark magic and curses, resulting in miscellaneous spells she’s capable of casting. While Marceline hasn’t personally showcased everything here directly, due to the nature of her power absorption from the vamps she should feasibly have access to all the abilities of the vamps and Vampire King.

Immobilization: Can shoot out a red beam that forced Finn’s arms to coil up.

Portal Closure: Closed a portal to the Nightosphere with a gesture.

Teleportation: Vampire King has utilized teleportation to vanish and reemerge across different locations. Sometimes accentuating it with beckoning light.

Pocket Reality Manipulation: Vampire King created an isolated invisible room enclosed from the outside world and can’t be accessed unless he grants passage into it.

Water Manipulation: Vampire King created a column of water by sprouting it from a cloud.

Text Manipulation: Vampire King gave a psychic autograph to Peppermint Butler using telepathy.

Potential Reality Warping: Pure vampire essence is stated to potentially rupture reality.

Poison Manipulation: Hierophant could form a scorpion tail that’s laced with poison.

Paralysis Inducement: The Moon could telepathically enforce paralysis, incapacitating and hampering their movement.

Unlocking: The Moon could unlock a door by yelling pigs at it incessantly.



Razzle and Dazzle

Razzle and Dazzle act as Charlie’s own personal bodyguards. They spend most of their time helping around the hotel with the occasional piece of mischief. However, looks can be deceiving as the Goat Boys are capable of transforming into their Demon form, which are massive dragons with sharp claws and teeth. Charlie is also capable of riding them like mounts for extra mobility with their flight.

Dazzle also kills it on the piano, ngl.


KeeKee is Charlie’s pet cat and living key to the Hazbin Hotel. While in its key form, KeeKee is always held by Charlie. Being the literal key to the Hazbin Hotel, KeeKee is the embodiment of the hotel and has powers that can affect it. KeeKee can also shapeshift into a large key sword and was used by Lucifer to conjure wood from thin air and transform metal foundations into wood. However, it should be noted that Charlie has never actually used KeeKee in combat.


She's not the one getting jumped, she is the one who jumps….



Demon Form

Charlie has shown to be capable of partially transforming into a more demonic form whenever she gets extremely excited or angry. After Sir Pentious’ noble sacrifice, Charlie fully transforms into this Demon Form, growing a long pair of horns and a tail as well as gaining an angelic steel trident. In this form, Charlie becomes powerful enough to contend with Adam, the angelic leader of Heaven’s exterminators. In addition, Charlie was able to grow and empower her right arm to block Adam’s punch.


Dark Cloud 

Acquired after reabsorbing the Vampire King’s vampiric essence back into her, the Dark Cloud is the most powerful form Marceline can achieve. By merging with this essence she becomes a gigantic four legged behemoth that takes the form of a darkened cloud, imitating some properties such as precipitating rain, doling out lighting strikes and incapacitating targets by absorbing them into the main body. It’s even capable of transmutation by stomping as seen when Vampire King turned the hotdog knights into octopuses

Marceline’s strength is also elevated to an immense degree in this state. To the point she could decimate the GOLB aggregated candy citizens in a flurry of blows, who had previously overwhelmed the last remaining lines of defense for Ooo including Flame Princess, Fern and Bubblegum.




  • Proved that it was possible to redeem a sinner

  • Lead an army of sinners against the exterminator Angels and Adam in the battle for the Hotel

  • Is the Daughter of Lillith and Lucifer, and considered one of the most powerful denizens in all of Hell thanks to her heritage

  • Survived multiple of Hell’s exterminations

  • Motivated the entirety of Cannibal Town (including Susan) to fight against Heaven


  • Kicked down Katie Killjoy and tackled her away

  • Fought and defeated numerous Angels despite largely playing a pacifistic role at the Hotel

  • Stood up to and fought Adam, even managing to wound him and catch him off guard with her demonic power

  • Trained with her girlfriend Vaggie, a veteran angelic warrior

  • Toppled over two crosses with a single kick





  • Became a survivor of The Great Mushroom War

  • Staked the court of vampires and absorbed their souls 

  • Helped Two Bread Tom and the last remaining humans escape which would allow humanity to thrive again by settling on an island.

    • Poetically this would lead to the birth of Finn the Human himself 

  • Traversed all across the Land of Ooo and conquered many of its most dangerous obstacles 

  • Became a revered hero of the Glass Kingdom by sending the dragon Larvo into a cave 

  • Saved Ooo when the vampires returned by defeating the court again and absorbing Vampire King’s essence back into her 

  • Was instrumental in protecting Ooo from the Great Gum War and the monsters of GOLB

  • Eventually reunited with her adoptive father Simon Petrikov 

  • Reconciled with Bonnibel Bubblegum and formed a loving relationship with her 




  • Took a punch to the face from Finn 

  • Survived multiple blows from Hunson 

  • Endured a hit from Larvo 

  • Survived struggling with the Vampire King and getting slammed onto the deck of a ship 

  • Unscathed by a large explosion 

  • Withstood the Vampire King’s essence exploding 

  • Took several hits from Fire Elemental Flame Princess  

  • Survived attacks from Hierophant 



Hell has a very clear hierarchy of power, with imps, hellhounds, and hellborn making up the bottom dregs of society, and Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie being at the top. Lucifer didn't stay ruler of hell for his politics and diplomacy, he did so through sheer might. Between the two, there are six additional hierarchical tiers which are each defined by greater raw power than everything beneath them. Sinners are more powerful than Hellborn, Overlords are more powerful than Sinners and so on.

These tiers are consistently established both in and out of universe. For example, Stolas (a Goetia prince) is stated to be stronger than Alastor (an Overlord), and Asmodeus (a Sin) in turn is depicted as being above Stolas. Angel Dust (a Sinner) is depicted as being helpless against Valentino (an Overlord), and Alastor, Charlie, and Lucifer’s respective performances against Adam are in line with their increasing level of power in the hierarchy. In other words, with all this said, we know for a fact that Charlie’s level of power and magical ability are altogether beyond any lesser entity in Hell, save for her parents. She is also to some extent comparable to Adam, placing her on a level comparable to the stronger angels that we have seen.

Imps & Hellhounds

The working class of hell's hierarchy imps and hounds are the bottom of the barrel. Viewed as scum for their position they are often disregarded due to them being a subclass of hellborn. Charlie should greatly upscale them via her far higher position on the hierarchy.


Only slightly above the Imps and Hellhounds are the Hellborn. As the name implies these are the species who are native to hell. Whomst Charlie should be upscaling with relative ease due to the Hellborn's incredibly low stature on the hierarchy.

  • No good feats lmao rip bozo


Another subclass of demons who reside in the Pride ring, sinners were once humans who were sent to hell for their actions. Unlike imps, Sinners are all completely different looking as they correspond to their human forms. Though sinners are the first class of demons who are able to change their status in hell, growing in power and such. Charlie should still upscale them via still being significantly higher on the hierarchy.


Overlords are powerful demons who command and almost rule over certain aspects of hell; they are shown to be an upper class almost of hell. Overlords grow in power for the amount of souls in their possession they command and rule over. However it is revealed through Husk that overlords can in fact lose their power and become on the levels of sinners. Some may be able to keep their power even if controlled or bound under someone such as shown with Alastor. Yet again, Charlie should upscale via being higher on the hierarchy.


Servants of God, they are the main threat to Hell itself. Mainly Adam, AKA the original dick, the dick master, etc. There are two types of Angels: those of humans who were good and virtuous in their life and those born of heaven and of heavenly descent. Angels as well come in different shapes, sizes and looks, some looking humanoid others look like eyeballs with bird wings. Angels are shown to have a very diverse set of powers, mainly being light or such based. They cannot be harmed with weapons of conventional means aside from their own weapons. Angels don’t actually have a concrete placement on the hierarchy but powerful angels such as Adam have successfully defeated Overlords such as Alastor. Furthermore, Charlie was able to successfully block a punch from an angered Adam, much to the surprise of Adam.

Ars Goetia

The third most powerful royal family behind the Von Eldritch and Morningstars, the Goetia are royalty and a very dangerous family. Having immense power and the ability to travel to the human world, the Goetia are noted as Lucifer's most prized heralds and servants. Goetia spectate the human world and study it to inform Lucifer of the goings on. Their primary objective involves upholding the equilibrium of the seven rings while viewing and protecting the mortal realms such as earth. Say it with me now! Charlie should upscale via being higher on the hierarchy.

Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins serve as the top dogs in whichever ring of Hell they may embody. They are implied to have been kicking since Hell’s creation, so they are naturally extremely powerful. Which is evident since they are only below the Morningstar family themselves, due to being below the Morningstars, Charlie would naturally scale.

Lucifer Morningstar (debatable)

Big poppa, father to Charlie and the original sinner, creator of Hell and its system, a goofy little guy responsible for everything we see in the series. The most powerful character shown in the entirety of Hazbin and Helluva possessing immense power, love for his daughter and love for creation of ducks and expression of creativity (Take that, depression!).

However, the scaling may not be that clear cut. To put it simply, Lucifer is blatantly above Charlie, he’s the top of the food chain for a reason. Not only is Lucifer above Charlie on the hierarchy but both of their showings against Adam makes this gap in power very clear. Charlie may be able to physically contend with Adam, but Adam was actually giving Charlie a run for her money. Compare this to Lucifer, who defeated Adam with relative ease and was even messing with Adam in their fight, trying to piss him off. Charlie might be Lucifer’s daughter so there is a possibility she may downscale, but ultimately that’s up to personal interpretation. So take this scaling with a grain of salt.


Finn & Jake

The indelible heroic brother duo of Ooo themselves. Marceline has had innumerable encounters and convened meetings with Finn and Jake. Whether it’s on perilous adventures or butting heads, and has consistently proven to be physically stronger than them. From overpowering them on several occasions and fighting evenly with the Vampire King and his court who have trampled Finn and Jake constantly. Suffice to say Marceline is easily comparable to any feats of theirs.

Simon Petrikov

Marceline’s adoptive father hailing all the way back from the pre Great Mushroom War Era. Simon Petrikov was a reputable and ambitious archeologist who conducted extensive research and expeditions into mythical artifacts. Eventually discovering the Ice Crown in Scandinavia which greatly worsened his mental state, overtime succumbing to it and becoming the Ice King. Marceline herself has shattered Ice King’s ice, dodged his blasts and is comparable to Finn and Jake who have routinely bested Ice King numerous times.

Elemental Princesses 

No fantasy series would be complete without the four elements, fire, ice candy and slime. Since life began on Earth, four elementals would embody these elements and reincarnate through a cycle of life and death eventually reaching the modern day through several princesses after Patience St. Pim reemerged and subsequently altered all of Ooo from super charging all of them. Marceline has shown to be more powerful than Bubblegum with her candy elemental, as seen against GOLB’s monster, and fought on par with Fire Elemental Flame Princess. So Marceline should be comparable.

Flame Princess

The princess of the Fire Kingdom with searing power to match. While direct interactions between them are sparse, Marceline has proven to be comparable. When Flame Princess had been bolstered significantly by becoming the Fire Elemental, Marceline had taken several direct blows with little harm and wrestled evenly with her while not fighting seriously. Further corroborated by Marceline damaging the GOLB corrupted Gumball Guardian, who was impervious to Flame Princess’s fire. 


The Vampire King and his inner circle of vampires. They were the most dangerous threats to humans following the Great Mushroom War, prompting Marceline to hunt and kill every last one before Vampire King left behind his parting bite mark. Marceline has defeated them consecutively in the past and had done so again when they returned to the modern day. She had also held her own against Vampire King, fighting evenly with him multiple times and even surviving his removed vampiric essence detonating before absorbing it all back into herself. Meaning Marceline is certainly scalable to them.

Hunson Abadeer

The ruler of the Nightosphere, primordial entity predating existence and consumer of fries. While Marceline isn’t as strong as Hunson going all out she has fought to the death with him on several occasions and proved to not be far behind. She’d also likely be his equal or at least relative to her father while wearing the Nightosphere Amulet as it contains a good portion of his power.

The Lich

The ineluctable end of everything, the ceaseless wheel and the last scholar of GOLB. The Lich is a primordial entity predating all of existence with the sole purpose of bringing about the end of all life. While Marceline is likely below his maximum power, Finn as early as season 2 has endured Lich’s magic and physically bested him. And has only continued this as the series progressed, meaning Marceline should be on par.


Lying beyond Ooo to the final frontier and even predating it entirely. Orgalorg is another one of the primordial monsters who have existed before time and existence itself. From his countless upheavals across space he would become known as the breaker of worlds. He would eventually attempt to steal the power of the Catalyst Comet before being casted down by Mars’s guardian Grob Gob Glob Grod. Eventually being crushed and compressed into the penguin Gunter. Finn managed to tear Orgalorg apart while Grob Gob Glob Grod casted him down with one strike. Magic Man has been able to incapacitate his brother Glob in the past and Marceline has harmed him with an elbow strike facilitating her scaling to them.


The infamous sky witch, Maja is a sadistic and powerful magic user who purchased Marceline’s prized teddy bear Hambo from her crummy ex Ash. She then subsequently channeled its residual sentimental energy to enact a hostile attack on the Candy Kingdom ending in her comatose state. While they don’t directly fight Marceline has thrashed around her crabbit familiar who can withstand relentless magical zaps from Maja. Coupled with comparability to even more powerful magic users should put Marceline in the same ballpark.

The Deaths

Death. Straight up. The inexorable aspect of reality taken by several to continue the timeless role. It initially began with Death before being killed and inherited by his son New Death, and subsequently taken by Mr. Fox after accidentally killing him. While ordinarily unable to be affected by Finn and Jake, they were able to harm New Death with the stick of life showing comparability in physicality. Marceline should be comparable for being superior to Finn and Jake. 

Cosmic Entities

Overseers of time, space, and dimensions. One of them is the wish master Prismo who resides in the time room existing outside of time and all universes. Able to grant any wish and shift the paradigm of existence. Another is Scarab the god auditor who attends to ensuring all cosmic entities stay under jurisdiction. Scarab would overpower and seal away Prismo in a cube after seeing him violate cosmic law from creating an unauthorized universe. Fionna and Cake as well as several others across the multiverse match and overwhelm Scarab. Therefore Marceline should be comparable from being stronger than Finn and Jake.



Despite her status as the princess of Hell, Charlie is far from perfect. First and foremost, Charlie is a pacifist above all else, typically playing on the defensive. Whilst she is capable of fighting, Charlie would rather talk things out over cupcakes before throwing a punch. She also shares a common weakness with other sinners and angels as despite being hard to kill via conventional means, any angelic weaponry is capable of putting them down for good. 


Like most vampires, Marceline has quite a few weaknesses to keep her from being totally unbeatable. And again like most vampires, she shares quite a few of them. The most apparent is her incineration and death in the sun, but she can also be killed by wooden stakes to the heart. She will lose control of her vampire form if she doesn’t get a consistent supply of red, and as she states and is later proven true, “vampires can’t beat ghosts”. (Casper victim?)

Before the Verdict

Do Angelic Weapons have Durability Negation?

An argued ability that folks try to argue for the weapons made out of angelic steel are them being capable of bypassing durability to immediately land a finishing blow. There are a few instances in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss that are used to back these arguments up:

  1. Niffty was capable of killing Adam with an angelic knife, despite being the weakest sinner in the Hotel.

  2. Cannibals were able to hold off and even kill exterminators with several angelic weapons, despite them believing even before the extermination day that they were unstoppable and unharmable.

  3. Striker was able to harm Stolas with an angelic knife, despite the former being several tiers lower in the hierarchy.

While they do sound convincing, there are issues to be acknowledged. Starting off with Niffty being capable of killing Adam, it’s really easy to say that it wasn’t because of durability negation, and mostly because of the fact that Adam took the most painful beatdown of his life by Lucifer before being stabbed. He was visibly incredibly hurt, and it doesn’t help at all that Niffty’s stab was something out of guard that he didn’t see coming. 

As for the cannibals successfully fighting off the angels, as established in the scaling section, angels don't actually have a definitive power level. Angels are likely “unharmable” in the same way Sinners are as angels are just people who went to Heaven instead of Hell. It’s likely “unstoppable” means they can’t be killed by conventional means akin to sinners. What makes angels so unstoppable is not due to their physical power, but their access to angelic weapons in the first place, compared to most of Hell which don’t have access to such.

Striker harming Stolas is definitely the most interesting feat out of the bunch, but it’s very likely Stolas wasn’t at peak performance in the moment. The angelic ropes Stolas was tied to not only nullified his magical powers but also seemed to make him a lot weaker as well, Stolas was incapable of breaking out of the ropes upon being entangled in them. This is important to note as angelic objects seemingly have the durability of regular objects, shown as when Striker had his angelic guns broken by Millie (someone leagues below Stolas too).

One could make the argument that Striker’s weapons are only “bless tipped” and not angelic. However, blessed tipped weapons are seemingly only different from angelic weapons by name alone. As bless tipped weapons are similarly capable of killing both demons and angels, and their visual design implies they’re also made of angelic steel. So for someone as powerful as Stolas to be incapable of breaking out of mere rope despite his immense power seems odd, unless there was another factor at play. So, overall, it’s more consistent to say that these weapons do not possess the ability to ignore durability.

Lucifer’s Feats

Assuming you still scale Charlie to her father, there are two impressive feats to take a look at: Lucifer creating all of creation alongside some angels, and especially the creation of Hell. These two are pretty straightforward to talk about. While yes, you can argue Lucifer did have the power to create Earth, anything above that is pretty risky to assume, more so when you take into consideration that not only it involved several Angels to make all of creation, but it also took a vague amount of time to do so, meaning it’s quite not reliable.

To Lucifer being the responsible for the creation of Hell, this doesn’t exactly correspond to his attack potency, because Hell was actually a chain reaction from Lucifer’s own sins, that so created the realm, so it wasn’t something that he did with his own physical or magical might.

Is Adam’s Light actually Light?

In the final battle, we can see many displays of Adam shooting light projectiles as an attack, Adam even refers to it as “holy light”. Few characters were able to react or dodge his attacks, which would make Hazbin Hotel’s faster than light speeds more consistent, right? Well, not exactly, because, well, the light that Adam shoots is likely to not actually be light, and we can see it many times throughout the episode. 

For starters, Adam’s light has many instances of clearly showing to have force, notable examples include these three blasts of light that he fires, all of which kick up debris as a result. He fired another light blast before that kicked up a very notable amount of debris, his light also broke Alastor's microphone in two along with causing visible damage to the hotel, and even Adam’s feat of splitting the Hotel kicked up visible debris on the Hotel’s roof. With all this evidence showing that the light clearly possesses force, it’s pretty easy to conclude that Adam’s holy “light” is light only by name.

Overall, Adam’s light does not share many of the properties of actual light. Making it pretty easy to discard.

“Just Look My Way” Stolas’ Feats

In one of Helluva Boss’ music videos, Stolas, in his emotional turmoil, enters a starry room and does some pretty impressive things. He flies around stars, moves constellations, planets, and others. This leads to many arguments based on this song, since they’re much higher than anything the verse offers otherwise. Unfortunately, it’s fake. It’s very clearly a daydream from Stolas’ perspective. He starts in his room, before he starts singing and such. When the song ends, he’s back in his room, with no signs of movement from his seat. It’s also backed up by the imagery, which clearly reflects his inner turmoil rather than anything he’d literally be doing. In conclusion, any feats using Stolas from this song can be disregarded since they’re not real.

Adventure Time Media Clarification

As you have noticed this blog has utilized feats and information from all major pieces of Adventure Time media. From the show, comics, video games, encyclopedia and Enchiridion. So it’s important to lay down the groundwork in regard to canonicity. For Adventure Time the show is naturally the primary canon, everything from the initial shows run to the Distant Lands specials to Fionna and Cake are all canon.

The comics essentially are considered non canon as while they do try to stay as faithful to the main show as possible any subsequent episode could contradict an individual issue which official writers have gone on record clarifying. Some sequel series such as season 11 and Simon and Marcy are entirely non canon as they contradict the official continuations of the show and have story elements that are irreconcilable (such as Betty being separated from GOLB at the end of Simon and Marcy). The primary exceptions to all of this are the Spooktacular series and Islands graphic novel as they directly correspond to storylines and mini series in the show.

The Adventure Time Encyclopedia written by Martin Olson has some notable contradictions due to being written early in the show’s lifespan (such as Marceline knowing how to fly as a kid when she wouldn’t obtain this until after she began staking vampires). And with no official input from the writers that leaves its canonicity in a dubious state.

The Enchiridion and Marcy’s Super Secret Scrapbook is a bit more nebulous. While no official statements have been made it does adhere to the main show quite well for the most part and introduced elements that the show would later adopt such as parts of Marceline’s past that were yet unexplored and the vamps. Though due to when it was written some certain elements get contradicted by later installments in the show. So ultimately while it’s up in the air in exact specifics it can be taken as credible extension of the main AT lore though if the show contradicts any aspect of it it’s version of events will be the primary canon.

All of this said for the purposes of this blog we have taken every major piece of AT media into account within reason. While exact canonicity status is defunct or questionable for some, they are for the most part still congruent with the main narrative and world established and as long as it’s not egregiously out of place or irreconcilable it will be taken into account. Moreover the majority of included feats and information addressed for Marceline are relatively consistent with general power and portrayals she typically has in the main canon. Some even well corroborated or add miscellaneous additions that are not innately contradictory.

All in all as long as it’s not entirely irreconcilable any relevant piece of AT media is on the table for the purposes of evaluating Marceline.

Infinite Speed Adventure Time?

Does it really have to be him?

In Distant Lands, Tiffany is able to teleport Jake’s family out of the blast zone of a New Death’s gangs’ Dead World destroying blast right before it engulfs them. These blasts, as stated, destroy Dead Worlds, which are stated by Death to be infinite in size. Since Tiffany needs to move to use his teleporter, he would be moving faster than an infinite speed blast, he needs to be infinite speed, and everyone scales to him since he’s an extremely low tier in terms of the verse’s power chain. Done deal, right?

To start, there isn’t much evidence that the blast deals damage to people to begin with. While the scene plays out, Finn is standing on a platform, and he is completely unaffected, not even noticing it happened until after. One of the shots also implies Joshua and Margaret are also fully engulfed in the blast before Tiffany teleports them away, as well as another scene in the episode showing New Death’s goons being completely engulfed by their own blast as well, then being fine immediately after.

This both shows that Tiffany didn’t need to teleport them away since they wouldn’t be damaged by it in any way, but that evidence points to Joshua, Margaret, and Jermaine all being caught in the blast radius before Tiffany could do anything. However, to clarify, this does not change the legitimacy of attack potency from destroying the Dead Worlds, since they would still need infinite energy to span an infinite distance in a short time.

Tl;dr, Tiffany didn’t actually need to and likely didn’t teleport the family away from the blast, so it probably isn’t correct.

The Cosmic Imagination

In essence the Cosmic Imagination is the totality of the Adventure Time multiverse underpinned by its unique stratums that ensues the formation of existence. Before time or anything existed, everything was a disarrayed sea of primordial monsters that encapsulated everything. Before they came to an agreement on the state of reality leading to the birth of the multiverse. Instead of a conventional existence where consciousness is derived from reality, the Cosmic Imagination is sustained by the ubiquitous experiences and perceptions of every being in all of reality. Making the foundation of everything a collectively shared consciousness that encompasses everything that persists. That’s why if every living thing died, the multiverse would blink away as there would be no one left to perceive it. Because of this the Cosmic Imagination gives way to a paradoxically sentient multiverse that enables every existential component such as space, time and magic.

Since reality is mental in nature, magic is initiated by the user channeling their own mental aptitude to dole out their own gnostic arts. Fundamentally allowing any magic user to create or destroy as they wish by tapping into the Cosmic Imagination. This also innately made the world liable to intrinsic mythical attributes, such as the world’s elasticity affecting its affinity for magic, travel between dimensions superseding their previous thresholds that delineated them and Amok Time, a phenomenon that reverses causality and mixes the past and future, showing visions of the future at a previous point in time

Even entire universes can be the result of someone else’s dreams, cultivating them into reality. Should the dreamer awaken this causes the aforementioned reality to collapse. In other words the Adventure Time multiverse is composed of infinite realities all serried in conjunction with one another. On top of countless diverging timelines and substrates of these existences that coalesce with one another. All meld together by its consciousness that’s consolidated by the collective experiences of every living being that exists across all universes. So as a result of it’s mental composition while most are unaware of the true nature it possesses, if one fully harness the Cosmic Imagination, they effectively have the capability to control all reality and determine the fate of the multiverse, whether by allowing it to live on or remaking it entirely to reborn it anew in a inexorable cycle that’s persisted since the beginning of everything.

Who is “The Reader”?

Continuing from our Enchiridion section, the book appears to abruptly shift to the POV of an unidentified “Reader” character said to be the original writer of the Enchiridion, who has been living through an unknown number of ten thousand-year time loops to stave off the destruction of the multiverse, before switching to Marceline’s old scrapbook. The scrapbook section of the book also suddenly ends on a nearly identical, rainbow-colored swirling whirlpool of the book’s contents into the Cosmic Imagination. Now most people assume this is just a quirk of the Enchiridion: that one can access the Cosmic Mind just by possessing the book and that us as irl readers are this “Reader” character, and kid Marcy might’ve just stumbled upon this aspect of the book.

However hints throughout the book clue us in on that we are reading through the POV of a very specific character. For one, it's established that this edition of the Enchiridion contains a Magical Texting App from Hunson that allows readers of the book to message one another in real time, and later on the book goes out of its way to kick out Finn and Jake from reading further so that it can talk to "The Reader” alone. This implies that the last chapter of the book isn’t some past retelling we’re reading, but is presently happening to someone at the same time as the main events of Adventure Time. Another hint we have to the identity of “The Reader” is their recollection of a relative with a birthday cake and their childhood dog, both long passed away. Among all the present readers of the book we see texting on the sides there’s only one character this could be referring to, given we later see pictures of the aforementioned cake and pet dog in her scrapbook.

That’s right, “The Reader” is none other than Marceline herself! Need more proof? Let's compare both Cosmic Imagination scenes… They’re the exact same swirl, just flipped upside down! Marcy in another scene in her scrapbook even describes having entered the Cosmic Imagination in her dreams, and the entire scrapbook section in the first place is only accessible to Marceline. And looking at things from a meta standpoint, this book was written by Martin and Olivia Olson; a father-daughter pair with Martin having written the Adventure Time Encyclopedia and Olivia being Marceline’s voice actress.

So it should be safe to say that Marceline is The Reader and, in a past life, the original writer of the Enchiridion (or at least this specific edition of it). Given what the book is capable of when interacting with Marcy specifically, she would have access to the Central Time Room and the potential to access the Cosmic Imagination, though whether she could do so consciously or needs to be unconscious is up for debate. The book is sentient after all and it could intervene in the fight, but regardless if it doesn’t it’s still worth clarifying for her maximum possible potential, i.e. Multi+ time & reality warping hax via the Central Time Room & Cosmic Imagination.



Being the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and heir to the throne of Hell, Charlie is naturally gifted and powerful due to her heritage. Her place on the hierarchy of Hell allows her to upscale basically any feat performed by characters lower than her, such as Vox causing a power outage across all of Hell or Stolas moving planets. Not to mention her battle against Adam, where she was able to contend with one of Heaven’s most powerful Angels in combat, when even a powerful Overlord like Alastor was forced to retreat and almost died. Adam was, with a single holy blast, able to level the hotel and leave a deep crater in its wake. With some leniency, arguments could also be made for Charlie being able to downscale from Lucifer, who created all of Hell in the first place!

Unfortunately, this absolutely pales in comparison to Marceline’s attack power. While you could argue Stolas’ moving planets to destroy a star is debatable, since his telekinesis is in other occasions portrayed as having a blue aura, and not purple, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. Characters she’s casually overpowered like Finn have done things like survive an exploding 4-dimensional black hole, and characters he’s beaten like New Death’s minions have destroyed Dead Worlds, which are infinite planes of existence.

Even if you were to scale Charlie to Lucifer, even if he did create hell with his raw strength, and each ring of hell was its own universe, those would still be finite. And unfortunately, normal numbers won’t cut it. If you were to disregard these feats and use the lower ends of Marceline’s feats, cutting the leeway would also work against Charlie, whose scaling feat of Stolas destroying stars is contentious in its own right, arguably more so than Marceline’s higher ends. At that point, it would be Flame Princess being capable of destroying earth against things like Vox causing a city-wide blackout, which is still in favor of the Vampire Queen.

Moving onto speed, Charlie’s highest is scaling to Stolas moving away from an exploding star at 15 times the speed of light at max. Impressive to be sure, but still less than Finn reacting to transportation to Mars, which is 62 times the speed of light. More than 4 times faster than Charlie’s fastest. And while it was discussed and disregarded in the before verdict section, it should be noted that Marceline can be argued to possibly much higher speeds that her opponent simply has no answer to, while Charlie will always be slower, no matter what ends you use. So really, it’s more a matter of how much faster you want Marcy to be rather than who’s more impressive. In conclusion, Marceline takes strength to a literal infinite degree, while speed is still in her favor, but by a significantly less absurd margin.

Arsenal & Abilities

Charlie does have a sizable arsenal to call upon when fighting. Not only are her Angelic weapons incredibly potent and able to kill even Angels, but her magical power can be helpful as well if she chooses to use it. Pyrokinesis, teleporting, shapeshifting, and portals to help with her mobility. Charlie is certainly not left wanting when it comes to options in a fight, and she even has assistance from Razzle and Dazzle as well! Throw in some potentially potent regeneration to keep her going in a fight and she has a wide variety of options to keep any opponent on their toes. However, again, she gets majorly outclassed by Marceline. 

For arsenal, while the angelic spear is arguably a potential win condition, so is Marceline’s amulet granting Hunson Abadeer’s abilities of BFR, transmutation, and mind manipulation to name a few. So while even if Charlie’s spear it could kill Marceline, it’s still one melee option to win against several that could be used from a distance.

In terms of abilities, all the options Charlie has such as shapeshifting, pyrokinesis, necromancy, invisibility, portals, and soul-based hax are trumped by Marceline’s abilities affecting much more powerful characters at a much higher scale. For example, while Charlie has Lucifer’s ability of shapeshifting and transforming her body for combat, Marceline is able to morph her body to become near completely untouchable by turning into mist or growing to the size of buildings in her enraged form.

While Charlie could potentially gain control over Marceline’s soul through a deal, Charlie has never done so in the series, and Marcy has no reason to accept one, while she could always suck out and absorb Charlie’s soul when she pleases. Mind control is another win condition. While Marcy’s ability to raise the dead means she isn’t outnumbered and given the stat gap, are likely more useful than Razzle and Dazzle, weird as it is.

Another big factor is her healing factor (ha). It means that she can always almost always heal from any damage Charlie can dish out and then some, while the Morningstar has much less room for error compared to Marcy. She can clearly still be damaged by other characters like Adam without the need for holy weapons or light, and Marcy has a workaround by absorbing her soul. Marceline doesn’t have a direct counter or resistance to death manipulation, but Charlie has never used it before and likely wouldn’t before Marceline uses any of her cavalcade of options.

Additionally, Charlie’s demonic form doesn’t offer much in the form of combat, besides letting her fight to begin with, while Marceline has actual utility in hers. All of this ignores the fact that Marceline could potentially access the cosmic imagination, which would just completely shut down anything Charlie would have by instantly killing her.

Tertiary Factors

It must be noted that, while Charlie has a wide variety of possible magical abilities at her fingertips, while she has the power to contend with Adam or the potential to match her father, Charlie HATES using violence in any way, shape, or form.To add salt to the wound, Charlie has never showcased most of the magical abilities she may be capable of using, yet alone in combat. She also isn't fully comfortable calling upon her demonic heritage even in a life or death fight. During the battle for the Hotel, it took the death of Sir Pentious to finally get her to transform into her full demonic form, despite having been fighting for a long time beforehand.

Furthermore, despite having lived for hundreds of years, Charlie has spent almost none of it that we know of fighting, or even training to fight. Or even mastering the possible magical capabilities she has. She will always want to try and talk problems through and make friends before resorting to violence, even when faced with possible violence herself. And in a fight to the death, these hesitations can be a big problem.

This comes in contrast with Marceline, who has been fighting for over a millennia against a very large variety of foes. Humans, aliens, vampires, demons, zombies, candy monsters, armies of all listed, and much, much more. Her combat experience and skill is extremely high, even in the universe of Adventure Time where nearly every character is a fierce warrior in their own right. Compared to the pacifist, the difference is night and day.


"I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you."


  • Angelic spear would bypass Marceline’s immortality

  • Demon magic grants many similar abilities

  • Death manipulation could kill Marceline…

  • Could destroy Marceline’s soul if a deal is made…

  • Pocket glitter ong

  • Really fucking good songs


  • FAR weaker and slower, making the angelic spear unreliable

  • Less combat experience

  • …But has never used it before, so it’s unlikely it would come into play fast enough

  • …but Marceline has no reason to accept one

  • A lack of money, since her songs needed 50 bands

"Everything repeats over and over again. No one learns anything because no one lives long enough to see the pattern, I guess."


  • Takes the stat trinity by a mile

  • Better soul-based abilities

  • Has a more useful or potent version of nearly all of Charlie’s abilities

  • Many abilities could instantly end the fight

  • Far more combat experience

  • Really fucking good songs

  • Bi icon 


  • Can possibly be killed by the angelic spear

  • Death manipulation would likely be able to kill her

  • No direct answer to a couple of Charlie’s hax

  • Cartoon Network censorship

    • Seriously guys did it really take 10 seasons to get a lesbian kiss in this show it was clearly hinted at for YEARS they just outright said it after a certain point Cartoon Network is really not beating the alleg-

All in all, this is pretty clear cut. Marceline takes the stat trinity by a massive margin, has more abilities, and more potent & versatile versions of Charlie’s. Her arsenal also majorly outclasses Hell’s Princess, with her potential win condition in her spear possibly not even being able to pierce Marceline’s body, the other in death manipulation never being used by her… ever. ever. Put that on top of a massive experience and skill gap, and Lucifer’s daughter is going to Hell. Or double Hell, I guess. Or Heaven? Holy glob this sucks. The winner is Marceline.

Final Tally

Charlie Morningstar (1) - TheMasterShowman

Marceline Abadeer (13) - Js250476, ishi_yuki, AdamTheMango, Yulthedoof, TheCardinalKing, greymerlion2, VampyreNVRmore, DiscountGinger, Coach Boomer, Gamer Brutality, therealcalhoward, Tru, Hyperstarman

Next Time…


  1. Damn that next time is hype, never expected a Morgoth blog

  2. This was really well made. I had a fun time reading this. It was quite an *adventure*, these blogs surely aren't made by any *hazbins*.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My new favorite blog from you guys. Thank you as always for Peak!

  5. Replies

    2. I would say that mordecai and rigby winn high diff because they can match up with finn and jake and have better hacks

  6. Excellent blog as always guys and maybe I'm just out of the loop but why Sinestro and Morgoth? Not hating I just don't see the immediate connections. Why not Morgoth VS. Khorne? Or Sinestro VS. Loki?

    1. Over on Reddit one of the blog members basically confirmed that this whole wave of blogs was themed around MU’s no one, or very few people had thought of before.

    2. May I have a link? I've always wanted to follow the blog memebers more frequently but don't know how.


  7. Nice blog, I didn't personally like Marceline being comparable to people like Prismo and Scarab, who are both above the Lich, who's above Marceline, also the Lich isn't a primordial monster like Orgalorg, there's no proof of that in the show

  8. Kinda surprised you didn't mention Charlie's Broadway Force, which she demonstrates mostly in the pilot granted, but still. Also, I don't think assuming she has all the abilities of any demon under her makes sense, since that's not really how the Hellaverse portrays demons (they seem fairly unique in terms of power set), but, eh, not like it helped her much. I'm also not sure how much I buy Marcy scaling to Prismo and Scarab. Even scaling to the Lich seems like a stretch, barring tapping into Hudson's power. But, still, even lowballing is way above any Charlie can do. In general, I think it's maybe a bit early to do Charlie, since we've only seen her fight once, espescially aganist Marcy who has a whole multimedia universe worth of feats. Still, don't let any of that diminish the effort put in: This was a really fun one, and it's neat looking over how bonkrs Adventure Time gets.

  9. Since death battle is not gonna do it's season 11 this year could you do a blog on the following
    Sackboy VS maxwell (little big planet vs scribblenauts)
    Diavolo vs overhaul (Jojo bizarre adventure vs my hero academia)
    Shulk vs lightning farron (xenoblade chronicles vs final fantasy)
    Kiana vs Noël vermillon (honkai impact 3rd vs blazblue)
    Also if you planned to do a blog on galacta knight pit him against omega zero from megaman please

  10. I am utterly unconvinced with any and all talk of Charlie being pressumed as capable of emulating and upscaling off everything which the rest of the demonic cast of characters do when we're pretty cleanly shown that abilities of the hellish upper castes don't overtly overlap. Sinners and demons alike who for whatever reason have cultivated power in some way are expressing personal qualities through how their emerging powers manifest...Or something. The exact hows and whys of this stuff are less pertinent to know here then the simple fact that clearly the demons have different powers from each other. In no way should I be made to expect charlie should be able to travel along wire systems as Vox does or have a same capacity for lustful magics as Asmodeus. Alister's wilting of the flower i'd sooner believe has as much (likely more tbh) to do with his human life's past as a serial killer and his association to carrion and death more broadly then witherinng being a universal hellish ability that raises linearly with power for anyone.

    Stolas's suite of spells takes a bit more involved reading to really clue in about. Stolas in the real Ars Goetia is summarized as a teacher of in astronomy and has further knowledge of plants and stones. While taking the shape of an owl. In short he's entirely typecasted as what today we'd consider an astronomy focused wizard or sorcerer-type character, he's lanky as a twig and the kind of guy who 'likes' reading a long legal contract. Guy is deeply invested in magic and astronomy as an aesthetic is often paired with scrying which tracks with the astrology theming about him. THAT is a lot more of the reason Stolas could do those Clairvoyance feats then just the fact that he's a goetia. Otherwise Asmodeus who might i remind you all is a 'higher' rank of the demon Goetia could have done the same thing to keep tabs on fizz...even though Stoas also didn't use that magic either in that epsode either or indeed Charlie herself could have done it once or twice to kill a lot of plot.

    None of this especially matters of course since it's not like any of it changes the outcome but it was still grinding my gears to see charlie's abilities list go on and on with their paragraphs start off with "Powerful demons like X can" and "High ranking demons like X can" when like, yeah 'they' can, but it's 'they' as in ' that one guy specifically' can do that.
