Saturday 8 August 2020

Death Battle Predictions: Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia




(Phantom Falcon)





And now with DBX and our own mid-season break blogs all wrapped up, it's time we return to our regularly scheduled program.

There are a lot of gods foretold in many religions around the world. They are often incomprehensibly powerful beings that mere men don’t even deserve to gawk at. Egypt in particular was the religion that had many gods with different roles. From Anubis, god of the dead, to Bat, a… cow goddess. But one god in particular was known as the evil rival to the sun god Ra himself. The God of Destruction, Apep (Apophis). Many characters in fiction today have earned this threatening title where both heroes and villains alike fear their very name alone. And with the mid season return of Death Battle near, it is truly a Battle of Gods for this unique and destructive matchup. 

Beerus, Universe 7’s gluttonous God of Destruction from Dragon Ball. Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Moon’s Sailor of Destruction and ruler of Shadow Galactica. We’ve known Beerus was due for a Death Battle since last year’s finale, but his many worthy foes eluded us. Until the season finale of Death Race, where all doubts and hopes were crushed or validated. It’s the battle of sphinx and Cleopatra. They have killed trillions and obliterated galaxies or planets without batting an eye, albeit for different reasons. The fighters are gonna have to give it their all for a change, and find out which egotistical fearsome destroyer of worlds reigns supreme. Will Beerus be able to hakai the Star Galaxia, or will the Sailor Scout of Destruction punish the Beers from existence? 

A Heads Up from Ya Bois

Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon each have various canonicites, each with their own contradictions. For this matchup, the Dragon Ball Super anime and the original Sailor Moon manga will be our primary sources of analysis. 

The Super manga and the Sailor Moon anime shows will be included for extra and supporting information. This also includes the movies as long as they are official canon and affect the stories of their main series, such as Dragon Ball Super: Broly. 



“Before any creation must come destruction!”

The world of Dragon Ball has many, many gods. Some are kind and benevolent, while others are cruel and unforgiving. Some invoke fear, others...not so much. And some are tasked with creating life, while others are to destroy it. 

One such God of Destruction, or GoD, is Beerus, easily the most feared god of his kind. He rules over Universe 7 of the Dragon Ball multiverse, and as such his task is to destroy any planets and races under his authority that threaten the progressive development of U7. 

But titles can be deceiving. A “God of Destruction” may sound like a no-nonsense guy who’s honor-bound to necessary order, but he’s really a lazy, gluttonous, and petty kind of guy. He’ll judge planets based on how much he likes the food, and destroy them for a mere hint of disrespect towards him. He’s even blown up half a planet simply because he found their food too greasy and unhealthy despite how delicious it was. He’d much rather be eating and sleeping than deciding the fates of trillions. However, his kill count is still one beyond comprehension. 

Due to his immense power, he found his job pretty boring. Beerus could never find a fun challenge worth his time, as all who opposed him weren’t even comparable to his ability. That is, until he was told of a “Super Saiyan God”. Beerus was excited at the thought of a true battle, and went into a deep sleep for 39 years. 

After awakening from his slumber, Beerus and his angelic master/teacher Whis traveled the universe. Planets were destroyed and food was served. Soon enough, Beerus learns that there were a few surviving Saiyans from the genocide long ago, and so he made his way to Earth. 

A string of unfortunate events ensued, including Earth’s Z fighters challenging (and losing to) Beerus, enraging him enough to wanna blow up the planet. The day was saved, however, by the Super Saiyan God himself, Son Goku. An epic fight took place, but the sphinx proved too much for even the Saiyan, and the Earth was doomed...until Beerus fell asleep and Whis took him back home. 

Since then, Beerus has mostly mellowed out, thanks in part to the impressive battle with Goku. Earth is safe and sound, though Beerus doesn’t really care most of the time. As long as he gets to eat, sleep, and be treated like the Lord he is, all is well. Who cares if Frieza wants to kill everybody? If the ice cream keeps coming, then he’ll make sure at least some lives are spared. But disrespect a God of Destruction and, well, you know exactly what’s coming your way. 

Sailor Galaxia

“This is the body of the most powerful soldier in the galaxy, Sailor Galaxia!”

Sailor Galaxia is a cosmically powerful destructive force feared by the entire Milky Way, but before that, she was just, well, Galaxia. Galaxia was born alone on a planet that she could only describe as a nightmare. Every day of her life was spent wandering in solitude, feeling as if both herself and the hellish planet she was prisoner to were “trash”. 

Galaxia seemed resigned to living in loneliness, until one day, without warning, her powers as a Sailor Scout, a guardian chosen by the planet they lived on, awakened. Even this newfound power, through which she could escape this living abyss, was not enough for her however. The desolate landscape had corrupted her view of the world, and she felt chosen by God with this sudden ascension, desiring to rise above the common trash of a mere ordinary Sailor Scout. She wanted the strongest power in the galaxy, she wanted control over the strongest planets, but above all she sought to find a planet worthy of her power, so she could take it for herself and finally attain ultimate strength. Wandering the Milky Way in search of this place, she grew frustrated with the garbage populating the cosmos, using her galactic power to bring swift ends to all planets unworthy of her. 

It was on one of these worlds she came across an otherworldly figure, a mystic who claimed to know the place from which stars are born. Unbeknownst to her, this was an avatar of the unknowable evil creature known simply as Chaos. Eager to gain the power she so desired, Galaxia heeded the creature’s word, and was guided to Sagittarius Zero Star and the Galaxy Cauldron contained within at the center of the galaxy. 

Now bearing knowledge of where she could find new power, Galaxia established the Galaxy Palace, a base to operate from, around the cauldron in the center of the cosmos. She realised that if she truly wanted to obtain the status of ruler of the universe, she needed to capture and harness the power of the Sailor Crystals contained within the countless other Sailor Scouts spread throughout the Milky Way. Creating an empire known as Shadow Galactica, she began mercilessly destroying planets across the galaxy, and convinced some of the many scouts whose worlds she had brought to an end to join her, promising them new bodies and entire celestial bodies to rule, all while snatching both the life and the Sailor Crystals of those who refused. She had risen above her past as a piece of common trash, and had become the Soldier of Destruction: Sailor Galaxia.

Galaxia has taken many innocent lives in her conquests. She didn’t blindly follow Chaos, however. She knew it planned to betray her, so she plotted on obtaining the Silver Crystal to defeat him. The owner of which was Sailor Moon herself. Galaxia messed with Usagi’s psyche as much as she could to bring out the dark potential in her, but ultimately did not succeed. Galaxia met her end when Chaos turned on her before she was saved by Moon. Seeing her purity, Galaxia lost her will to continue. Her bracelets killed her because she had found something worth protecting, and she died thinking Usagi was the brightest star in the universe. 



(Beerus carries no equipment)

Sailor Galaxia

Sapphire Seed

When a person is chosen to become a Sailor Scout, their Star Seed, a gem that acts as the life essence of every living thing in the universe (including whole planets), becomes a Sailor Crystal, which is what grants them their extraordinary power. Sailor Galaxia is no different of course. Her Sailor Crystal is known as the Sapphire Seed, which grants her the ability of destruction. The crystal is one of the most powerful in the universe and bears cataclysmic power, granting it the title of  “Crystal of Destruction”.


Galactica Bracelets

Galaxia’s main tools are her Galactica Bracelets, which can fire off powerful energy blasts. They can bestow the powers of a Sailor Senshi upon any who wear it as well. Removing the bracelets means instant death for the person wearing it, so Galaxia can use the bracelets to force loyalty from her soldiers. The bracelets also have the ability to deflect incoming energy projectiles - both energy based and magic based.


(Anime Exclusive)

In the anime, Galaxia possesses a sword imbued with evil power, which she has used to great effect against those who oppose her.



Hand-to-Hand Combat

Being somebody that has existed for hundreds of millions of years (with the occasional decade long sleep) Beerus has had more than enough time to hone his fighting skills under the tutelage of the angel, chef, and sometimes adviser Whis. So don’t let his lanky aspect fool you, this guy packs a deadly wallop, aside from the basic punches and kicks, dive-kicks, headbuts and even finger-flicking, Beerus uses his tail as another weapon in his arsenal. He also seems to have a pretty deep understanding of Pressure Point combat as he displayed it during his fight with the Z-Warriors, and when he one-shot SS3 Goku

Ki Manipulation

Like many characters in the Dragon Ball franchise, Beerus is able to manipulate his Ki perform various attacks and techniques. Ki, also known as “latent energy” or “Fighting Power” is the life force energy used by many Dragon Ball characters. Ki is a tangible energy inside every living being, by drawing it out, a skilled individual is able to control it and use it for many different techniques or also use it to increase their strength and durability. Godly Ki is far superior than regular Ki, and the godly Ki of a God of Destruction is fueled by their Energy of Destruction. Here are the various Ki-based techniques and attacks Beerus can do:

Power of Destruction

As a God of Destruction, Beerus has direct access to Energy of Destruction, which is the power to... destroy (duh) given shape. With it, Beerus can literally “erase” anything from existence. The people affected by this do not go to hell or heaven or any of that, they simply cease to exist entirely. It works on pretty much everything, whether it be living beings, entire cities, to dissipate energy attacks, turn objects into dust, or even non-corporeal beings like ghosts. If destroying your body and soul wasn’t enough, as it turns out the Hakai will just erase you out of the timestream as well, effectively removing you from all possible timelines unless you possess special resistances (Like Goku Black’s time ring).

If desired this energy can take the form of spheres which the user can create and manipulate at will, these destroy anything they come in contact with. Some users have even used it to surround themselves with it, kinda like a barrier that will erase anything that touches it. Although Beerus hasn’t displayed some of these abilities it’s very likely that he’s well acquainted with them due to his experience and power, he has even dissipated such attacks before. The only thing that the Energy of Destruction doesn’t seem to work on are immortals (he even states this himself in the manga), though this is a separate continuity, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, if the opponent is strong enough, they can survive or outright nullify the effects of the Hakai, even being able to control it and redirect it like Golden Frieza did once

Superhuman Senses

Due to being some sort of cat god, Beerus possesses superhuman senses of smell and hearing like normal cats would have. With his long ears, Beerus is able to overhear people even if they are far away from him and whispering. For example, in the Battle of Gods movie, Beerus was able to overhear Yamcha and Oolong's plan on how Oolong will beat Beerus at Rock-Paper-Scissors, which allowed Beerus to beat Oolong at the game. Beerus even points this out after winning against Oolong. As for Beerus’ sense of smell, it’s so great, he was able to smell the combination of all of Earth’s most delicious food all the way from his planet.

Ultra Instinct

While training Goku and Vegeta, Whis has stated that Beerus has been learning how to automatically react to any threat without the need to acknowledge it and defend himself. This is the working mechanism of Ultra Instinct. However, Whis has stated that Beerus hasn’t fully mastered the technique. This is shown in the Dragon Ball Super manga when Beerus was in a battle royale with the other Gods of Destruction.

Ultra Instinct is similar to the real life martial art concept known as Mushin, or Empty Mind. Mushin is a mental state that can be reached by Zen and Daoist meditators as well as highly trained martial artists during combat. Essentially, the user experiences a moment in which their body reacts without the need of any specific intentions or plans in mind, refined only to their instincts and intuition up to the point where they can respond to any threat without the need for thought. Hence Mushin’s full term being Mushin No Shin, or Mind Without Mind.


In Dragon Ball, Ultra Instinct is no different than Mushin No Shin but is highly referred to as a very rare and highly advanced mental state that even the gods have difficulty obtaining. As stated earlier, users with this mental state can automatically react to any threat without the need to acknowledge it and defend themselves. Their bodies can also move and adapt on their own while in battle, allowing users to attack and defend simultaneously without thinking. There’s an offensive and defensive variant of Ultra Instinct. To truly master Ultra Instinct, both variants must be obtained and learned. While the defensive variant (dodging and moving) is easy to master, the offensive variant (attack without thinking) is much more difficult due to fighters being inclined to think about their attacks before making them, resulting in the fighters being slowed down and their attacks weakened when performing the move.

Despite being highly regarded as a divine mental state, Ultra Instinct is achieved by mortals with Son Goku being the first mortal to enter this state as well as obtain the mastered version. However, mortals do receive a high drawback when it comes to obtaining Ultra Instinct. They can only sustain the sheer power of the ability for a short amount of time before their body breaks down from being pushed far beyond its limits, including a risk of death. However, deities such as Gods of Destruction and their angels receive no such drawback.

Overall, while Beerus hasn’t mastered Ultra Instinct, he’s still capable of utilising some of its properties. He has used it to dodge attacks from the likes of even other Gods of Destruction, but as Whis has stated, he still has more to learn.


Beerus can occasionally have prophetic dreams (although Whis states they are wrong more often than not). In terms of other miscellaneous abilities, he has immunity to poisons as well as having strong lung capacity. Beerus is also immune to joke characters and Toon Force.

Sailor Galaxia

Sailor Soldier Powers

As a Sailor Scout, Galaxia has several powers granted to her by her Sailor Crystal, which are shared between every scout in the galaxy.


Destruction is a fundamental balancing force in the universe, the opposite to the life and creation represented by the Silver Crystal. Galaxia’s Sapphire Seed allows her to harness this cosmic force for her own purposes. With a mere gesture, she can effortlessly destroy entire planets. More practically, however, she can rip the Star Seed of any living creature right out of their body, effectively disintegrating them and leaving only their life essence behind. This ability is in essence an instant kill against any being that has life, and she has utilised it to steal the Sailor Crystals of countless Sailor Soldiers across the galaxy.

Energy Manipulation

Sailor Scouts have the ability to manipulate their own energy and use it for different purposes, both offensive and defensive. Galaxia is no different and has various techniques that utilise this power to the fullest.

                                               Offensive Energy Manipulation

The following abilities listed are not powers Galaxia herself has used, but rather ones she has granted to the soldiers who follow her with the Galactica Bracelets. Given this fact, she should likely be able to use these abilities in combat as well.

                                              Defensive Energy Manipulation 


Animated GIF







Sailor Galaxia








While Beerus is one of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball franchise, it’s difficult to determine what his exact limits are. The only thing that we do know is that he’s weaker than the angels, Zeno’s royal guards, the Grand Priest, and Zeno himself.

Additionally, Beerus is extremely lazy. He prefers to eat and sleep rather than engage in a fight unless his interest is piqued or someone pisses him off. His gluttonous and lazy attitude and tendency to sleep for many, many years has affected his job as a God of Destruction (he judges planets based on how delicious their food is or if any of the locals pissed him off) and is part of the reason why Universe 7 has a low mortal level.

Beerus has a life link with the Supreme Kai of Universe 7 so if they die so will Beerus. Also, Beerus will forever be a low-tier in DragonBall FighterZ (“Malcolm Belmont mained Beerus in Dragon Ball FightersZ *cries*”).

Sailor Galaxia

Sailor Galaxia is, at her core, a lonely woman who craves power. While smart enough to not let her ego hinder her in battle, her constant obsession with seeking strength prevents her from accessing the full power of the Sailor Crystals, which are empowered by friendship and togetherness. Her bracelets are the source of her power and, if she ends up finding something she considers worth protecting and abandons her search for power, they will unlock and instantly destroy her, which is what ultimately killed her in-canon.

Additionally, if her bracelets are destroyed by an outside force, she will lose the source of her power. 



“I am a god with a heart… but there’s one thing I cannot tolerate… people who don’t pay proper respect to others.”


  • Superior in the stat trinity

  • Much more skilled

  • Likely more experienced 

  • Can nullify Galaxia’s energy attacks

  • Resistant to mental attacks

  • Resists Destruction

  • Cat


  • Less versatile

  • Galaxia could potentially steal his life essence and end the fight instantly 

  • More limited reserves

  • Hakai is resisted

  • Forever shit-tier in FigherZ (even after the buffs)

Sailor Galaxia

“Teamwork is a pitiful illusion! The only one you can rely on in this vast galaxy is yourself!”


  • More versatile

  • Can potentially steal Beerus’ life essence for an instant win

  • Larger pool of energy to draw from

  • Regeneration can help her heal from damage

  • Resists Hakai

  • Somehow our first Magical Girl rep and not Sailor Moon herself


  • Inferior in the stat trinity

  • Nowhere near as skilled

  • Likely less experienced

  • Her energy attacks can be nullified 

  • Her mental attacks are resisted

  • Destruction is resisted

  • Thotticus Maximus




The DeLorean and the Hachiroku surviving the last Death Race made me feel giddy in ways I didn’t know were possible. Eurobeat.

Anyway, welcome back after two whole months of dead air during the continuing existential nightmare that is this current pandemic. I see you all have aged tenfold since the year has started, some gracefully and others not so much. Also, close fights are a thing. Breathing is good. Milk and cookies make good ice cream.

Our resident favorite Hakaishin is in the house taking on a lass I’m sure most casual viewers didn’t see coming, but hey, Sailor Moon finally gets some play on the show, and when you compare this to most Beerus’ other opponents, Galaxia is probably the closest fight they could have gotten for him. We’re probably at the match which is potentially the tightest this season, as both Beerus and Galaxia have enough win conditions between the two of them that could make this go either way, so let’s outline what could happen off the bat.

At first glance, it seems like Beerus holds a lot of advantages that seem pretty obvious, and would actually be enough to decisively take down Galaxia without much effort. For starters, destructive capability and durability fall to him easily; Universe 7 being a collection of smaller universes that was threatened by Beerus’ battle against Super Saiyan God Goku already puts him on a power scale that Galaxia doesn’t exist on, even if her clashes against the likes of Eternal Sailor Moon put her on the same universe destroying level. He could potentially be as fast as Galaxia, but this is where some contention could come in regarding what’s accepted; some analysis could make Galaxia take the edge in speed, but overall, neither are blitzing the other. (I’ll get back to this later.)

Abilities-wise, they’ve good blow-by-blow counters for one another, but while Galaxia possesses the more versatile movelist, Beerus has the tools needed to overcome them. Galaxia can potentially BFR Beerus via teleporting him to another dimension, but Beerus can scale to weaker Dragon Ball characters who have done the same thing. Galaxia has mind hax, but Beerus has resistances to them. Galaxia can absorb energy, while Beerus can nully it altogether. While Galaxia has a wider range of projectile attacks, Beerus is by far the deadlier close-range combatant, and combined with his longer lifespan and fighting experience edges him out over Galaxia in those departments.

Their main destruction abilities though are where we find the one main win condition that shuts out Beerus from turning this into a stomp. See, Beerus’ Hakai and Galaxia’s Star Seed stealing would normally be one hit kills in any scenario, but it’s not quite clean cut here. Galaxia’s own resistances to existence erasure in addition to simply being within Beerus’ level means that she isn’t getting Hakai-d, and most interpretations of her being able to steel Beerus’ life essence actually see her netting a few wins, especially if you believe her to have the speed advantage that could let her one-shot Beerus from the fight’s start. That said, it’s possible to say (again) that Beerus could scale to the amount of times weaker Dragon Ball characters who’ve resisted the Hakai, and seeing as how he’s one of his verse’s god tiers, the argument can be made that he can resist Galaxia enough to win via the time-honored DBZ ritual of “i’ll kick the shit out of you with my bare fists”.

Tl;dr Galaxia might get her ass kicked by a cat. Here’s the last thing she’s likely gonna see:


(This would’ve been a more appropriate time for that Sailor Moon redraw meme)

Man, these two months felt really long. Luckily we did those 5 prediction blogs while waiting for Season 7 to resume. Of those 5 blogs, I took part in working on Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar and Frieza VS Megatron. If you want to know who I think wins those match-ups, click on the links to those blogs. And while I was very eager for Death Battle to come back from break, DBX and Death Race did keep me entertained during those 2 months. But now, Death Battle is back!

First off, I would like to say that I’m really glad Beerus isn’t fighting Jean Grey. It would’ve been boring as hell due to how overpowered she is, and it wouldn’t have been fun. And while I would’ve been fine with Hades from Saint Seiya, the God of the Underworld would’ve stomped Beerus. Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia is a perfect match-up for both characters because of how close the fight is as well as introducing a new franchise (Sailor Moon) into Death Battle. Now with the show back from break, let’s discuss this match-up.

In a battle of power, Lord Beerus has the advantage. Despite Sailor Galaxia having small amounts of screen time at the end of the Sailor Moon manga and anime, she has proven to be the strongest villain Usagi and others have faced. Previous villains weaker than Galaxia had been shown to be very powerful with one of them (Queen Nehelenia) being able to create a parallel universe. In addition, Galaxia rippled space-time that can even be felt in the 30th century.

However, the reason why Lord Beerus holds the power advantage is because of the Battle of Gods arc in the Dragon Ball Super anime. During that arc, his fight with Super Saiyan God Goku was threatening to destroy Universe 7. What’s unique about Universe 7 is that it’s a macrocosm, meaning that it contains multiple universes. These universes are the afterlife (Heaven & Hell), Outer Space (which is made up of galaxies and planets), and the Demon Realm. Beerus even negated the energy from his fight with Goku that would’ve destroyed the macrocosm. And while Goku has gotten stronger since their fight, Beerus is still portrayed to be stronger than him. In addition, it’s stated that when two Gods of Destruction fight each other, both of their respective universes will be destroyed in the process.

The same can be said in terms of durability. Goku was also part of the reason why Universe 7 was being threatened with destruction, and Beerus has taken hits from the Saiyan. As for Sailor Galaxia, she’s the strongest villain Sailor Moon has ever faced and couldn’t exactly beat her with her own power. And previously in the series, Usagi has defeated powerful villains.

In terms of speed, it’s a close gap. Beerus’ top speed is flying at 3/4th of Whis’ speed. Whis’ top speed is 498 quadrillion times the speed of light. 3/4th of that would be 375 quadrillion times the speed of light. As for Sailor Galaxia, she scales to many characters who travel the galaxy in a short span of time, but she does have a speed feat of her own where she transverse the Milky Way galaxy from planet to planet. The highest speed calc of that feat is 263 quadrillions the speed of light. Comparing the numbers together, Beerus isn’t even close to being twice as fast as Sailor Galaxia. This leads to their abilities.

Both combatants are very versatile when it comes to their abilities. Beerus is a master at hand to hand martial arts with an understanding in pressure points, having trained for hundreds of millions of years. And like every Dragon Ball character, Beerus has mastery over the manipulation of Ki to perform very powerful attacks. In addition, the God of Destruction can alter and redirect energy, nullify energy, seal people into objects, and clone himself. And because he’s a giant cat person, Beerus also has superhuman senses.

As a Sailor Scout, Galaxia possesses flight, regeneration, enhanced senses, disguises, and immortality. In addition, she has various energy manipulation techniques that involve shooting energy blasts and beams as well as elemental attacks. However, Galaxia can also create barriers to protect herself from magical and physical attacks, use waves of energy to repel attacks, and even absorb and redirect energy. Lastly, Galaxia can use telepathy to transmit images into other people’s minds, create an astral projection of herself, trap and transfer people through space in her palace, remove seals, and create golems.

Between these techniques, most of them can counter each other. Both have ways of manipulating energy. Galaxia can try to trap Beerus through the space inside her palace, but he can just easily break out with his power thanks to his scaling with Vegeta. Galaxia’s telepathic attacks also won’t help her since Beerus has mental resistances. Beerus’s cloning can match her golem creation. Both have the ability to redirect attacks. And while Galazia can absorb energy, Beerus can nullify it. In fact, he nullified the energy that was going to destroy Universe 7 during his fight with Goku. 

Now let’s talk about what makes them truly deadly: their powers of destruction. Beerus’ energy of destruction, the Hakai, is powerful enough to erase anything from existence. When a living being gets hit with this energy, their body and soul are erased. As a result, they can’t go to the afterlife and are gone from all possible timelines (unless they have special resistances). Even objects, energy, civilizations, and non-corporeal beings like ghosts can be affected. Galaxia’s power of destruction allows her to destroy planets effortlessly. However, it also gives her an instant win move in which she rips out a person’s star seed (their life essence), disintegrating them in the process.

However, both of them have resistance to destruction energy. Golden Frieza, who is weaker than Beerus, had resisted the Hakai, and Beerus scales to him. As for Galaxia, she has resistance to existence erasure. So while both combatants can resist each other’s destruction energy, Beerus has no resistance to Galaxia stealing his life essence. And because of their close gap in speed, it’s possible for her to land the instant win.

We almost forgot one thing. Beerus’ Ultra Instinct. While he hasn’t mastered it like Goku, the God of Destruction can still perform an incomplete version of it. As a result, his body can automatically dodge attacks without him having to think. This is a technique that Galaxia has never experienced against.

So who am I going with? I’ll have to go with Beerus. Because of the lack of notable speed difference, Galaxia does have the chance to steal his life essence. Keyword: chance. Beerus is still technically faster than Galaxia, so it’s more than likely he’ll kill her before she can use her instant win technique. While Galaxia’s energy absorption and barriers will prove to be a problem, she never faced anyone on the same power level as Beerus. Plus, he can also nullify all of her energy attacks. Even then, he can just use his martial arts as well. In addition, Beerus’ Ultra Instinct will definitely make it extremely difficult for Galaxia to land a killing blow on him, especially since the God of Destruction has the speed advantage even if the gap isn’t that wide.

It’s nice to have another Dragon Ball character in Death Battle. We haven’t had one since Roshi VS Jiraiya, though I’d like to have Frieza VS Megatron and Goku Black VS Reverse Flash as future Death Battle episodes as well. And it’s a nice surprise to have another franchise in Death Battle, especially since one like Sailor Moon is long overdue. I’ll have to give Sailor Galaxia one thing though. Her stage play song Galaxia Gorgeous is really addicting to listen to. However, she’ll face her destruction in this Battle of Gods.


Not my preferred matchup for Beerus but it’s still a fun fight and probably the closest matchup for both Beerus and Galaxia plus we get our first Sailor Moon and Magical Girl rep which was loooong overdue. While I’m no Sailor Moon expert myself from what I’ve seen of it and Galaxia this seems like Beerus’ fight to win. To start he has a pretty good strength advantage (Low Multiversal vs Galaxia whose only Universal+) and a solid speed advantage. In terms of hax...yeah almost none of that shit is gonna be a factor here, both have resistances to destruction shenanigans and Beerus can resist Galaxia’s mind manipulation (which isn’t that great anyway) the only hax that really matters here is Galaxia’s ability to steal someone’s life essence which would actually giver her a way to get around the gap in power and end the fight instantly should she manage to hit Beerus with it, the problem is though uh, she probably ain’t. On top of Beerus having a decent speed advantage, his cloning, ki barriers, energy nullification, and ability to use Ultra Instinct is gonna make it extremely difficult for Galaxia to land her instant (and only) win move.

Meanwhile, while the Hakai won’t be able to work on Galaxia Beerus could still finish her off the ol’ fashioned way, y’know, beating someone to death. While I could easily have missed something here, from everything I've seen of both characters I believe Lord Beerus will prevail in a relatively close fight.


Okay, this is my first prediction on this Blog, I hope this community can forgive me and that this is the first step to-

Oh yeah, the prediction. 

I am Kevinator, I am new to the Predictions Blog and this is my first prediction. I didn't know Galaxia much, but after getting to know her better, this Match-up interested me a lot. As I see it, this is a battle between the two reasons for destruction, destruction by necessity vs. destruction by whim, and this is reflected by the motivations of the two characters. Beerus does it because it's his job, and the universe needs destruction so that new things can be created, while Galaxia does it only for a personal whim that doesn't benefit anyone else. but too much philosophy, let's predict.

Okay, I'll go in order, feats first.

Beerus and Galaxia can destroy planets without problems, using the earth as a base, They are both capable of producing 57 zettatons of energy in the most basic attack, they can do that with basic energy attacks or sneezing, so I must go more into it.

Okay, Beerus almost destroyed the Universe with his battle against Goku, impressive, but Goku also fought against Beerus at that time, but half the destruction of the Universe is still impressive. For the same, he blew away Sidra’s Energy of Destruction. On the other hand, Galaxia may Survive attacks from an enraged Eternal Sailor Moon, who withstood a combined attack from 4 of her Eternal-powered minions, and 8 as well.

Now, Galaxiais superior to Queen Nehelenia, who can create the Mirror World, a parallel universe and can harm Eternal Sailor Moon, who, you know. But when it comes to Beerus's Durability,They told me that he can scale his strength as well...Okay, measuring the strength and durability of both is difficult.

Measuring the speed of both is easier. Thanks to the calculations made by Speedy, I know that Galaxia, in the least, can travel with a speed of 1.79875475e21 miles per second. It is impressive, But Beerus can fly to a planet at one-half to 2/3rds Whis’ speed; Whis’ best speed feat is calculated to be at 498 quadrillion times faster than light. Putting Beerus at speeds of 374 quadrillions, Higher than Galaxia's largest potential speed of 262 quadrillions. So Beerus has the advantage in speed. Well doing this was easier than I thought. Now I'll see the special things they both have.

Beerus is more knowledgeable in hand-to-hand combat than Galaxia, superior to many of the best warriors in the DB series. Although, Galaxia could counter that with her more varied ranged attacks like her Energy Blasts or Dark Lightning. But still, many of those attacks use Energy and Beerus can Nullify Energy attacks so it would be hard to know what Galaxia could do there.

They both have instant Kill moves, Beerus's Hakai, and Galaxia ability of Steal Life Essence. Which of the two is more powerful? Well, Beerus's Hakai can't work with opponents that are as powerful as Beerus, Galaxia is very powerful and I don't think it would be affected by the Hakia, and although that Steal Life Essence ability could give her instant victory, but I'm look for who can win the most matches overall. Not just a couple of times out of a thousand possibilities thanks to one good Ability.

Now, for my last argument, Beerus's god of destruction abilities are natural to him, Galaxia needs her Sapphire Seed and her Galactica Bracelets to be as powerful as she is, I don't know if Beerus is strong enough to take them off or destroy them But he's fast enough to reach Galaxia and do something, but taking that along with the energy thing, the fact that he maybe has more experience and the superior speed, I will say that Beerus will win this fight.

This battle will be a cat-astrophe for Galaxia.

Phantom Falcon

Beerus has been one of my most wanted characters to show up on Death Battle for years now, and not only is he finally here, but his opponent, Galaxia, is my favorite idea for him. It’s thematic, close, and has sick as hell animation potential. My hype for this episode is big, and I can’t wait for it to come out.

At first glance looking at VSBW or some shit, this seems like an easy win for Galaxia. But upon researching Sailor Moon (good read btw. Nothing too amazing but I enjoyed it) and finding new feats for Dragon Ball that were never calc’d or considered, this fight got WAY more interesting and debatable. Definitely one of the closest fights this season.

To start out with the obvious, Beerus dominates in pure skill and experience. Not only is he skilled enough to easily match fighters like Goku and Vegeta, who have been training virtually all their life, but he’s trained much longer, thanks to his mentor Whis, and has been a GoD for over millions of years. It’s a no brainer he takes this category and schlaps Galaxia in a pure CQC fight.

Stats for both are pretty much all over the place, but based on what I’ve seen, I think I have a solid opinion on where they land. Galaxia at her peak can be argued to Uni+ via scaling massively above Queen Nehelenia creating a parallel universe. “But Phaaaaaantom, Sailor Moon at her best is low multi!!! Why is Galaxia not that strong!!!”. Well, the answer is because Galaxia doesn’t scale to that form of Usagi. Usagi in that state could fight on par with Chaos, who Galaxia has outright admitted is far more powerful than herself. It’d be inconsistent for her to be on par with him. So Galaxia is solidly in the uni+ range at her best. Speed is also not as hyped up, since the oh so famous “universe lighting speed” doesn’t even exist. It’s not outright reaching into another universe, the manga outright says its warping space and time, it’s some fucky dimension warping and not physical speed. Even if we were to assume it crossed a universe, the timeframe is absolutely not 1 second. The anime gives us a timeframe of 17 seconds. So setting the universe radius and a timeframe of 17 seconds, that’s pretty solidly 80 quadrillion c, but that feat is super dubious to use and I would call it a massive outlier anyways since the next best speed feat at that point was country flying. Galaxia’s best speed feat is her traversing the Milky Way planet to planet, which, assuming 1 hour, gets low quadrillions c, though that’s also probably iffy since it’s treated as a long ass event so 1 hour is probably being uh. Generous lol. She also has teleportation so it may not even be a speed feat but w/e. She also traveled outside the Milky Way in a second so solidly trillions c.

With Beerus, it’s a much easier story. He’s around low multiversal via threatening to destroy the U7 macrocosm (each realm is it’s own space time continuum), and it’s consistent with him threatening to destroy U6 and U7 during his fight with Champa (he even survived the energy of their combined clash). U7 has 3 universes, so Beerus is at minimum 3 universe level, possibly even 6 via the Champa thing. Speed wise, he scales to half the speed of Whis, who has a feat of moving 500 quadrillion c, so Beerus is solidly about 250 quadrillion c, and this speed increases with his (admittedly incomplete) Ultra Instinct, which allows him to dodge attacks without even thinking, a big hurdle for Galaxia.

So Beerus holds the star trinity pretty handily, but Galaxia isn’t out of the race yet, she still has way more hax than Beerus and her regen is super good! She can even resist Hakai! Surely she can just hax him, right? Well, no, not really. Galaxia’s hax is overhyped to a big degree lol. She doesn’t really erase minds and shit, it’s just basic telepathy, death hax is total bullshit since it’s just her immense power destroying planets and not some stupid aura or shit, she doesn’t have any energy absorption, her regeneration is not mid godly or shit like that, only Sailor Moon and to a lesser extent Sailor Saturn have regen. They have powers centered around it, particularly Usagi since the silver crystals whole deal is healing people, and conceptual attacks is complete bullshit, nothing in the series implies she has that ability. Even assuming most of these are true, Beerus counters them. He’s superior to Vegeta resisting mind control via ki (and while not canon, resisting Demigra’s mind hax is good supporting evidence), he resists her destruction hax via scaling to Freeza and Vegeta surviving and resisting Hakai, etc. Galaxia’s best option at this point is to steal Beerus’ Starseed, which he doesn’t have a counter for and is a reliable insta win. However, Beerus has options to defend against this. He can summon Ki barriers to protect himself against the projectiles, nullify them with his energy nullification, or even simply dodge it via being faster. 

Overall, this fight is certainly close and I can see Galaxia winning certain scenarios for sure, but Beerus’ advantages are too good in my opinion. Even assuming U7 isn’t a macrocosm and just a slightly bigger universe, he’s still higher in power with how much he upscales from the universal feat (Beerus > Blue Kaioken x10 >>> SSB >>> SSG >>> SSJ >>> Base Goku = Uni+). Even using the highest possible end for Galaxia’s Milky Way feat, Beerus is still at least comparable in speed without factoring in Ultra Instinct, which makes it difficult for Galaxia to hit him. He massively out-ranges her (universal range vs planetary range). He’s much more skilled in hand to hand combat. He resists most of her hax and can defend against Starseed removal. Galaxia definitely has a good enough chance, but based on what I believe for both, I can’t in good confidence say she wins more times than not. In the end, I believe Lord Beerus should win this with relatively high difficulty.


Orange Knight | Castle Crashers Wiki | Fandom

She-Ra vs Wonder Woman happened. Kinda the most boring for me this season, that’s about all I have to say really. Outcome’s probably right since bitch nigga Prince Adam broke the Starseed (hey, that’s relevant to this matchup haha)

Starting off the second half is the long awaited Beerus matchup. For months people speculated a wide range of opponents, so of course this announcement was met with mixed reactions. I had my own thoughts on his worthy foes, and I think Sailor Galaxia was the best possible opponent for Beerus.

It introduces Sailor Moon in a popular comparison people make between two of the most well-known animes, it’s not a fuckstomp like Hades or Phoenix, it’s thematic, the characters can have interactions, and it’s got soooo much potential in the animation department. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into the Chaos of this matchup. First, we gotta clear up some things.

I’ve seen a lot of Galaxia wank from people who clearly don’t actually know shit about Sailor Moon and just hop on some bandwagon of silly interpretations.

Galaxia does not passively kill people just by existing. She cannot delete an entire concept from existence. She does not regenerate from literally nothing. She can not burst your brain into pieces by blinking. She doesn’t “lol nope” everything you can do. It’s tiring to see people just regurgitate this BS. Sometimes it’s based on the most outlandish interpretations of vague statements, or it just never existed in the first place.

That’s enough ranting. Back to what actually matters, Beerus vs Galaxia. 

In terms of auxiliary advantages, Beerus is far more experienced as a destroyer and is more skilled in direct combat. On Galaxia’s side, she’s far more versatile, has higher energy reserves, and has better regeneration. Galaxia has the edge in a ranged fight while Beerus has the edge in close proximity. 

However, their energy attacks are going to be largely menial. Both have good defenses, Beerus with his energy nullification and ki barriers, and Galaxia with energy redirection and her own barriers. Still, Galaxia’s sheer number of options could be useful to theoretically overwhelm Beerus. But it’s not like Beerus is starved for techniques, even if a good chunk of them are just different ways of blowing shit up. Pressure point combat and duplication will work well to put Galaxia on the defense. 

Something that’s unfortunate for Beerus is that Hakai is pretty much a non-factor. Galaxia should scale to other characters with various types of resistances to existence erasure, so the GoD will be quite disappointed when Legs-a-lot ignores his trademark technique. However, due to Hakai resistance scaling, Galaxia’s Destruction ability won’t be of much use here either.

Aside from that, I can’t see things like telepathy and astral projection being especially useful. 

But of course, the meat is in the stats. Power output is in Beerus’ favor. Galaxia may threaten the cosmos, but Dragon Ball cosmology makes it so U7’s got the meat of 3 whole universes. We know from his fights with Goku and Champa that Beerus could wipe that out without too much effort. Yes, Beerus could threaten multiple universes at a relatively casual level. We know his max power can go-ahem-even further beyond. 

Speed was rather tricky. The big speed feat cited for Sailor Moon is Usagi supposedly lighting up the universe in 1 second, a ridiculous timeframe by the way. This feat is a bit of a mess, but you’ll want to check out Phantom Falcon’s verdict to see why it ain’t gonna be doing Galaxia any favors here. If the feat WAS legit, we’d be having a very different discussion.

In terms of what’s solid, Sailor Moon feats are surprisingly slow. The Chibi-Chibi distress signal response feat at absolute best is trillions c. Similarly, Galaxia’s best speed feat is traveling the Milky Way in the manga and the anime, which both would get trillions c. However, it’s impossible to prove that the manga speed feat is even a speed feat, given Galaxia can teleport. Her fight with the Starlights is a good indicator, however. The reason why Galaxia shouldn’t be in the quadrillions is the fact that the timeframes that have to be assumed for that are way too low. Well, unless you use the anime version of the “lighting up the universe feat” and treat it as a speed feat to get low quadrillions. 

Beerus is a little easier to figure out. Moving in tandem with those shockwaves alone is hundreds of quadrillions c, and again, Beerus wasn’t working at 100%. Even ignoring the shockwaves as they’re often a point of contention, Beerus can probably scale to a fraction of Whis’ speed. I don’t know about the exact numbers everyone else has been giving out, but he should still be able to move and react many quadrillion times the speed of light. Yet another point for Beerus. In fact, this speed advantage is...kind of a blitz. And still a substantial one being generous and using Usagi’s attack speed. Oh, and including the incomplete Ultra Instinct makes Beerus pretty much untouchable. (No, Galaxia is not Infinite, if we used this, Beerus would have the same argument anyway)

Durability should be the same as power, Beerus with the edge and all, and maybe even higher since he was totally fine during the shockwaves he and Goku caused. Even with Galaxia’s stamina and regen. I know Galaxia took a hit from Chaos, but it’s unlikely the blast was max power. 

Beerus has the stat trinity locked down, and he kicks Galaxia’s ass in a physical confrontation. So where does that leave Galaxia? Not in the greatest place, that’s for sure.

The Sailor’s last hope is removing Beerus’ essence, or Star Seed. I know Beerus doesn’t technically have one, but by verse equalization standards, it’s probably similar enough to Ki to be used. For the sake of fairness, let’s say so.

This would be an insta-kill wincon for Galaxia, but I already mentioned that Beerus can resist Destruction, a core part of this technique. Even if she gets enough breathing room, she does not have a guaranteed victory.

As much as I want to, I can’t say this fight is necessarily close. Closer than a lot of the other fights this season, but Galaxia’s just outmatched. It’s crazy that for months we talked about how Beerus was gonna die in his episode, including Galaxia. But analyzing the matchup for reals, this kitty cat’s much too strong, fast, durable, skilled, experienced, and resistant for the Sailor of Destruction to handle. Galaxia stepped out of fe-line, and so Beerus will be the seed of her destruction.


It is I, AkhilPDX, master of Marvel and DC scaling. It’s my first time here, so thank you so much for having me! Of course, I’m starting out with two verses out of my comfort zone, but at least one of them ends up being someone I know fairly well, even though the other is some random goddess from an anime centered around princesses that I had never even heard about before Beerus was revealed as a fighter in season 7, but that’s besides the point.

Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia is a fight that I originally didn’t really want but it’s grown on me over time. I would have preferred someone like Odin (Marvel) or Hades (Saint Seiya), but those two would have absolutely humiliated Beerus, and at the end of the day, they could always fight each other so that’s a positive. Another good thing is that Beerus and Galaxia not only share a bunch of connections, but it’s also an extremely close fight.

Now, moving onto strength. Beerus holds a comfortable AP advantage. They’re both capable of casually destroying planets and stars, so why even go there? Galaxia is about uni+ on a consistent basis while Beerus is easily uni+ at the very lowest ends of his power. He creeps into the multiversal ranges, or more specifically, low multi ranges… being around 6x baseline uni+ or potentially even higher. This is because he and Champa were capable of destroying both Universes 6 and 7 (referred to as “macrocosms”) via clashing, and each universe contains other universal sized realms within them, each having their own space time continuum. Likewise, with everything provided, their durability scales to their AP, if not a bit higher, meaning that Beerus would be stronger and more durable.

They both have their fair share of advantages. For starters, Beerus is slightly faster than Galaxia. If we look at both of them at their peak, Galaxia gets to around 262 quadrillion, which is impressive, but Beerus clocks in at an astounding 373 quadrillion times faster than light via being approximately 75% as fast as Whis. Also remember that this is Galaxia’s high end speed while it’s Beerus’ low end. You could technically get both higher, but even then, Galaxia caps at 300 quadrillion at her max, while Beerus can even reach into the quintillions (neither one of them has immeasurable speed so don’t even get me started). 

So, after going over stats, it looks pretty clear that Beerus is stronger, faster, and more durable than Sailor Galaxia, holding a notable AP advantage over her. The problem arises when you take a look at Galaxia’s hax, which is an area where she has a lot going for her. With her energy manipulation, telepathy, and astral projection, you could potentially come up with ways that she could take Beerus out, but here’s the problem… Beerus resists telepathy to a pretty good degree and he can nullify universal levels of energy with very little problem. She evidently has conceptual manipulation to some degree, but from what I could find, it apparently wouldn’t necessarily be as big of a wincon from what people seem to think (mainly due to how it works which is by “imposing the concept of destruction”). If anything, it’s just their destructive abilities going head to head, and in that area, they could resist each other’s attacks. Galaxia has resisted existence erasure before, and Beerus should theoretically be able to do the same thing via weaker characters like Frieza and Goku being able to resist it. Context is pretty important here though, because just going off of feats, I would say Sidra is weaker than Beerus. They’re in the same ballpark, but Beerus has shown that he’s superior to basically every other God of Destruction out there or at least within the top 3. If anything, this would make Beerus even more resistant to existence erasure considering that even someone like Sidra should be above Galaxia in attack potency, and if Beerus is above Sidra, he would also have the same degree of resistances or even higher since he would have better god ki.

When looking at hax, Beerus isn’t horrible in that area, especially if you look at other characters in Dragon Ball who tend to seem haxless. Sure, he might not have as much versatility as the Angels, Grand Priest, or Zeno, but Beerus does tend to have his own tricks like accelerated healing, duplicating, sealing, energy manipulation, energy negation, or existence erasure via the hakai. It’s also important to note that he has Ultra Instinct and while he hasn’t mastered it, it was able to help him fight against every other God of Destruction at the SAME time. Even if Galaxia was, for some reason, slightly faster than Beerus, Ultra Instinct should render that null.

You could say that Galaxia could instantly win by simply ripping out his lifeforce, but all things considered, I don’t know how likely this is with how the ability works and when you pair that up with Beerus’ superior stats and experience, you have a problem. There’s also the problem that of their weaknesses, Galaxia’s is easier to exploit. Beerus is a set with the Supreme Kai of the universe, but that’s not something Galaxia knows and can utilize within a Death Battle scenario. On the other hand, Galaxia’s weaknesses are easier to exploit. Breaking her bracelets would result in her immediate death and that would be extremely dangerous for Galaxia due to Beerus’ vastly superior AP advantage and hakai.

If we were to run this fight 100 times, I could see Galaxia taking the fight around 45/100 times with her absurd hax, but Beerus should comfortably take the other 55 due to his superior speed, overwhelming strength, more qualified fighting experience, and resistance to Galaxia’s hax. You could potentially even argue that the hakai would work on Galaxia (due to superior AP), and once you factor in the fact that Galaxia has a weakness Beerus could easily and accidentally exploit, it seals the deal. Looks like Sailor Galaxia just couldn’t bear the catastrophic might of Lord Beerus in this galactic grudge match.


(Chucking galaxies through awesome ninja skills)

Man, can I just say for a second that I was fucking relieved that Beerus wasn’t fighting Asura? I was so nervous for months and when I saw that golden bracelet, I cheered so hard at the fact that best dad wasn’t getting fed to Beerus. (Sure he’s probably getting fed to Broly down the line, but that's besides the point)

Anyways, this matchup is definitely one of the closest ones we’ve had so far. Both have enough power to make the universe go kaput at full strength, and boast a versatile amount of hax that could one shot most foes in an instant. And it didn’t help that people like to make shit up about Galaxia that got debunked multiple times in chat. But let’s get down to the facts.

First off, their greatest techniques likely won’t be much use. Scaling to Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn, it’s possible Galaxia can resist being wiped from existence via Beerus’ Hakai, preventing an easy win. But the funny thing is, Beerus can scale to the weaker Golden Frieza, who also resisted the Hakai, meaning Galaxia can’t just use the Power of Destruction to yeet him away either. So, it’ll mainly come down to how likely they are to kill each other in a more conventional fight.

Strength is probably about even, with it leaning slightly towards Beerus. Both Galaxia and Beerus have been able to scale to and fight Universe-level beings, such as Eternal Sailor Moon and Champa, though Beerus has been depicted as doing so more consistently in his clashes with Goku and the other Gods of Destruction. Not to mention, given Dragon Ball’s cosmology counting Hell and the Kai Realm as universes, these feats should likely be at least 3 times more powerful. And given they can physically take what they dish out, it applies to durability as well.

Speed...Hoo boy. People say that Galaxia should blitz via an attack from early series Sailor Moon reaching Wiseman at the edge of the universe clocking in at 1.5 quintillion times the speed of light. Beerus, through scaling to ¾ of Whis flying across the universe in 10 seconds, should only be 424.5 quadrillion times the speed of light at most. But neither feat is quite what they seem on the surface. That light was never said to have spread across the universe, only warping space and time to penetrate it, as seen in the original manga, and the anime’s depiction of it. But even if one were to be generous and say that it traveled across the universe, there’s no indication that it only took one second to do so, and being any less generous makes this feat far less impressive than it initially seems. Using the anime’s timeframe of 17 seconds and the radius of our universe as a base, this feat only comes out to 86 quadrillion times the speed of light. And while Beerus’ feat does seem much faster on the surface, keep in mind that him flying to a planet ⅔ the time it took Whis and the aforementioned universe flying feat were different in nature, as there’s no indication Whis was flying that fast while flying to the planet to search for Beerus’ food, and the universe feat was said to be him going the fastest he had than before. Going by safer feats of Galaxia fighting the Sailor Starlights across the Milky Way in one second and Beerus flying to earth from his own world in 26 minutes (credit to Draconic Hero) puts them at 3.3 trillion and 3.7 quadrillion times lightspeed respectively. So, without any scaling and going by feats we can confirm to scale to them, Beerus actually has the advantage that Galaxia was initially believed to hold. Ironic, huh?

Still, while Beerus holds stats above Galaxia, the hax of both means that stats will only matter if Beerus has what he needs to circumvent Galaxia’s abilities to land a fatal blow. But while Galaxia holds a considerably more versatile arsenal, Beerus has a good deal of counters for most of these abilities. His energy nullification can counter a good deal of Galaxia’s attacks and her energy manipulation, scaling to Vegeta resisting Babidi’s mind control and the gods’ casual ESP resistance gives him protection against Galaxia’s telepathy, and teleporting Beerus to another dimension won’t do much good considering he can likely break through reality much like Vegeta. And although the life essence removal is undoubtedly the most dangerous technique Galaxia possesses that could end Beerus if given the chance, Beerus’ already superior speed and the autonomous awareness of Ultra Instinct means that it’s unlikely he wouldn’t be able to evade her attempt. Combined with Beerus’ greater skill in hand to hand combat and his millions of years of age that would likely land him far greater experience than Galaxia, Beerus would ultimately be more likely to beat Galaxia through a hard-fought battle.

This was definitely one of the closest fights we’ve ever had, but Beerus’ overwhelming power, counters, and skill will be enough to spell cat-astrophe for Galaxia.


(Wow, Time Flies)

I can not believe that the month of August is already here. It feels like yesterday when Death Battle took their mid-season break and DBX just started. About halfway in, the new series of Death Race was shown, the final episode revealed that question everyone was asking: WHO was worth taking on Beerus? And that fighter was… Sailor Galaxia. 

Okay, I will admit that the announcement from the Death Race Finale could have been better as it did not execute, in my opinion, for the audience in who Galaxia was. I will also admit that I know nothing about the series of Sailor Moon as I have not the time and never heard or saw Galaxia. However, I was hyped for the fight after researching and exploring Sailor Galaxia’s history because of how amazing the matchup was amazing. I even did the introduction (shout out to the editor for editing) and most of Galaxia feats because of how the battle of gods of destruction was too good to watch. I am even making an illustration of the fight as we speak. 

Besides that, I have to agree that this fight is the closest fight for this season, especially for us. Unlike Gray Vs. Esdeath or She-Ra Vs. Wonder Woman, this fight is literally a balance beam in the middle, where the winner can go either way. But, Sasuke Vs Hiei and She-Ra Vs Wonder Woman taught me that they are more surprises that can be understandable to see. So, I want to focus on my winner like always, on choosing what I think are the three main factors for this fight. 

The three main factors for the winner as the true God of Destruction will all depend on their: Stats, Haxes/Abilities, and Stamina. Without further ado, let’s get into my prediction. 

Round 1: Stats- If you call yourself a god, then you have to prove how terrifying you can be. Both Beerus and Sailor Galaxia had shown they both earned the titles. But, this one was tricky for me as both fighters have never shown their powers at full force. Galaxia was closest to this, but Beerus does indeed is stronger due to his clash with Goku in his Sayian God form. The information from the DragonBall lore of how Universe 7 is presented truly helped on how dangerous Beerus’s shockwave could have destroyed it. I am not doing the scaling for Goku as the Dragon Ball series is pointless and broken, but that shockwave I felt is reliable as Beerus was the one’s power in the display. Glaxaia is able to defeat Sailor Moon multiple times and stronger than Queen Nehelenia, who can create a parallel Universe, but I feel that she does not have the type of power that can destroy more than one universe like Beerus. Speed through, is a different story as both fighters are fast. Beerus is able to catch up with Whis despite being slower, but still with the calacaution we did with an ideal speed count of about 249 quadrillion c - 332 quadrillion c. is impressive. It is fast enough if not bigger than what Glaxaia does with her speed with her max c. speed at 249 q. It is still questionable with the scaling speed to Whis, but it is possible that both Glaxaia and Beerus are tied with speed. Durability was tricky too as both can tank heavy hitters like Goku and Sailor Moon. Yet, I feel that Beerus is slightly more durable because of his fight with Goku and the shockwave collision of their Universe 7. Glaxaia has tanked powerful foes like Sailor Moon and Chaos, but the research on their power has never been calculated or researched like Beerus. Stats depends on how Death Battle factors on the feats and calculation, but to me Beerus’s Raw power was too much to be noticed and mainly wins my vote with all of the research on stats put into him. Galaxia could be faster than Beerus, but he is shown to be the stronger god. Round 1 goes to Beerus. 

Round 2: Haxes and Abilities- Gods are just as strong with what they can perform in the battlefield, and that is why this is a major factor in this fight as both gods showed this category to be a major factor. Beerus’s experience and skills makes him a more deadly opponent thanks to his long time of training and control of Ki as well as a dangerous fighter in hand to hand, even aware of pressure point accuracy and nearly mastering Ultra Instinct (in manga). Even Goku was not able to defeat him as he is the boy mascot of anime, and that is “saiyan” something. Beerus’s most dangerous techniques are his Hakai, mostly his God Ki that can make almost anything or anyone. He even has strong senses that he can smell food from across his Universe. How can Glaxaia top that? Well, that is the hardest part as some of her abilities change the fight in her favor. For starters, she is a Sailor Scout that allows her to have special abilities not only granting superhuman stats, increased sensing, or flight, but also access to magic, healing factor, shapeshifting, energy manipulation, immortality, and resistance to erasure physical or mentally. That alone brings a problem as not only Galaxia can redirect Beerus’s Ki, but also his Hakai as Hakai has shown to be countered multiple times from different users in Dragon Ball. She even has her own style of Hakai called Destruction, which atomizes anything with just a point from her finger. She also has a sword, can teleport, create magical lighting, but her Galaxia Bracelets are her most dangerous weapon against Beerus. And has time manipulation and reality as well, but more on that later. Why? Because she will be able to steal his life essence for an instant win, which would help even more should she be given the chance. Beerus can counter and cancel most of what Galaxia has for him, but it is just enough that challenges his skills and his abilities to his limits. That is saying something for Galaxia being more veristiable that can put an end to Beerus if he is not careful. There is no doubt that Beerus is much more skilled and experienced with his abilities, but Galaxia has more heat to handle with her haxes and abilities that will push him like never before. Round 2 goes for Galaxia to tie in my prediction. 

Final Round: Staimia- There were many important factors that I think could have been in part of giving the win behind my past decisions. From the skills and experience to the overall control of the battlefield. But, to me these Gods of Destructions will be given their all in this battle. However, their stamina alone is the most important factor, to me, that I believe will be the true decision factor in this fight. Both gods are strong, fast, experienced, and skilled that they almost counter each other. However, the final blow for me will all depend on how they stay in control of their essence when both will be exhausted as the fight drags on. This was the one that taken me the longest out of my prediction blog because of how this is the trump card that can go either way. In my honest opinion, this is the one that Beerus’s will be troubled the most. Yes, he is very strong, can keep up in speed and totally superior with his God Ki. However, in my opinion, everyone including myself has forgotten that Ki has its limits. It is kinda the same problem with Charka from the Naruto series as it mostly depended on the user’s energy internal spirit. Even with God Ki, Toppo has already proven my point as again, Ki has limits on the user alone, and this includes Gods like Beerus in DragonBall. This is where I think Galaxia turns the tide in her favor because of two important factors: her Sapphire Crystal and her haxes/abilites. First her Crystal, as it is both her battery and her lifeforce. Galaxia’s power is mostly confirmed to be infinite, meaning to me that her energy is never going to run out. Beerus will indeed likely, thanks to his skills and experience, quickly discover Galaxis’s crystal as her life essence and try to destroy it, ending the fight here and there. But, that is where her haxes and abilities come into play. She can use her abilities like her astral protection and many more defenisve to guard herself from Beerus should he get the chance. Not only that, but she can also be able to use either her instant teleportation or Dimenision Tapping to teleport herself or even Beerus long enough to heal herself and get back in the action. Let me put it this way, Galaxia has more control of both reality and of space/time that would be able “to play cat and mouse” with Beerus long enough for his God Ki to be drained. To conclude the final round, the more I looked into the stamina of both fighters, the more I realized that Galaxia can use her abilities and crystal to tire Beerus out to bring out the finishing blow. The Final Round goes to Galaxia. 

This was indeed a worthly fight that was the closest fight of the season, as both Gods of Destructions had their pros and cons that can change the tide in their favor. However, to me, Galaxia had the main two factors that will turn the fight into her favor. I know that the blog mostly did decide on Beerus winning, including most of the G1’s. However, I think that this fight will end in a somewhat similar way as Ghost Rider Vs Robo. Beerus is indeed stronger and more skilled than Galaxia thanks to his experience and God Ki, but the problem for me is that Galaxia will be able keep up and turn the tide in her favor once she gets serious. Once Beerus’s God Ki is gone with Galaxi’s energy still intact, she can finish him with her superior verision of Hakai. 

Let me put my summary in this way, both Beerus and Sailor Galaxia have earned their titles as the Gods of Destruction in their unvierises and their names alone bring fear in the hearts of their opponents. But, in the world of Dragon Ball, any man can overcome the impossible and defeat those who are stronger. Beerus’s title was more given than earned as he even admitted numerous times there are beings stronger than him where and his powers were more limited. Glaxaia on the other hand, not only earned her title in the world of Sailor Moon, but has been one to truly be called almost a god. Her powers are unlimited as long as her determined for destruction, being the closest Sailor Scout to becoming near-omnipotent. 

Beerus was indeed the stronger and more skilled God that brought this match to a close call in the end. But Sailor Galaxia had the unlimited stamina, deadlier haxes, and near omnipotent abilities to become the True God of Destruction. It was just a shame that Beerus could not sail or cross her Galaxy. 

And… done, even though it was 3:30 in the morning. Still, I am honored to be a part of this prediction as it was fun and entertaining to do. I know that my prediction is not perfect and Beerus has a higher chance of winning, but my gut tells me that Galaxia has more up her sleeve that Death Battle has discovered and explained after the fight. I will be glad if I lose my first prediction on this blog as this was a fight that could go either way. Anyways, I am going to bed, stay awesome everyone, and see you on the next prediction.



I’ll keep my judgement quite brief this time. An overlook at both characters shows Beerus holds the stat advantage, and with Galaxia’s possibility of having any decent regen being extremely dubious, I have to favor the rejected anus. 

Beerus is my favored Choice.


                                                       (What should have been)

I think people are kinda overcomplicating this match. Having read through Sailor Moon and watched portions of the anime, I’ve come to think that a lot of the stuff people are saying about the series power wise is really overblown. As I’m sure other verdicts have addressed, no Galaxia can’t regen from the concept of destruction, nor can she alter universal concepts and whatnot. But people have already said that. Beyond it though, I can’t really say I’m too comfortable with a lot of the stats people toss around for the series as a whole. The primary example for me would be scaling everybody to universal because of Queen Nehelenia maintaining the mirror world. That’s something I’ve seen spread around a lot, but I’ve just never seen a source for her actually maintaining it or anything implying as such. The closest thing I can think of is it seemingly shattering as she died, but that seems like a pretty big stretch to me when the blast was targeting the mirror, and the mirror was just the gateway. It doesn’t seem like the dimension itself was actually destroyed, and we know she can’t have created it given Queen Serenity banished her there in the first place. She ain’t no Jedah. Even then, the only thing supporting the mirror world being the size of a full universe is one line from Chibiusa calling it a “parallel world”, which doesn’t exactly say much in my opinion. That doesn’t mean it has to be universe sized, and it’s not like Chibiusa reciting a bedtime story is exactly the most reliable source of information, even from a narrative perspective. The most we see of the mirror world properly is certainly nowhere near a full universe. It doesn’t feel like a great argument to me, though I fully admit it’s not like just reading Sailor Moon makes me an expert, and I definitely could have missed something.

Even beyond just that though, some of the lower end arguments don’t really convince me from what I know either. The main thing I can think of is Pharaoh 90 moving the Tau Nebula, which was an entire star system. The trouble there is that it wasn’t like he was physically dragging it? He created a portal, and it was in-fact going to be an overtime assimilation process, sorta merging with the Earth. The exact specifics of what was actually going on were a bit unclear, but I interpreted it as more some weird darkness merging thing. I really don’t think it can apply to physical stats. Even then none of the scouts except Saturn could even stop the merging process anyways. I guess you could argue that Galaxia scales above Pharaoh 90 regardless, but Pharaoh 90 never actually got to finish the assimilation, so those statements were likely just referring to Pharaoh as he was at the time and not as how he eventually could have been. There’s also the idea that Usagi shrunk Chaos, the size of the galaxy’s center, down to an infinitesimally small part of the Galaxy Cauldron. I don’t think Chaos is that big though, the series makes a clear distinction between the Sagittarius Alpha Star, the actual center of the universe, and the Galaxy Cauldron contained within. We see how big the cauldron is in the series, and it’s like, a kilometre wide tops (there isn’t any funky perspective going on here). Sure, it produces stars, but it seems that’s more a metaphysical dream thing that occurs with the creation of Star Seeds as opposed to straight-up being the size of one. Even then, Galaxia admitted she could never beat Chaos, so she wouldn’t scale anyways. Only other thing I can think of is Chaos saying it would forge a new universe, but in-context that’s more referring to them stealing the Star Seeds and taking control of the Galaxy Cauldron to gain ultimate power as opposed to a literal thing.

So, with that all out of the way, I think this matchup is essentially just a quickdraw. Both have instant-kill destruction techniques that they open fights with in-character. I’m not convinced either could resist the other’s, nobody in Dragon Ball has really tanked a full on no-holds-barred Hakai, and most Sailor Scouts have been vulnerable to their souls getting removed before. Hell, Galaxia pretty much ends up dying to her own destruction technique at the end, and I don’t think the “everything is fading away!” bit at the end of the second arc is exactly proper existence erasure. Even if you argue Beerus could resist destruction, you could just as well argue that Star Seed removal bypasses that, considering it still worked on Sailor Saturn who actually does have a good feat of resisting her soul being destroyed. Beerus’s shields might be able to help in that regard, but why would he know to set shields up in the first place? Galaxia doesn’t really fire an energy ball to steal Star Seeds in the manga, she kinda just, does it? There’s no visual indication, and Beerus wouldn’t know to expect it. In terms of destruction techniques, Galaxia’s is definitely way better. It’s far longer-ranged, she doesn’t need to get up-close, she can basically do it by just looking at you, etc. That’s for naught if she doesn’t match Beerus in speed though. There’s that quintillions c Sailor Moon speed feat people are touting, but that’s also not too solid if you ask me, bear with me here for a moment. Basically, depending on which translation you use, this same scene has markedly different implications between them, and that greatly affects the context of the feat. I had a go at transcribing the raw japanese, and the best I could do was “この 時空 の はざま まで つらあく この 光” (note I’m pretty sure the “あく この'' part is innacurate). Running that through a dictionary, notable words are ““時空”, meaning spacetime, and ““はざま”, meaning interval. I checked the Viz subtitles for Sailor Moon Crystal, which to my understanding are very faithful, where it was translated as this. Considering the direct use of the words “spacetime” and “interval”, I have reason to suspect this translation is accurate. That’s important because it recontextualizes the feat. It firstly implies that the Wiseman’s realm is actually a separate dimension, which would make sense considering Mamoru, who we know was in a different dimension, could see the light as well, but it also suggests that the light wasn’t really literally travelling to the end of space-time, moreso instead just penetrating into seperate dimension directly, which makes it inapplicable. It’s fucking with space-time after all, and the Wiseman was also looking through a crystal ball, so. I think you’d be hard pressed to scale it to anything anyways, it doesn’t really apply to combat or reactions at all. Same goes for this feat as well. Though this does make me paranoid that the Missdream group whose translation I was reading changes other lines as well, which, sure enough, they seemingly do. The fastest speed feat in Sailor Moon otherwise is likely Chibiusa launching an attack from Earth to the center of the galaxy in what was like, 30 seconds at most. As for Beerus, I don’t agree with using the shockwaves as anything that can apply to reaction or combat speed or whatever, but Champa’s feat in the manga of flying to the Kai realm is probably fine. You could argue that was Vados’s doing as opposed to his own flight, but, eh. I think overall, unless you start arguing that the Dragon Ball universe is smaller cause of stuff like Goku’s ship being able to cross it with only 100 Gs of acceleration, any dubious feat you could apply to Galaxia’s speed, you could probably make a similar case for a similarly dubious feat applying to Beerus, and he'd come out faster at the end. Neither have many direct reaction speed feats, mainly just flight speed, so. And at the point, Beerus is stronger and way more skilled, so he should likely be taking this. Which is a shame, since Galaxia really is a great villain. Sailor Moon as a series has a lot of flaws, especially in characterisation, but I still really enjoyed reading it and it does have a pretty beautiful ending. It’s a classic for a reason, I’d definitely recommend it. The anime improves on it in some categories in that regard, giving more downtime and development for the rest of the Sailor Senshi, I’m glad I got to try it. 


 The Draconic Hero

(Go Big or Go Home)

Much better. So, Beerus Vs Sailor Galaxia. I’ll admit, not my first choice at first, but after reading the details...yeah this was probably the safest horse Death Battle could’ve bet on. And I watched all of Dragon Ball Super for the first time in the lead up to the announcement of this match so let’s see what we can dig up shall we?

Out the gate, the God of Destruction claps the Galactic Destroyer in terms of physical ability and destructive output, though honestly it seems at least comparable. Really, once you ascend above a threat to a single universe, the measuring stick stops being important. What is important though is that we have a definitive cap on Galaxia so we know that everything we’ve listed is her defined limit. Beerus on the other hand...we’ve never seen what this guy can do at his absolute full strength. The goal post keeps getting moved as to just how powerful he’s supposed to be. Even when he fought Goku he wasn’t at his best, being rusty from sleeping for so long and not even going all out so he could have some fun. So it’s possible his destructive output far outclasses hers just based on what we don’t know yet. Couple that with his experiences and Beerus has her completely outmatched in a straight up brawl, the type his series is best known for.

“But what about speed?” I hear you ask. Well…

It took me a while to get to this part, but I decided to get safer, more reliable calculations that I would run if I was doing this matchup myself--and something I think Death Battle would use.

Galaxia fought the Starlights while zipping across the Milky Way galaxy in about a second or less, which comes out to about 3 to 6 trillion c. Even if I were to wank it, she’s not gonna end up above double digit trillions.

Beerus on the other hand is at least half as fast as the time Whis flew to Earth in 26 minutes. Beerus relied on this method of travel so clearly Whis was faster then than any speed Beerus had traveled. Factoring in the distance between Beerus’ planet and Earth using handy calcs provided by my fellow debaters, this means Beerus’ top speed, at minimum, is 3 quadrillion c and there are arguments that could put him at triple digit quadrillion. No matter how you slice it, Beerus is gonna be faster by far.

So Beerus has the stat trinity on lockdown, so that means Galaxia really only has one way to beat him: her instant win condition.

Now, I’ve looked at this and I’ve thought about it. Galaxia doesn’t need anything like a line of sight or a gesture to literally rip the life energy out of Beerus and end the fight instantly. So, you’re left asking yourself one simple question: does Galaxia’s hax triumph over all and end the fight before Beerus realizes what’s happening to him or is Beerus’ stat trinity advantage going to let him just OHKO her before she can blink? 

Just going by previous Death Battles and my own interpretations of this situation, while Galaxia might have an instant win con and could potentially resist Beerus’ win con, there are things in Dragon Ball that could potentially let Beerus resist her win con as well since, as has been previously stated, some universes were never meant to face off like this. So, what do you do?

Well, I think if you ran this match like 10,000 times, it’s definitely possible for Galaxia to win a lot of them by using this method, but Beerus’ sheer raw force is just going to have her beat a lot of the times. Like, if the Star Seed removal is her only win con and Beerus’ win con is literally “Beat the shit out of her” then he has a myriad of ways to end her while she can’t overcome his sheer brute force and in a lot of scenarios may not realize that until it’s too late.

If Galaxia wins, the Sailor Moon manga will officially be added to my bucket list of things to read/watch. But I think that Beerus is just going to destroy Galaxia in this cataclysmic showdown and sailor the sweet taste of victory.


So Beerus has been one of the most widely anticipated and frequently debated characters who has been confirmed for Death Battle. And after several months of waiting and debating for the show to finally return it ends up being none other than Sailor Galaxia. I think this is arguably Beerus best matchup and definitely the one with the most enjoyable discussion. I went into this thinking that Beerus was probably getting put down by Galaxia but the actual debate has been interesting to observe to put it lightly and it’s great to finally have such a overdue iconic anime such as Sailor Moon finally in Death Battle.

So as it turns out in an interesting turn of events a lot of what you hear thrown around for Sailor Moon isn’t true. Galaxia is not infinitely multiversel can not passively mind control people does not have death manipulation, can not regen from a concept  and can not make 2 + 2 = fish despite what this totally real scan may tell you. And despite what you may believe the Dragon Ball fanbase has been very chill with this match but with introductions out of the way let’s talk more about the specific details.

So starting off Galaxia should be safely in the ballpark of universal+ cause of Queen Nehelenia’s universe creating feat due to being the most powerful being Sailor Moon had ever fought at that time and cause of some neat dimensional shenanigans to support it. And from everything I’ve seen this is the most you can reasonably argue for her cause most others arguments are either incorrect or she just doesn’t scale to anything higher. 

Speed is a tricker subject the supposed quintillion FTL feat for Sailor Moon proved to be faulty for several reasons mainly it assumed a 1 second timeframe when there’s no indication of this and it possibly wasn’t even speed since the manga stated it warped space and time and thus would not fall under conventional physical speed and even if it did the anime showed a timeframe of 17 seconds it results in 80 Quadrillion c which while very impressive doesn’t change the fact it’s a highly questionable feat. The next best shown was Galaxia destroying planets across the entire Milky Way but you need a very generous timeframe for it to reach quadrillions and since Galaxia can teleport it’s hard to argue it’s a speed feat to begin with adding on with the fact we don’t know if she really affected in the whole galaxy it’s misleading to use it as a speed feat. And everything definitely legitimate such as traveling across the galaxy and flying across it from earth while impressive only reaches trillions c or so so not quite up to par with the speeds you’ll be seeing here. 

Beerus is very straightforward he’s constantly stated and shown to possess enough power to destroy the entirety of universe 7 first shown in his iconic clash with SSG Goku in DBS episode 12 (the one so powerful the shockwaves shook the entire vs community and destroyed the 2 most prominent threads on the SA forums before they died). And most importantly universe 7 isn’t your run of the mill universe ether. It’s a Macrocosm meaning it contains 3 different space time continuum or 3 different universes in 1 those being the main universe, heaven/hell and the Demon realm. In other words Beerus is low multiversel or 3 universes worth of destruction at least. Consistent with the fact his fight with Champa threatened to destroy both universe 6 and 7 at once so potentially 6 universes worth if you consider him surviving the combined every of that legitimate.

Now speed for Beerus is a bit tricky he’s definitely MFTL+ via his feat of flying to a distant planet from his home in a short amount of time even more impressively he got there at 3/4th the speed that Whis did who has a feat around 498 quadrillion c putting Beerus around 373 quadrillion c. If you scale his speed to the shockwaves he generated when clashing with Goku or scale him to characters such as Dypso who moved faster than Zeno could react to who nuked Future Trunks timeline then he’d be quintillion c but this has been contested. But even if scaling 3/4th to Whis proves faulty (because he can adjust his speed and he comments he hasn’t ever gone that fast before) he’s still in the quadrillions c thanks to said planet flight feat.

So ironically despite Galaxia’s giraffe neck long legs it’s Beerus who has the leg up in terms of stats.

So going into the major factors of this fight powers and abilities Galaxia has more versatility but Beerus should be able to deal with most of them. Trapping him in another dimension won’t be effective cause scaling to Vegeta he can break dimensional barriers no problem. He can handle mind hax also scaling to Vegeta breaking free from mind control via Ki (and while non canon Xenoverse also shows he can resist mind manipulation.) And he can counter a good amount of Galaxia’s energy attacks via being able to just nullify them on the spot. Now getting into the main selling point of this match and what makes these 2 gods of destruction their abilities to erase anything from existence. Which on Beerus end ironically isn’t a major factor here his Hakai possibly won’t work on Galaxia due to Hakai not working on stronger beings  having a resistance to existence erasure via scaling to other SM characters so Beerus trump care likely won’t come into play here. Galaxia’s on the other hand her ability to steal the Starseed (or soul essentially) is very dangerous and quite possibly capable of killing Beerus If given the chance but Beerus does have some means of avoiding it, such as Ki barriers, his incomplete Ultra Instinct or just dodging it outright due to his superior speed. And this isn’t even getting into his greater skill in hand to hand combat and overall experience via having lived millions of years longer than Galaxia.

In the end this is easily the closest fight in the season yet and I can see this going either way but right now I’m betting on the God of Destruction Beerus to chuck Galaxia harder then our last combatant previously featured on this blog.

The Black Shulk

(Destruction is pretty kino ngl)


Anywho moving on from that, this matchup is pretty neatish. SM has been long overdue and this is quite the strong start to pair against one of DB’s most unique characters. It goes without saying that a lot of the Sailor Moon feats and haxes and stuff is very bloated and often a result of a majority of people not actually reading/watching the source material and just taking what maybe a few people said and running hog wild with it.

In terms of stats Beerus has DC and Durability pretty soundly in the bag. His universe busting feat is direct and consistent throughout the series. Galaxia’s best DC and Dura feats appear to come from scaling her to Moon and Chibi destroying Planet Nemesis and in the anime Moon and Tuxedo Kamen lighting up the universe (apparently some of these might be bunk but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt). A lot of the Uni stuff in Sailor Moon feels very exaggerated on the grounds of taking very flowery language and running with it, such as Chaos being able to “reshape the universe” which can mean a lot that doesn’t involve actually nuking it.

Speed is where things start to get tricky. I’ll say now that the quintillion FTL feat in Sailor Moon is pretty much bunk and uses a very unrealistic timeframe of one second when the highest we typically go for assumed timeframes is 10 seconds. At the same time I don’t fully buy Beerus being consistently 3/4th Whis’s speed in every moment. The basis for that comes from Whis getting to a planet in 9 minutes and Beerus in 12, which doesn’t really set a solid basis for scaling every feat Whis has done and chopping it by 3/4th’s. It's made clear in later episodes to boot that Whis can adjust his speed depending on the task, so it's unlikely to me Beerus would get his speed feats. That being said they aren’t both without speed, with the 9 minutes feat mentioned above putting Beerus in the billion c while Galaxia should scale to Sailor Chibi going from Earth to the Milky Way in around 30 seconds which should also be billion c, giving the two even like speed.

Haxes is arguably the part that matters the most in this debate. The only argument for Galaxia resisting a Hakai is scaling her to Sailor Saturn, who’s resistances are arguably more unique to her than anyone else. At the same time Galaxia’s star seed removal is a good win con for her against Beerus. Star Seeds may function differently from normal souls but their description lines up enough that Beerus could arguably have one and be able to rip it out of him. 

The question that ultimately amounts here is who’s hax will be more plausible in the long run and if I’d argue Galaxia’s would come out more often than not. It’s long ranged, unable to be interrupted and arguably more reliable of a win con than Beerus’s hakai techniques.

In the end I foresee Galaxia as the likely winner of this confrontation 


(wait, on god? that’s on me)

So I’m pretty sure it’s not inaccurate to say that most everyone went into this expecting Galaxia to wash Beerus with moderate difficulty at worst. Given that we spent the first week or so hearing all about how Galaxia is multiversal, quintillions of times FTL, can regenerate from nothing, controls universal concepts, and resists every aspect of Beerus’ hakai, it wasn’t exactly an unreasonable conclusion to come to.

Then some people, myself included, actually read Sailor Moon. And I’ll tell you right now that most of the stuff you’ve probably heard about Galaxia isn’t true. It’s kind of baffling, but everyone and their mother has just been making shit up for Galaxia without ever having read the manga. Analyzing her actual capabilities, this is a much closer and more interesting fight than previously believed.

In terms of AP, Galaxia upscales from Queen Nehellenia, who sustained a dimension referred to as a “parallel universe”. In other words, assuming there are no translational issues, Galaxia is solidly universal. Any claim about her being infinite multiversal or complex multiversal or whatever are fake. No feats on such a level exist.

In terms of speed, the best feat in the verse that I think is arguable is Neo Queen Serenity producing light that reached the character Wiseman’s location on the edge of space-time. There is a calc for this that places it over 1 quintillion times faster than light, but there are some holes with that. Namely the timeframe, which the calc assumes to be 1 second. To be frank, there’s nothing supporting it being so low. It clearly doesn’t take a particularly long time to reach Wiseman, but 1 second is a ludicrously low assumption, and using the anime, which is the only source that can be used to prove any solid timeframe, the light shines for 17 seconds before being shown to reach Wiseman’s location. Assuming it crossed the radius of the universe in such a timeframe, that’s 86.3 quadrillion times faster than light.

There’s another supposed speed feat that’s been discussed for Galaxia, which involves her traveling to planets throughout the galaxy over an unspecified period of time and collecting their star seeds. There are a lot of issues with this, however. We have no idea how long it took her, we don’t know how much of the galaxy she destroyed (just that it’s a fairly significant portion), and she has the ability to teleport, so it’s reasonably impossible to prove that it’s actually a speed feat in the first place. Regardless, even being pretty generous on all fronts, it wouldn’t exceed the 86.3 quadrillion number anyway, so it’s not particularly relevant to the debate.

And no, Galaxia isn’t immeasurably fast either. No such feats exist.

While we’re on the subject of things that don’t exist, no, Galaxia cannot regenerate from a soul or a concept or whatever. Specific sailor senshi like Moon and Saturn do have very good regeneration abilities, but these abilities are typically unique to them, and not something that can just be scaled to everyone in the series. It’s also possible to recreate a person from their sailor crystal, but such a thing requires time and outside aid. Galaxia should have minor regeneration, but if Beerus were to vaporize her or something along those lines, that would be enough to end the fight.

Galaxia also does not have the ability to manipulate universal concepts or whatever. I barely understand where this even comes from, I think someone took a panel out of context or something? But no, she could not make 2 + 2 = fish if she wanted to. She could not attack someone conceptually, or turn off the concept of death, or whatever the fuck people are arguing. The whole “conceptual hax” argument has no basis in the actual series.

Lastly, death manipulation is also not a hax that Galaxia has. It’s based on panels of people saying that she brought death to the planets she traveled to. In other words, people are trying to say she has death hax because she has killed people before. Completely ridiculous.

I’ll get into the hax that Galaxia does have shortly, but for now I’ll cover Beerus’ stats real quick.

So, to talk about the feat everyone knows about, in his fight with SSJG Goku during the BoG arc, Beerus and Goku’s strikes threatened to destroy the entirety of Universe 7. Something noteworthy to keep in mind is that Universe 7 is a macrocosm containing multiple space-times, meaning that destroying it is a low multiversal feat, about three times higher than destroying a normal universe. I’ve seen people argue that it’s actually universal+ rather than low multiversal because of some distinction that VS wiki’s tiering system makes, but being honest, tiers above universal are pretty arbitrary. The important thing is that the size of Universe 7 makes its destruction several times more impressive than a normal universe level feat. Keep in mind that Goku absorbed his god ki into base post-BoG, but Beerus is still above him up to at least SSJB KKx10. Massive scaling chain there.

Beerus and Champa’s fight also threatened to destroy both Universe 6 and 7, so yeah it’s consistent and whatnot.

In terms of speed, Goku and Beerus in the BoG arc were able to move in tandem with their own universe-destroying shockwaves (8:50), which reached the Kai’s Realm from Earth in 14 seconds. Taking Universe 7’s size into account once again, this comes out to 410.5 quadrillion times FTL. Once again keep in mind that Beerus upscales from this quite a bit.

So, all in all, IMO Beerus takes the advantage in all three corners of the stat trinity. Upscales substantially from universal VS upscales massively from low multiversal, and upscales from 86 quadrillion c (at best) VS upscales from 410 quadrillion c. By virtue of upscaling I would argue that despite the specific number gap not being completely massive, Beerus should be able to outdo her by a substantial margin in all areas. Ultra Instinct is going to make Beerus nearly untouchable when coupled with a decent speed advantage, and Beerus is also an outright more skilled fighter, due to his martial arts capabilities (Galaxia is generally more of a super-powerful mage than a direct hand-to-hand fighter).

To touch on their destruction abilities, since a prediction for this match would be frankly incomplete without it, I ironically think that neither ability is going to be particularly relevant here.

Beerus has his hakai, which can bypass durability by erasing a person physically, spiritually, and temporally, but other sailor senshi have resisted all three types of erasure, and there’s no reason why Galaxia should be any different. Galaxia’s star seed yoink (in the manga at least) only occurs after she uses destruction hax on the person/thing to begin with, which Beerus should be able to resist. Lesser Dragon Ball characters have withstood destruction energy through ki, which is the same type of thing. In the anime, Galaxia can steal a person’s star seed by hitting them with laser beams, which opens up some arguments for it working on Beerus, but I don’t think it’s anything that he wouldn’t be able to deal with. Nullifying the beams’ energy, blocking them with ki barriers, or just straight up dodging via superior speed and Ultra Instinct are all viable options here, it’s not just some end-all-be-all win condition.

Galaxia also has telepathy, but she can’t really just instantly mindfuck someone with it. She did use it to screw with Usagi, but that was basically by taunting her at a point when she was already pretty traumatized. Beerus could also potentially be scaled to Vegeta resisting Babidi’s mind control, and he himself has resisted Demigra’s mind control in Xenoverse (though obviously that’s non-canon, supporting evidence is a thing).

Basically I think Beerus has this. Stronger, faster, more durable, and more skilled. Should be able to deal with Galaxia’s hax well enough to get the finishing blow first more times than not. Galaxia can resist hakai, which is nice, but that’s not the end of the world when Beerus can vaporize her via sheer power just as easily. Maybe if this was the fanfic version of Galaxia people spent so much time talking about, things would be different, but as it stands I don’t think the kitty’s getting put down. Her ship has sailed.


(Should have been Hades smh.

If you’ve taken the effort to read all the way up to here, I just wanna say thanks for taking your time to read through the whole damn thing. Cus lets be honest this shit is frankly way too long for its own good. So I just want to thank you, the reader for enduring this test of reading-power.

As far as my verdict tho? Uh…. I dunno, so for the sake of simplicity I went to google and typed “flip a coin” heads was Beerus and tails was Galaxia.

Tails came out... so I guess I’m rooting for Galaxia to win this (even though deep in my heart I want Beerus to win)? Either way thanks for reading. Have some Dragon Ball music, you deserve it buddy.


  1. Is it possible to add a table of contents to future post?

    1. Maybe but it would be pretty difficult to implement.

  2. That was a great Blog once again. I loved the detailed explanations done here. Good job.

  3. I'm gonna be blunt with you here: I don't buy the 'Hakai erases all instances of an individual across all timelines' one bit. My evidence comes from when Present Zamasu got Hakai'd. You could say the excuse that the Time Ring protected Goku Black and Future Zamasu... if they both had a Time Ring, that is. In the anime, Future Zamasu markedly DOES NOT have a Time Ring, and should have been erased when Present Zamasu got Hakai'd if it really did work that way, as he didn't have a Time Ring: It was Goku Black that did. In the Manga, it should have been Goku Black who was erased, for the same reason, as in the manga, it's Future Zamasu who has the Time Ring.

    1. tl;dr Hakai is not a global erase across all timelines. Otherwise, only one of Goku Black or Future Zamasu would have survived Present Zamasu getting Hakai'd, not both (assuming the Time Ring has that kind of power anyway), because there was only one time ring, and the one wearing it varies between the anime and the manga (Anime would have Goku Black survive, Manga would have Future Zamasu survive).

    2. Uh, plot hole perhaps? Either way, doesn't really affect Beerus' chances given Galaxia's Point also isn't shown to have that sort of multi-timeline range.

    3. I know, it just irks me that they're saying Hakai is something it markedly isn't. It just destroys the target, soul and all.

      Methinks somebody confused it with Zen'O's Erasure technique (which runs on a different set of mechanics owing to not being based on the Energy of Destruction).

  4. You aren't being entirely honest in this blog. As you are ignoring recent details brought up regarding the manga. You specifically did not list a game changing speed feat despite listing everything for Beerus.

    I honestly advise everyone reading this to do their own research, as this blog is riddled with bias toward Beerus.

  5. iirc Sailor Moon has a calc putting her attack speed in the quintillions. Which would give Galaxia the edge in speed despite what this wanker would have you believe.

    1. That feat has been debunked numerous times within the blog. How about you pay attention next time?

    2. Are you aware that a ton of incorrect translations were floating around and being used to scale the verse?

      The official english translation and raw japanese scans support my claims.

      So how about you pay attention next time? lol

    3. The official translations make it pretty clear that the light is only doing that due to it being able to warp space-time, aka not a speed feat. So no, official translations don’t even come close to supporting your claims. Really think you didn’t even bother reading the blog at all.

    4. Mhmm. You sure about that buddy?

      The light crosses the solar system and reaches planet Nemesis, then extends past it and reaches the end of the universe. Wiseman is surprised by the light appearing in his domain.

      Also, it would just mean she has immeasurable attack speed if it warps space-time. Before you call it an outlier, remember that Queen Serenity performed the feat.

      It was repeated again in arc 4 too.

    5. Agreed. Sailor Moon Characters are extremely fast. Don't know why this blog made them "Lower" than they usually are

    6. Warping space-time is not a speed feat, it’s an ability. I fail to see how you cannot realize this simple fact, and apparently you haven’t read any of the arguments against the feat, which prove that it wasn’t a speed feat at all in the first place.

    7. Even then, you could get Beerus’s shockwaves up from 5.75 quintillion times light speed anyway.

    8. Technically it does cross the universe before extending into other dimensions, which makes it a speed feat.

      Link to the arguments, Chris-chan.

    9. Have you not read the fact that the “feat” only does this due to the nature of the light distorting space-time. Even then, same can be applied to Beerus’s shockwaves.

  6. Oh, and no it's not an outlier. She lights up the universe TWICE in the manga and both times with casual power emission.

    lmfao you claim Galaxia is wanked yet you are sucking off Beerus like a baby.

    1. Doesn't really matter given Beerus' other advantages - one of the two verdicts giving Galaxia the win completely ignores that Universe 7 is a huge macrocosm and that Beerus being able to destroy it is equivalent to destroying anywhere from 43 to 110 baseline universes (supported further by a fight between him and Champa being able to destroy Universe 7 and 6 just as a byproduct), thus being so much stronger and tougher that Galaxia's speed advantage doesn't really matter.

      Another claims that Galaxia has infinite stamina, when in fact such a thing is never stated in-canon and in actuality there are multiple instances of other Sailor Senshi collapsing of exhaustion after mere minutes of fighting, whereas Beerus scales to Goku and Vegeta being able to train rigorously for days on end even before attaining Super Saiyan God.

    2. Clearly, there was at least some bias for Galaxia as well. You claim they were "sucking off Beerus like a baby" (lmao chill) yet forget there are clear instances where misinformation is presented in Galaxia's favor as well. Chill and don't just skim before making toxic accusations that are easily countered.

    3. I love how Dragon Ball wankers love to bring up the cosmology of their own universe to scale feats, but completely ignore the cosmology of the opposing verse.

      Sailor Moon has a static universe, it was explicitly stated to be one by Sailor Cosmos herself.

      The universe 6/7 feat is valid, but my problem is that he's ignoring key information about Sailor Moon in order to make Galaxia as weak as possible.

      Galaxia never showed any exhaustion in all of her showings, so while she doesn't have infinite stamina, her stamina isn't low either.

      What misinformation is displayed other than the stamina bit? It's not a lack of honest information, but rather a lack of INFORMATION AS A WHOLE.

      This entire blog glorifies Beerus and DBS while being very picky with what it shows from Sailor Moon in terms of Stat wise. My problem is not with the abilities, but stats.

      Also ngl he probably smoking a purple cock while writing this.

    4. Again, toxic-ass much? Chill your cocky attitude and be mature for once. "Dragon Ball wankers" lol I don't even like Dragon Ball, so either you're Australian (which would be cool ngl) or just a dick. Don't be the latter. I get that this blog has made errors, bu that's no reason to be insufferably toxic.

      Sailor Moon having a static universe is not only never actually proven, but contradicted numerous times; if it were truly a literally infinite space, feats such as characters moving themselves/their attacks from one end to another w/o teleportation (which they do repeatedly) would be impossible by definition of what static universes are, and if Galaxia and Eternal Sailor Moon were truly capable of destroying said infinite space - which in turn would make them literally infinitely powerful - a being such as Chaos somehow being even stronger than them in AP (a strength difference Galaxia herself acknowledges) is a contradiction in of itself. Don't buy it. It's almost just like how DBZ's Universe 7 was stated to have only four galaxies, yet recent canon material explicitly contradicts and debunks such a notion on multiple occurrences.

      Galaxia never showing exhaustion could just as easily be because she outclasses 98+% of the other characters and never had to fight evenly with another for longer than several minutes to begin with, and again, Beerus' known feats and scalings of stamina outclass her reasonable stamina regardless. Even if we highball and assume Galaxia can fight on equal footing for several hours, Beerus is superior to characters who can exert themselves for days on end without rest even before attaining divine ki.

      I don't know who you mean "HE probably smoking" since these verdicts were created by a multitude of different researchers/debaters (forgive me if I confuse how this works), all but two give Galaxia the win and even then both of them misrepresent Beerus and Galaxia's abilities at least to some extent to favor Galaxia (i.e. ignoring DBS' cosmology, stating Galaxia has infinite stamina, etc).

    5. I agree with DebunkingYou. Galaxia is severely underestimated in this blog but I am not gonna be a cry baby about it.

      We shall see how this goes

    6. I really don't care about chilling, the DBS fandom needs a reality check.

      Just because Galaxia says Chaos is stronger than her disproves the cosmology how? Chaos had several avatars of itself operating in different dimensions throughout different periods of time. That actually makes an argument for Chaos' being low multiversal. Though, it could also just be because Chaos' is non-corporeal and Galaxia can't directly attack him. ._.

      Also that just strengthens the quintillion attack speed calc btw, cause you're admitting the light travelled to the end of the universe.

      Galaxia's upper stamina limits are simply not shown and since she is so massively above everybody else, you can't really scale them to her. So leave it as unknown?

      Also, gonna have to point out that there are several instances of the universes in DBS having the same space-time continuum, which makes it closer to one big universe.

      They even fucking take a ship to universe 6 in one episode.

    7. Well, yeah, on the DBS fandom, we agree. I love how they act like Death Battle hates them while CONVENIENTLY forgetting that more Dragon Ball characters has won than lost right now (Hercule, 18, Roshi, Vegeta to Buu and Goku).

      As for SM's cosmology, Galaxia saying she is inferior to Chaos proves that she has a limit that Chaos clearly surpasses... which is fine, except that if the SM verse really is an endless static universe, and there are multiple instances of both Eternal Sailor Moon and Galaxia being proven capable of destroying their universe, then that would mean Galaxia herself has infinite power, which then makes the idea of a being surpassing even her utterly nonsensical. She can't be literally infinitely powerful and yet still be dwarfed in power by another character in her verse at the same time, and the "static universe" is then further contradicted by there being several instances of attacks and characters moving across one end of the universe to another... which, if it is a static universe, wouldn't make sense if there are no ends of the universe to begin with.

      And, yes, I am fully admitting the light-crossing-the-universe feat, but as Speedy pointed out, it's only in the quintillions under the assumption that it took place under the ridiculously tiny time of 1 second. In the anime (the only solid canon timeframe), it takes a full 17 seconds for the light to travel from Neo-Queen Serenity to Wiseman, putting it more at 86.3 quadrillions. Granted, Beerus at 410 quadrillion x FTL (via his universe-spanning shockwaves) wouldn't be that much faster since Galaxia is easily several times superior to that 86.3 quadrillions anyway, but regardless he should be able to outpace with her well enough (especially given his incomplete UI).

      And, if we DO use the one second for the universe-lighting feat and use the quintillion speed (1.45 quintillion), we'd have to do the same for Beerus' universe-spanning shockwaves which would also come out to the quintillions (2.9 quintillion - 5.75 quintillion). Not a big enough difference to blitz, ngl, but Beerus would have some advantage there regardless.

      As for Galaxia's stamina, I can agree Unknown fits since, yes, no known indicator for her stamina has really been definitively provided. The same goes for Beerus, however, given he also hasn't shown any limit in his stamina, and I honestly doubt it really would come down to a contest of stamina anyway given both can heal if one of them tries to escape to rest up, the other gets a chance to do the same) and their other more definitive stats like strength, speed and hax are far more relevant than stamina to begin with.

      While, yes, the universes in DBS each have the space-time continuum, they're loosely linked at best (the Nameless planet is explicitly the only "neutral" space between Universes 6 and 7, for instance), and events that affected time in one universe (i.e Beerus explicitly splitting the timeline of Universe 7 in two when he Hakai'd Zamasu) don't seem to have such effects in the other universes IIRC (though I could be wrong about that).

    8. Universes in fiction are almost always confined in a spatial dimension / bubble that makes it finite outside of said dimension. There are such things as infinite multiverses you know? And yet there can be greater structures beyond such infinity.

      Don't forget that a low multiversal character is by default stronger than even an infinitely universal character. So that could very well answer the question too.

      The cosmology is not contradicted, you're simply choosing to believe that when there are plenty of plausible explanations.

      It's more than likely that they simply have immeasurable speed, as the silver crystal is stated repeatedly to transcend space-time and even cross it.

      But if you disregard the valid evidence for immeasurable and go with pure conventional feats, then Galaxia will still be faster.

      1. The universe spamming shockwaves were stated to get immensely stronger as they moved, implying they did not start out at full speed.

      Yes, they crossed the universe in a short time frame, but they were multiplying incredibly fast while at it. It's impossible to know how fast they started out, and how much faster they became with each second.

      2. While one second is sketchy, I don't see why we have to use the anime's 17 seconds when the manga showed it happening in an even briefer timeframe.

      5 - 10 seconds would be more fair since the manga is > the anime unlike with DBS currently.

      As for the DBS multiverse, they still flew to said neutral space, and didn't need to cross dimensions or what not. It seems more like the multiverse is a continent and each universe has outlined specific 'borders'

      This means Beerus is at best, very high universal, but not low multiversal like the fanboys would have you believe.

    9. Well death battle agrees galaxia has infinite stamina

  7. I'd probably root Boobies if I didn't feel as though it was a betrayal to my Cat... Oh, hey Mal.

  8. Shouldn't Galaxia actually have the advantage in the stats? Or at the very least in AP? I recall something about how Sailor Moon even before she met Galaxia was capable of generating 10,000 times more energy then Pharaoh 99, who moved an entire space-time continuum ... so shouldn't she be higher?
    Unless there's something I missed regarding Beerus, it sounds like she has a massive AP gap. LOL

    1. No, that's not how that feat worked; the "space-time continuum" she moved was only about solar system-to-galaxy sized, vastly inferior to Eternal Sailor Moon and Galaxia's known power; though it was called a universe, contradictions such as its actual form do not make it anywhere near Universe-level. Even if it is as large as a galaxy, Sailor Moon generating 10,000 times that energy wouldn't be anywhere near baseline Universal given the sheer difference in size.

    2. So we're just disregarding the feat entirely because of how big it looks on-panel?
      That seems a seems a bit odd, we don't consider size to be a factor when we scale characters like Nebula Man from DC Comics or Eternity from Marvel Comics, so why are we applying this double-standard to Sailor Moon? If something is considered within the story to be a universe/embodying a universe, we should consider it a universe for all intensive purposes. ESPECIALLY SINCE it's almost impossible for any fictional medium in general to portray a universal time-space in it's entirety.

    3. Not trying to be rude BTW, it's just that reasoning you gave sounds odd to me. I mean no disrespect.

    4. It's larger than a galaxy at least, as we see the galaxy and then a large portion of empty? space surrounding it.

    5. Well, yeah, size is a factor here given it's an object, not a character, being moved. Also, it doesn't seem like he actually physicall dragged it; as Kingslease points out in their verdict, he created a portal and the movement was going to be a slow assimiliation process taking place over a long period of time, not simply yeeting the nebula at its intended target.

    6. He moved it telekinetically.

      I wouldn't say a 'long period of time'. While I agree it would take some time, it was still an immediate threat to the earth that they wanted to stop asap.

    7. @DebunkingYou
      Do you mind? I'm trying to have a one-on-one conversation with this individual here. They don't need both of us overwhelming them with responses. Please don't add your own personal commentary and derail the conversation any further. Thank you.

    8. @Bloodstalker500
      If an object is stated to be 4th dimensional/possessing 4-D energy, then manipulating/destroying it would still require power on that kind of level.
      Also, just because Pharaoh 90 transported it, that doesn't mean it can't be used to scale his AP. Death Battle previously used Mewtwo teleporting a lake in order to calculate Mewtwo's AP as I recall.
      SO what if took a long time? IT'S AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE, of course it's gonna take a long time. The unobservable universe is a theoretically infinite-sized structure. Just the fact that it was going to be completely assimilated eventually pretty much means infinite-sized portions were being assimilated.
      The only way I could see it as just being a nebula is if you just went off of the Japanese version, as in that version the text roughly translates to just "celestial body" which could mean star system, universe, nebula, a bunch of things really. However, that wouldn't make sense given the context of the greater narrative considering Super Sailor Moon (the form that was stated to be 10,000 times greater then Pharaoh) later on fought a pretty even battle with Queen Nehelenia (Until Usagi turned into Eternal Sailor Moon, and then the battle was over pretty quickly), who the bloggers agree is at least Universal+. How would you go from galaxy-level to 4-D with ONLY a 10,000 times increase? Doesn't that sound weird to you?

    9. No, it is not an entire universe. it is explicitly stated to be a nebula and in fact looks more like a solar system - there's no actual proof he was moving an entire universe.

      As for the 10,000x increase... no, not that weird at all. We don't know specifically how large it is, but it isn't any larger than a galaxy, and in fact it makes LESS sense for it to be Universe-sized since if Pharaoh was Universe-level (putting Super Sailor Moon 10,000x greater than that), then Super Sailor Moon shouldn't have had to use any effort to beat Nehelenia, who would also be Universe+. So, Super Sailor Moon is 10,000x greater than Universe-level... and yet can only have an even battle against another Universe+ foe? No, that's just nonsense.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Y'know, looking back at this thread, all you really needed to do was just say Beerus should scale millions of times stronger then SSJG shaking the universe 7 macrocosm and that's all it would have taken to convince me. LOL XD

    12. Deleted my previous comment because of a spelling error.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think that giving Beerus the macrocosm advatage will be a factor.
    Do you know if Liam Swan is aware of that?
    Today we will be seeing that.

    1. I’m pretty sure that Liam only wrote the episode, he didn’t research it.

  11. For Beerus Equipment... You should have put 'Just them Rated E hands'.

    1. shameless,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u3.jpg
