Saturday 1 October 2022

Death Battle Predictions: Xeno Trunks VS Archie Silver


The future depends on what we do in the present.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Trunks Briefs, the half-human, half-Saiyan Time Patroller from Dragon Ball Heroes.

Silver the Hedgehog, Mobius’ savior of the future from Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog.

Time travel, one of the most dangerous and fascinating powers that a hero or villain can possess. Time itself is a scary concept, a fundamental fact of the universe that ultimately brings an end to everyone and everything. The ability to change this fact, the power to change events and actions from the past to save the future… well, with great power comes great responsibility.  

These two embody this to a tee, seeking to rewrite history itself for the sake of the greater good. Despite their futures being destroyed, they have the strength and the heart to carry on the fight no matter what. And even if they screw up the timeline or the past, they will only fight harder to fix everything and achieve their dreams of a better tomorrow.

These combatants may be well-known, more so than most time travelers in fiction, but today they’ll be going all out, for we’re looking at their strongest iterations. These two don’t just jump through time, they traverse the many timelines of the multiverse like it’s hopscotch. Will the survival fighter turned time cop triumph, or will it be the Chaos-wielding white blur? It’s no use (goddammit) in deciding a DEATH BATTLE!

Before we get started…

While the primary sources for this fight are Dragon Ball Heroes and the Archie Sonic comics, additional sources such as the anime and manga for Trunks and the games and IDW comics for Silver will still be counted as secondary/supporting evidence, since in theory, these versions should be capable of all the same things as their lesser counterparts. Note, however, that information from Heroes and Archie takes priority.


Trunks Briefs

“Goku isn’t the only Super Saiyan… There’s another one right here!”

The year was Age 766, and Son Goku and the other Z-Fighters were dead. Two despicable androids had slaughtered all of Earth’s greatest defenders in their world-encompassing reign of terror. In this terrible future, the only warriors left alive to stop them were the legendary warrior Gohan and his student, the young son of the late Vegeta, Trunks Briefs.

Trunks grew up in chaos with the android threat always looming, but despite this he had a heart of gold. Seeking to become capable of vanquishing the global threat, he trained with Gohan in order to improve his strength and fighting ability. However, this would come to an end when Gohan fell in combat against the androids, and Trunks was devastated, becoming a Super Saiyan in an explosion of anger and grief. Years passed and after more cybernetic conflict, Trunks’ mother Bulma constructed a time machine for Trunks to use to fix their future. What followed was not at all what he expected however. Despite giving Goku some vital information and medicine that would save his life, Trunks’ own future was not altered. Say it with me… Multiverse Theory is a bitch.

Regardless, Trunks helped settle conflict in the past, bonding with the father that he never knew, aiding in the defeat of the monstrous Cell, and gaining the strength needed to vanquish the androids from his time. Upon returning to the future, however, a typical normal standard every day occurrence happened: he got yanked into the Time Nest by a pissed off time god. Tuesdays, am I right?

Due to his time shenanigans, Trunks had inadvertently messed up history, and so had drawn the ire of Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time. Trunks felt guilty and so decided/was forced to help Chronoa deal with her own issues to make up for things. After his first encounter with the demons Towa and Mira, Trunks would become the first member of the Time Patrol, a group serving under Chronoa for the sake of protecting history itself against evil. From this point on, whether it be an ancient history eater or a nerdy genocidal freak, Trunks would always be determined to make sure good prevailed over the multiverse’s many evils. He’s had some rough times for sure, but the son of Vegeta will always persevere for the sake of a better future.

Silver the Hedgehog

“My name is Silver the Hedgehog, and I must find this “Sonic”. Your future depends on it.”

In the past, there was the creation of the Ultimate Lifeform, a tragic tale of good intentions paving the road to hell. The present holds the amazing Blue Blur, a shining beacon of hope in the midst of darkness. But what about the future? Well, don’t worry, this tradition of extraordinary hedgehog heroes doesn’t end any time soon. This extra furry hero from tomorrow may be young and just a little socially awkward, but you’d be mistaken to underestimate Silver.

When his time was first shown, Silver’s world had been consumed by Iblis, the Flames of Disaster. The monster spread death and destruction wherever it went, and Silver was always there to fight against it. But the monster’s immortality meant no matter how hard Silver tried, the battle would never reach an end. Desperate for a way to end it all, Silver trusted a mysterious individual named Mephiles, who claimed a being known as the Iblis Trigger was responsible for unleashing the Flames of Disaster, and that it was possible to go back in time and stop him before it was too late.

Traveling through time, Silver learned more about how the world was before disaster struck, and fought against the “Iblis Trigger” himself: Sonic the Hedgehog. But with the assistance of fellow hedgehog Shadow, Silver learned the truth behind Iblis, and that Mephiles had manipulated him all along. In truth, both Iblis and Mephiles were halves of the God of Time Solaris, and it took a team effort including all three hedgehogs to end their evil once and for all, erasing Solaris, and Silver’s future, from all time.

Silver’s future was altered several times after this, but in the world of the Archie Comics, its ruins continued to exist, caused by a truly sinister turn of events. A member of the Freedom Fighters, a group formed to defeat the evil Dr. Robotnik… was a traitor. And their actions single-handedly caused the end for most of Mobius. Trained by the ancient Mammoth Mogul, Silver learned more about the past, and the art of traveling through time, in order to go back and stop the traitor before they could act, ending this nightmare before it even had a chance to start.

The teenage hedgehog was zealous, to say the least. His desire to save the world led him into conflict with Sonic and friends multiple times, but his dedication to his goal got him the attention of the Secret Freedom Fighters, whom he joined in their quest of protecting the city of New Mobotropolis, in exchange for information on who the traitor truly was. It seems like no matter what changes happen in time, as long as there is trouble in the future, Silver will always be there to bring it to an end.




Occasionally known as the Brave Sword, this iconic blade was gifted to Trunks by the legendary hero Tapion (or not it’s weird) and he has been shown to wield it in combat several times during his journeys. When wielded by Trunks, this sword is powerful enough to cut foes like Frieza into several tiny pieces. During his time as a Time Patroller, he instead uses a sword made for him by Chronoa herself.

Time Patrol Clothes

A set of clothes given to Trunks by Chronoa when he joined the Time Patrol. According to Trunks, the later ones he receives help him control his godly power.

Great Saiyaman 3 Suit

During one of his missions, Trunks acquired this suit in order to disguise himself in a time period where Dragon Ball was really popular. It looks cool… sort of… but that’s about it.

Dragon Ball Locator

A special device made by Bulma for the sake of finding not just ordinary Dragon Balls, but also special variants of them such as the Dark Dragon Balls.


Trunks has access to a Capsule Corp edition scouter which allows him to read power levels, health, ki level, and more. It can communicate with the rest of the Time Patrol, as well as find hidden items, even if they’re not emitting energy. It can gather information and even read the strengths and weaknesses of a character, as shown in the Attack of the Saiyans game and Legacy of Goku II.


As a member of the Time Patrol, Trunks has access to the various capsules that can be purchased in Conton City. There are numerous variants with a variety of uses. Said variants include the following: 

  • Energy Capsule S: Minor HP recovery

  • Energy Capsule M: More HP recovery

  • Energy Capsule L: Significant HP recovery

  • Energy Capsule Z: Full HP Recovery

  • All-Energy Capsule S: Minor HP recovery for Trunks and all allies

  • All-Energy Capsule M: More HP recovery for Trunks and all allies

  • All-Energy Capsule L: Significant HP recovery for Trunks and all allies

  • All-Energy Capsule Z: Full HP Recovery for Trunks and all allies

  • Regen Capsule S: Minor HP regeneration

  • Regen Capsule M: More HP regeneration

  • Regen Capsule L: Even better HP regeneration

  • All-Regen Capsule S: Minor HP regeneration for Trunks and all allies

  • All-Regen Capsule M: More HP regeneration for Trunks and all allies

  • All-Regen Capsule L: Even better HP regeneration for Trunks and all allies

  • Power Capsule S: Minor Ki recovery

  • Aura Capsule S: Minor Stamina recovery

  • Mr. Antidote S: Cures of any poison or illness and grants immunity for a short while

  • Mr Antidote M: Cures of any poison or illness and grants immunity for a while

  • Mr. Shape Up S: Cures speed debuffs and makes Trunks immune to them for a short while

  • Mr. Shape Up M: Cures speed debuffs and makes Trunks immune to them for a while

  • Senzu Essence Capsule: Recovers Trunks’ health upon being KO’d

Potara Earrings

If the situation were to call for it, Trunks possesses a pair of Potara earrings. When used with another person, they can fuse together, creating a more powerful fighter than the sum of their parts.

Time Crystals

The crystals are used by Time Patrollers like Trunks in order to visit the various eras of history. Trunks and others have used similar looking crystals to communicate directly with Chronoa herself from different time periods.

Dragon Ball Heroes Cards

During Trunks' mission alongside the Dragon Ball Heroes, he had access to SDBH cards, which allowed him to summon nearly any member of the Dragon Ball cast to assist him in battle, including many of his Time Patrol allies. We’ll go more in depth with who he can summon later on though, as the cards are not his only method of summoning allies.

Hero Switch

A bracelet created by Leggings of the Capsule Corporation, which allows its wearer to enter the video game world of Dragon Ball Heroes with the same level of power as the Dragon Ball cast itself, and also allows them to use said powers in the real world. While not outright stated, it is believed to be the reason why the DBH Cards are capable of fighting outside of the game world they originate from.

Key Sword

The Key Sword is basically if you combined the Ocarina of Time with Kingdom Hearts and mixed in that Dragon Ball flair. Made up of Time Power, it is by far the most powerful weapon Trunks has access to and is capable of cutting Demon Gods apart like butter. And that’s just in its sealed state, before it got upgraded with the combined powers of Chronoa, Demigra, and Tokitoki, awakening it and giving it the look seen above. It can be summoned right to Trunks’s hand, and can even duplicate itself for attacks. That’s without even mentioning all the absurd abilities that it places at Trunks’ disposal, which includes the following: 


Power Rings

Magical rings created by the Chaos Emeralds. The Power Rings allow the user to gain special abilities while also increasing capabilities physically. Rings can be used to do the following:

Super Warp Ring

Before Silver mastered the power of the Time Stone, he used a super charged Warp Ring to travel through time. By simply thinking of a place while touching it, the ring can open a way there with ease, even managing to make pathways between different zones (alternate universes). It’s similar to how the Movie Sonic uses his rings to travel everywhere.

Time Stone

Should Silver need to fast travel, he has a Time Stone to get where he needs. For those who are not aware, Time Stones are seven stones that allow the user to control all of time and space. Similar to the Chaos Emeralds, they were so powerful each one had to be separated to prevent the stones from being used for evil. Silver and his master, Mammoth Mogul, acquired the orange Time Stone and started their quest of saving the future. There are two uses of a time stone. The first is Chronos Control, allowing time travel to almost any point of time. The second is the ability to reshape time and space itself, though this requires all seven to happen. Unfortunately, the full powers of these stones were never shown, as they disappeared after the reboot aftermath of Worlds Collide.

Chaos Emeralds

Seven mystical relics, which when combined together grant the user unimaginable power. In the Archie continuity, the 7 Emeralds were actually the fusion of many other Chaos Emeralds, but after the events of the Genesis Wave they were made similar to their game counterparts in origin. Still, the emeralds many times have been proven to have infinite and limitless power. The Chaos Emeralds can do many things, like: 

Extreme Gears

From the games of Sonic Riders, the following are some of the Extreme Gears that’s been seen in Archie which Silver can use:

  • Kunoichi/Shinobi: Turns Silver invisible and undetectable by radar.

  • Magic Broom: Allows Silver to use Parts Lock (disables opponents from gaining new abilities or stats), Status Trap (lowers opponent’s speed), and Vision Trap (unleashes color ball on opponents), as well as shutting off their use of gravity manipulation.

  • Throttle: Gives Silver the option to choose to either increase his maximum Ring cap, his maximum speed, or maximum gravity points.

  • Explosion: Creates explosions whenever Silver kicks off of the ground.

  • Steel: Steals Rings from anyone Silver comes in contact with.

  • Fortress: Prevents Silver from taking damage or suffering any negative status effects.

Misc. Game Items

  • Shield: Protects Silver from a fatal attack.

  • Invincible: Allows Silver to be invulnerable for about ten to twenty seconds.

  • Magnetic Barrier: Creates a shield that attracts nearby rings.

  • Power Bracelet: Increases Silver’s psychic range and lets him perform one of his moves, Grab All, which will be explained later.

  • Shock Bracelet: Increases Silver’s range and lets him perform Psycho Shock. 

  • Heart of Wind: An item that lets Silver perform Teleport Dash.

  • Single-Layered Extreme: An item that lets Silver perform Hold Smash.

  • Fire: Can be used to create a shield to protect oneself for one hit or shoot a fireball to hit a locked on foe.

  • Glue Trap: Glueballs that temporarily restrict movement.

  • Ice: Can be used to drop an ice cube to freeze enemies on contact or lock on to hit a target with ice.

  • Lightning: Zaps the opponent with electricity.

  • Ring Magnet: Attracts Rings towards Silver.

  • Mine: Places a mine that detonates on contact.

  • Wind: Summons mini tornadoes.

  • Gravity Band: A bracelet used to manipulate gravity.

  • High Speed: Increases Silver’s speed.

  • Illusionary Energy/Colorball/Octo-Ink: Items that obscure the opponent’s vision.

  • Bowling Strike: Attacks foes with a bowling ball/basketball. Yes, Silver is indeed ballin’.

  • Ring Can: A can Silver shakes to obtain more Rings.

  • Target Torpedo: A lock-on missile Silver can fire at opponents.

  • Tee Shot: Silver uses a golf club to hit a golf ball at enemies.



Saiyan Heritage

As a descendent of the hype man himself, Trunks gets multiple benefits due to him being half alien monkey. His natural strength, stamina, speed, and overall potential are all much higher than any human, he can go long periods of time without oxygen, etc. The most notable trait of this Saiyan lineage however would be his mid-fight progression. As in, throughout battle, Trunks will gradually rise in strength due to his Saiyan blood. In addition to this, if he were to ever be severely wounded and then recover, Trunks will receive a large stat increase in the form of a Zenkai boost.

Rage Boost

Like other Saiyan warriors like his mentor Gohan, Trunks' feelings of rage can be used to increase his power tremendously. The potency of this rage increase is only further enhanced by Trunks’ human blood, something else he has in common with Gohan. Rage increases can close massive gaps in power, like when Vegeta got one that made him stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku as just a Super Saiyan 2.

Martial Arts

Living half of his life in an apocalyptic world, the other battling time-meddling evils, Trunks is a talented martial artist capable of competing with experienced veterans who’ve trained under multiple masters like Goku, and has mixed his swordplay beautifully into his natural fighting style. Being as skilled as he is, he can perform various techniques:

  • Deadly Impact: A single punch, fueled by Trunks' fury, that impales enemies through their gut.

  • Shining Sword Attack: A sequence of incredibly powerful sword strikes, starting by cutting an opponent in half. After enough strikes, Trunks finishes the job with a powerful energy blast (seen in the image above).

  • Burning Breaker: Trunks sends his opponent flying with a punch to the stomach before unleashing a series of punches, completing it with a double ax-handle that sends the enemy crashing right back to ground level.

  • Burning Breaker Super Slash: An enhanced version of the prior technique using Trunks’s sword, involving slashing through the opponent across their entire body at extreme speeds.

  • Maximum Blow: Trunks punches but like really really hard

Ki Manipulation

The primary energy in Dragon Ball, Trunks can harness natural life energy known as ki to do a variety of things. Flight, increasing his strength, etc. He can use ki for many different techniques, including the following:

  • Kamehameha: The iconic turtle destruction wave taught to Trunks by Goku himself. Trunks fires a powerful beam of blue energy at his foe.

  • Burning Attack: One of Trunks’ original moves, he moves his arms around for no discernable reason before firing a precise energy ball at his foe.

    • Spread Shot Burning Attack: Burning Attack, but Trunks fires four beams instead of one

    • Guided Burning Attack: An even stronger version of the attack where the attack tracks onto the enemy and explodes with greater damage.

  • Heat Dome: Trunks tosses the opponent upwards before releasing a devastating blast of hot ki to obliterate the enemy 

  • Shining Blow: Trunks focuses his energy into his fist and punches clean through an opponent all while the surrounding environment goes black.

  • Justice Slash: A technique where Trunks fills his sword up with energy and slashes with a wave energy, and after landing, the opponent blows up like a Power Rangers villain.

  • Buster Cannon: Trunks charges two energy spheres in his arms before combining both into a powerful energy wave, which he fires at his enemy.

  • Final Flash: Copied directly from his old man, Trunks charges up and fires a massive beam of yellow energy.

  • Galick Gun: Once again taken from Vegeta, Trunks fires a purple beam of energy at his foe

  • Masenko: The signature technique of Gohan, Trunks’s mentor, involves firing a large beam from both palms opposing each other and thrusting forwards.

  • Aero Blast: A move where Trunks uses a kiai to send his foe flying. He used this on Imperfect Cell after he returned from the future.

  • Break Strike: An evasive skill, Trunks creates a wave of energy in the shape of a sphere around him that causes enemies close by to get sent upwards and erase energy projectiles and waves that come in contact with it.

  • Mafuba: A sealing technique. Trunks concentrates, releases a wave of green energy, and strikes a target, before manipulating them to enter a chosen open container before sealing them in until the top is opened again. However, the technique costs a decent chunk of stamina to use, and it can whiff if the sealing target misses the open hole of the container.

  • Solar Flare: Trunks learned the ability from Future Gohan to emit a bright ray of light from his hands to blind people to serve as a getaway or to make an opening to attack.

  • Sword of Hope: By channeling the energy of the people of Earth, Trunks can power himself up absurdly, and also greatly enhance his blade into a shining blue sword. This technique is very powerful, making his Rage form go from a Super Saiyan Blue Goku/Vegeta level fighter to being able to cut Fusion Zamasu clean in half

  • Dimensional Domain: An ability where Trunks reduces the stamina of all enemy attackers. This move can also work on Androids with the infinity energy/stamina units, such as 17 and 18.

Trunks can also sense the ki of others, allowing him to constantly track them mid-battle.

God Ki

Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z GIF - Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Anime GIFs

Trunks in the Heroes canon has access to God Ki, which normally applies to, well, Gods. God Ki in canon already has plenty of benefits that normal Ki doesn’t, but Heroes does add some extra perks to a godly fighter’s tool kit:

Super Soul Boosts

Within the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games, Trunks is able to access special character specific boosts that aid him in battle. He has the following Super Souls:

  • “I came to kill you…”: With this Super Soul, Trunks’ ki blast attacks become easier to charge, and take less stamina to do so as well.

  • “Vanish forever!”: When Trunks activates a transformed state, his ki blast attacks gain a temporary boost in power.

  • “I will protect our world!”: With this Super Soul, Trunks’ Ki recovers in more plentiful amounts than normal, and his ki blast attacks are more powerful.

  • “I feel it… Everyone, lend me your power!”: When using the Sword of Hope technique, Trunks reduces the amount of damage he normally receives.

Card Abilities

Trunks is a usable character in many cards in the various Dragon Ball Heroes games. As these cards seem to be based directly on the characters they represent, it’s reasonable to say that anything these cards have been shown doing, the actual Trunks could do as well. These include the following:


Trunks has the ability to freely manipulate the fabric of space-time in order to summon other characters from the franchise’s history to assist him in battle. Trunks is capable of summoning characters with both his cards (mentioned earlier) and space-time shenanigans. These summons range out to both heroes and villains from across the multiverse, but below are the confirmed characters at his disposal.


Due to the fact Trunks can summon other familiar characters to the battlefield, mid-fight he would be capable of fusing with many of them. Whether it be through the Potara Earings or Fusion Dance, a variety of new beings can appear on the battlefield through Trunks fusing. Said beings would include the following:

  • Gotenks: Trunks’ iconic metamoran fusion (in the image above) with his best friend Goten, this lovable goofball is as stylish as he is efficient. Despite maintaining some of his goofier traits however, this version of Gotenks is much more focused on the job at hand, likely due to the Future variant of Trunks being in the fusion.

    • Super Burning Kamehameha: A combination of the Burning Attack and Kamehameha, it isn’t particularly special but considering it comes from Gotenks, it’s obviously flashy.

    • Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: Gotenks’ iconic explosive spirit attack makes a return, now as a powered up adult version. As an adult he also seems to be capable of making more of them now.

  • Vegenks: The Potara fusion between Trunks and his mind-blowingly powerful dad, Vegeta. Vegenks carries Vegeta’s love for combat and dismissive personality, in addition to Trunks’ focus and determination to get the job done . 

    • Burning Impact: A combination of Trunks’ Burning Attack and Vegeta’s Deadly Fireworks, Vegenks fires an instantly detonating explosion of Ki at the enemy.

  • Gohanks: The Metamoran fusion between Trunks and his previous mentor, Gohan. Adding together Trunks’ focus with Gohan’s discipline, this fusion is very efficient when it comes to ending fights.

    • Ultimate Demon Flash Barrier: A defensive move used by Gohan as a counter attack. Logically Gohanks should be capable of it since the fusion involves Gohan.


Trunks has shown the ability to utilize telekinesis in combat, specifically using it to launch a large mass of rocks at Androids 14 and 15 in the Super Android 13 film.


Though unclear, Trunks has seemingly shown the ability to use the Kai Kai, or Instantaneous Movement, where he can teleport without sensing a ki signature. Considering his Supreme Kai Training in the Dragon Ball Super Manga, this wouldn’t be too far fetched.


As he was once Future Shin’s disciple, Trunks gained the ability to heal people, even passively sustaining them from dying from mortal wounds, though actively doing this, he can only do it to one person and it takes a lot out of him.


Due to his job as a Time Patroller, Trunks is disconnected from the ordinary flow of time and any events that might have affected his timeline. The same applies for all Time Patrollers, as Pan had her entire timeline erased and it had no effect on her. To further support this, Trunks was completely unaffected by the fact Mechikabura sucked up all of time, including the eras he himself was in. Do note though that this mainly applies to the Heroes continuities, as in Xenoverse, Trunks has been affected by time paradoxes multiple times.




Silver’s premier power is his psychokinesis, which is primarily used to pick up and throw things at enemies. However, it has a bevy of other applications, such as: 

Grab All

With the Power Bracelet, Silver can use the ability Grab All, which allows him to manipulate everything with his psychic energy. Silver uses this to grab everything around him, especially enemies projectiles which can be thrown back at them with double the damage.


Like a lot of Sonic characters throughout the continuities, Silver is capable of flight. His is the result of his telekinesis, essentially floating himself through the air and directing himself wherever he pleases. He can also continue to use his powers however he likes while doing this without suffering any drawbacks. Notably, his flight is fast enough to keep up with Sonic in races, making him probably one of the faster fliers throughout the series.

Psychic Blasts 

Silver is capable of releasing psychic energy, capable of attacking things from a distance. He has shown to fire wind blasts, small blasts, and even beam blasts. In addition, his psychic energy seems to be capable of inducing paralysis once it hits an opponent. He can also use the blasts to push back enemies too close to him.

Psychic Knife

A move where Silver creates energy to throw at enemies and sharp enough to cut them. They can be fired horizontally or vertically. Silver usually does take a moment to create and then aim it though.

Psycho Shock

Psycho Shock is an ability that Silver uses when he jumps into the air, charges energy in his hand, then slams it down, creating a shockwave around himself that can temporarily paralyze foes.

Psycho Smash

By charging up energy, Silver can release a shockwave of psychic energy that can hurl away objects around him, as well as paralyze any foes caught in its wake. The longer he charges it, the more powerful it will become.


Should Silver need to defend, he can form a shield to protect himself. Using his psychic energy, Silver can protect himself and others from incoming physical or ranged attacks. He has shown to block out laser fire, make them underwater while gaining air, block out psychic attacks, make shields larger, and create them from a distance.


Even after the events of 06, Silver only got stronger in the games as he gained the ability of teleportation. In his rematch with Sonic in Generations, Silver is shown to teleport at his will while also keeping up with Sonic with Boost. Silver can also use it to get away from foes for distance.

Teleport Dash

Using his psychokinesis Silver is able to warp space to teleport across short distances, useful for evading attacks and obstacles. Silver also becomes intangible while performing the move.


Thanks to his training under Mammoth Mogul, Silver has the ability to read people's minds. He is not as skilled with it as his master, but he has shown to have worked to improve his skills as best as possible. He could cancel out mind control when he freed Walrus Herd, though he did need some help, using a machine to aid his powers and free the animals.


His signature move in Sonic Rivals, Silver is able to release a wave of energy that can disorient foes's minds. This even works against people such as Sonic and Shadow, who normally resist such mental attacks.

Psychic Constructs

Utilizing his telekinetic powers, Silver can use the environment around him to create constructs made of whatever is in his vicinity. He can form them in any way he likes, and can use them to deal more damage in battle. This includes a battering ram made of cars and a giant rolling ball comprised of nearby rubble.


One especially unique property of Silver's psychokinetic energy is its effects on electronics. Once it makes contact, it can immediately short-circuit the machinery. A device short-circuiting means that current travels with no impedance, resulting in it overflowing, which could cause it to overheat or suffer otherwise serious damage. This can be supported by the game 06, in which he used his psychic powers to unlock old ancient doors.

Homing Attack

A classic move amongst the entire Sonic cast including Silver. The Homing Attack has the user curl up into a ball before flying at a designated target at rapid speeds. From there, the target is slammed into like a battering ram. The move can be useful for transportation or reaching far off targets as well. However, it should be noted that bulky or prepared opponents, such as Zavok, have deflected or blocked this move.

Space-Time Awareness 

Silver can sense disturbances in the space-time continuum, and pinpoint the location of the source. 

Space-Time Fixture

Silver’s psychic energy harmonizes with dimensional fabrics, which gives him the ability to heal and close rifts in space-time.


All versions of Silver are immune to changes made in the timeline. In the Archie continuity, this is because Silver’s constant time traveling has made him “decoupled from time.”

Spin Attack

Like all hedgehogs in the series, Silver is capable of performing a spin attack. Curling into a ball, Silver uses his momentum and quills to bash through anything in his path. 


Silver speeds up immensely, adding an aura to himself that knocks aside weaker or immobile targets effortlessly. It is also fast enough to keep up with other boost users, like Sonic and Shadow, even while using his telekinesis in combat.

Chaos Control


Like other wielders of the Chaos Emeralds, Silver is able to use Chaos Control to manipulate the fabric of space and time. This includes being able to stop time and seal others into different dimensions, travel through dimensions, travel through time, and, when enhanced by the power of all 7 Chaos Emeralds, warping reality to an immense degree. Sonic and Mega Man were capable of using it to counteract the Super Genesis Wave and reset the entire multiverse.

Shield of Light

One of Silver’s most powerful moves, the Shield of Light is an extension of Silver’s natural telekinesis enhanced by his Super Form. With this move, Super Silver absorbs light to create a massive green energy shield in front of him, grabbing any projectiles or attacks that enter. From there, Silver can redirect or throw them back at the sender, even being capable of damaging Solaris. It could also potentially be used to trap enemies, much like Silver’s regular psychokinesis. That being said, the move does require a charge to work, and drains energy to use.


Silver has been shown to use his abilities to reflect the energy of others such as Enerjak. 

Resistances (Archie)

Note: Because Power Rings are byproducts of the Chaos Emeralds, anything that can be done through a Power Ring can be done with the Chaos Emeralds. It should also be noted that Silver only gains these abilities when he transforms into Super Silver.

Resistances (Game)

  • Death Manipulation (debatably): Can scale to Super Sonic, who can touch the eyes of Solaris without being affected, which can instantly kill any of the base form characters in End of the World. This includes Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, who were unaffected standing near Void, whose power was killing off all life in the Nature Zone and was passively corrupting and destroying Maginaryworld.

  • Time Manipulation: Scales to classic Super forms, which can move around in Egg Reverie normally, a realm where time follows an irregular flow and can move forwards, backwards, and into imaginary time at random intervals, in random increments.



Super Saiyan

The original golden power up, the Super Saiyan form makes Trunks’ hair glow and his eyes shine green as he gains a massive power boost. The form increases all of Trunks’ stats 50 times over, greatly increasing his combat capabilities. It also gives him the best hair out of all the Super Saiyan 1 characters.

Super Saiyan Grade 2

An evolved iteration of the Super Saiyan form, this state boosts Trunks' power even further than the original form. As a downside though, it does have a slightly worse effect on stamina.

Super Saiyan Grade 3

A further evolved variant of the Super Saiyan transformation, this form increases Trunks’ power by a massive degree. However, the key word there is power. Due to the form’s incredible strength, it has a much larger muscle mass, and so decreases his movement speed by a noticeable margin. However, Trunks has been shown using this form to get his opponent to lower their guard, expecting the speed decrease, before instantly changing to a better form. 

Super Saiyan 2

The level beyond Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2. It isn’t too visually different from level one, but it is significantly stronger, offering an 100x increase in power level compared to the user’s base. It also doesn’t have the flaws of the previous Grade 2 and 3 transformations, making it a natural upgrade.

Super Saiyan 3

The third iteration of the Super Saiyan forms, Trunks’ hair grows long and his power skyrockets as he achieves Super Saiyan 3. In the pre-Xenoverse Heroes game, it’s suggested he unlocked this form in a battle against Majin Buu in an altered timeline. The form boosts Trunks' power-level 400 times over compared to base, though it does have a notable stamina issue, to the point where he’s suggested he can only use the form for 10 seconds.

Super Saiyan Rage

Obtained through sheer rage as the name implies, this form massively boosts Trunks’ stats compared to his previous ones. While said increase doesn’t have a confirmed number, it makes him capable of keeping up with Super Saiyan Blue level characters.

Also while the lore is nonexistent it still looks cool as shit.

Super Saiyan God

The newest transformation and only Super Saiyan transformation for Trunks that doesn’t involve him turning into a blonde, unlocked after five pure-hearted saiyans lent Trunks their power. This form has Trunks powered by ridiculously potent God Ki and don crimson hair. While the specific increase for this form is not set in stone like most of his other transformations, it’s clear that the boost it gives is massively above the rest, allowing him to contend with the likes of the demon king Mechikabura.


Super Silver

Through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Silver can transform into the golden Super Silver form. While this form was never directly seen in the Archie comics, the battle against Solaris where it first appeared was confirmed to have happened in that continuity, making Silver's transformation comparable to Super Sonic and other similar forms. In this form, Silver can fly without using telekinesis, all of his statistics are boosted to an immense degree, and he becomes seemingly invulnerable, with most attacks simply knocking him back unless they come from a chaos energy source. Silver also gains a limited degree of mind destruction, as he could directly attack and destroy Solaris’s consciousness. In the Archie continuity, he gains more powerful abilities thanks to his exposure to the seven Chaos Emeralds.




  • Defeated Frieza, King Cold, Android 18, Android 17, Imperfect Cell, Goku Black, Zamasu, Fused Zamasu, Cell X, Mira, Towa, Demigra, The Masked Saiyan (Bardock), Mechikabura, Dark Future Gohan, etc

  • [Z] Was the second Super Saiyan ever seen

  • [Z] Survived in a world terrorized by Androids 17 and 18 for over a decade and a half

  • Achieved multiple evolved variants of the Super Saiyan form

  • [Z] Single-handedly stopped Freiza’s first invasion on Earth

  • [Z] Assisted in stopping Cell in the Cell Games

  • [Z Movies] Assisted in defeating the original Broly

  • [Z Movies] Supported in defeating Androids 13, 14, and 15

  • [Super] With Goku and Vegeta, defeated Goku Black and Zamasu

  • [Heroes] Became one of the top Time Patrollers, saving many if not all timelines on multiple occasions

  • Has the coolest introduction scene of all time

  • Overcame  Fatherless Behavior

Anime Dragon Ball Z GIF - Anime Dragon Ball Z Frieza GIFs

Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z GIF - Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dbz GIFs




  • [Archie] Joined the Secret Freedom Fighters and their efforts to dethrone Ixis Naugus

  • [Archie] Destroyed the Psionic Emitter, saving the Walrus Herd from the Dark Egg Legion’s mind control

  • [Archie] Prevented the Second Devourer from destroying Onyx City

  • [Archie] Assisted in defeating Scourge The Hedgehog in his invasion of Mobius

  • [Archie] Silver was able to hold his own for most of his fight with Enerjak up until Jani-Ca came in to assist.

  • [Archie] Helped Jani-Ca defeat Enerjak and save her timeline

  • [Archie] Aided Sonic and Mega Man to defeat Eggman and Wily in Worlds Collide

  • [Archie] Supported in the Worlds Unite event by helping the Maverick Hunters track down Sigma and defeating Vile

  • [Game] Fought with/stalemated Sonic and Shadow in his debut appearance

  • [Game] Rid his future of Iblis, a powerful fire demon spread across the whole planet

  • [Game] Helped defeat Eggman Nega, stopping his plans to both turn the planet into a card, and resurrect the Ifrit demon from Chaotic Inferno

  • [Game] Fought Sonic again in Generations

  • [Game] Fought against Infinite and performed slightly better than Sonic did six months prior, even setting in motion the events of Infinite’s demise

  • [Game/Archie] Alongside Super Sonic and Super Shadow, defeated Solaris, the Soleanna god of time




[Archie] Silver’s Super form is the same power as Super Sonic which has:

  • Fought Hyper Knuckles in a fight that ended in a collision that destroyed an entire dimension and was fine. 

  • As Ultra Sonic, tanked the Time Beam that would have destroyed Mobius and changed time itself, and was fine.



Trunks has always had an issue of self-confidence, doubting his own capabilities in comparison to his opponents. This has led to him being discouraged more than once throughout long conflicts, hindering his effectiveness. And while he has bounced back plenty of times, this issue still exists.

It’s also an important factor to point out that Ki in Dragon Ball is not limitless unless it has a special power supply like Android 17 and 18. Many characters like Goku, Vegeta, and especially Trunks had run out of Ki because of it being tied to their stamina. This includes God Ki since the Tournament of Power showed a stronger Goku and Vegeta using up all their energy in less than an hour. Lastly Trunks has always struggled against foes more skilled than him like Goku Black and is still a mortal who can still be killed off by a powerful speedy attack, by which Cell murdered Trunks twice in canon.

Also his GT iteration got hurt by a car crash what the fuck?

Silver the Hedgehog

To his credit, Silver doesn’t suffer from the usual weakness of his fellow hedgehogs, insane overconfidence. However, he struggles with his own problems. Silver’s focus can sometimes become so locked onto a target, he misses possible threats or problems with his plans. His sheer drive and tendency to jump to conclusions caused him to incorrectly accuse numerous figures of being a traitor to the future, making enemies of what could have been useful allies, though he would often mend these fences later. It can also make it where he instantly goes with whatever plan he comes up with instead of thinking things through in combat, which can leave him heavily open to counterstrikes or allowing opponents to escape. 

While capable of using Chaos Control, he’s also not quite on the same level as other users in skill, especially compared to Shadow. He also needs to be able to focus in order to use his psychic powers to their maximum extent. His overreliance on psychic powers have also led to his physical skills being somewhat lacking, most notably being the worst at hand to hand combat out of the hedgehog trio. Should Silver be struck or distracted in the middle of using his powers, he will likely falter or the attack will be canceled out entirely, at least in some performances. Finally, Silver can only put so much strain into his powers and extend so far, so he must be careful not to overexert himself. 

In the Archie continuity, Super Silver’s only appearance of fighting happened in the 2006 events that were off screen. As such, he has not been shown outside of the 2006 events to use the full extent of Chaos Energy abilities, like how Super Sonic or Super Shadow performed in their run in the comics.


Trunks Briefs

"I promise you, Master; A peaceful future and a future of the past that you couldn't protect... I will protect every history."


  • Stat stomps base Silver while matching Super Silver in stats if infinite/immeasurable speed is included

  • More experienced

  • Better combat training

  • Better in close quarters combat

  • Superior healing options in the form of capsules

  • If his summons (especially Chronoa) are included, has a great numbers advantage

  • Can’t be sensed by Silver

  • Resists plenty of Silver’s hax

  • Being in a VS Show grants him magical plot armor

  • It is important to stress that Trunks is *not* Goku (he is better)


  • Not as concrete infinite speed arguments

  • Weaker telekinesis and lacking control of battlefield, while Silver can keep distance and reduce the effectiveness of his close combat options

  • Hero Switch could short-circuit thanks to Silver

  • Silver could close the summon portals or reverse time, making Trunks’ summoning a tad more complicated

  • Doesn’t even have 30 dollars

  • His timeline and everyone he knows is dead (*laugh track*)

Silver the Hedgehog

"No one dies today. I'll save my time... I'll save the past... I will save everyone!"


  • Super form matches in stats, and arguments for infinite speed are more concrete

  • Telekinesis and teleportation offers him better battlefield control as well as help to keep Trunks at a distance, limiting a lot of his close range options

  • More versatile in equipment

  • With his technopathy being able to short circuit Trunks's Hero Switch, as well as his ability to close portals and time rewinding being able to reset his summons, he could make Trunks’ summoning options harder to execute

  • Resists plenty of Trunks’ haxes

  • Chaos Control could potentially break Silver out of Trunks’ seals 

  • Contrary to popular belief, it IS of use 

  • Saved his future (I guess)


  • Stands no chance in base form 

  • Lacking experience and combat training by a wide margin compared to Trunks

  • Not very good at close quarters combat

  • Trunks has more ways to heal himself than Silver has with rings

  • Summons can give Silver a problem should Trunks pull them off

  • Silver has no way of sensing Trunks due to his God Ki

  • Couldn’t save the future from Ken Penders

  • Third time’s the charm right guys?




Let’s get the obvious things out of the way first: Trunks is stomping base Silver in stats. Base Silver would be maxing out at planetary ranges if you want to use feats from the Sonic games themselves for his AP. He’d definitely be scaling to stuff like a single emerald moving parts of the Earth and whatnot. In comparison though, with just main canon feats Trunks is scaling to the universe busting funny shockwaves. Clear advantage there. Even scaling Silver to a single Chaos Emerald performing the Genesis Wave wouldn’t be enough.

Going further for speed, obviously Archie has very impressive feats even for base form tier characters, with Sonic having feats like crossing the entire Cosmic Interstate, which spans 148,000 light years. However, once again Trunks can match these feats with nothing more than his main canon stats considering the speed of the shockwaves from Goku and Beerus’ clash, which spanned the entire universe. Silver could only exceed this by scaling him to Sonic stating he could visit every single planet in the universe in a short time, which is a dubious statement from a letters page that doesn’t have much backing.

In short, base Silver does not stand any chance. But Super Silver is a different story. While Super Silver never makes a direct appearance in the Archie comics (though it is referenced in the encyclopedia), it’s been confirmed by Ian Flynn that the events of Sonic 06 took place in the comic continuity. This would mean Silver achieving his super form against Solaris is canon to the Archie comics, and would allow Silver to scale to the Archie version of Super Sonic. With Chaos Control, Super Sonic and Mega Man were capable of countering the Super Genesis Wave, an event that destroyed the entire multiverse, including other realms such as Maginaryworld and likely even the Chaos Force. The Chaos Force should be above realms like the Virtual Zone, which has been described as a “higher plane of reality” that exists “outside time-space”, and Maginaryworld, which has been described as “extradimensional”. All that could suggest the Chaos Force is a higher dimension, which the Super Genesis Wave could destroy alongside the multiverses of Sonic and Mega Man. As their Super forms provide similar power, Super Silver would scale to Super Sonic, and so the aforementioned feats

All that’s certainly a lot to deal with, but Trunks stacks up fairly well against it. Mechikabura, who Trunks ultimately defeated with the Key Sword in the manga adaptation of Dark Demon Realm Mission, was capable of consuming all of history and all timelines with his black hole, forcing Tokitoki to restore it. So, how many timelines are there in Dragon Ball? Well, it’s not the most clear. In Heroes, there are at least 76 billion “histories” out there, with the highest value given just being that there are “countless” timelines. Meanwhile, in Xenoverse, a time patroller states that history has an infinite number of branches, suggesting there are in fact infinite timelines. This could arguably be supported by Fu stating that history isn’t finite, though this could also be referring to how it constantly expands with every choice, the idea the original manga seemed to run with

There’s a problem though, as Xenoverse also states that the Time Vault risks overloading and exploding if too many timelines are created and it fills up with Time Scrolls, which would necessitate it being finite, an idea also suggested in Online. So, how do you reconcile that? Well, a time patroller in Xenoverse 2 states that the Parallel Quests, which are generated from the Time Patrol fixing corrections in history, do not have Time Scrolls corresponding to them, and so can only be accessed via a time machine. Similarly, the Time Rifts the player accesses from the Time Nest are described as existing in their own time-space, separate from the Time Scrolls, allowing the player to alter history in them freely. This would suggest that not every timeline that exists has a corresponding Time Scroll, which provides a solution to the discrepancy and would imply the Time Scrolls only represent a finite portion of an infinite number of timelines. While Chronoa does state Demigra destroying the Time Nest would destroy “all” of time, “all” could be a relative term, or it could indicate that the Time Nest is still linked to these timelines despite them not having Time Scrolls.

So, with all that in mind, how does that apply to Heroes? After all, Heroes and Xenoverse are different continuities which don’t actually have a proper narrative link. That said, they are still pretty heavily connected. Promotional material describes the Trunks of “DBXV” transcending space-time to reach the world of Heroes. This could be referring to it in a more meta-sense, as in the literal introduction of Xenoverse concepts to the Heroes storyline like the Time Patrol, but in interviews, the Heroes team describes working in-tandem and conjunction with the Xenoverse team to develop the storylines of their games, further suggesting their link. Both, after all, stem out of the concepts introduced in Dragon Ball Online. With all that in mind, it’s reasonable to say that the two continuities share a broad overall cosmology, and so the infinite timelines would apply to Mechikabura’s feat, as it’s stated by Chronoa herself that he’s sucking in “all of time”. Even if one were to argue that Mechikabura is only sucking in the Time Nest and absorbing history that way, Tokitoki subsequently restored all of time through its own power, and Dark King Fu later absorbed the power of Dogidogi, a time bird equal to Tokitoki.

That would allow Trunks to scale up to an infinite multiverse’s worth of power, just like Silver, but it’s still worth comparing any higher dimensional arguments. The closest equivalent to the Chaos Force in Dragon Ball would be the Crack of Time. In Xenoverse, the Crack of Time is described as being “separated” from the dimension of time, while in Heroes it’s stated to be “beyond” time itself, and “superdimensional” in promo material. As the Crack of Time is connected to the infinite number of timelines across history via the crystals inside of it, this could suggest it’s dimensionally beyond these timelines in their entirety, which would make it a higher-dimensional construct. As characters like Goku could threaten it in Xenoverse, and Chamel could collapse the entire Dragon Ball world and Beat’s world in Ultimate Mission X, this would likely scale to characters like Trunks. That’s setting aside the argument that, as Chronoa can create portals to the Crack of Time, yet could not escape Mechikabura’s black hole, Mechikabura would logically have to be affecting it too with his history absorption.

Still, those arguments for the Crack of Time’s nature aren’t the most clear, and could be disputed. That said, while the Chaos Force’s arguments could be arguably a bit more direct, they still rely on assumptions about the implications of it being a “higher plane of reality” and outside time-space, which could mean multiple things that don’t include outright dimensional transcendence. Neither side’s case is entirely concrete. With all that in mind, with a bit of leeway, Trunks can solidly match Silver’s strength, both with and without any higher dimensional arguments.

So with all that information on attack potency explained, let’s go on to speed. For Silver’s Super form, yeah, incalculable speed statement here, moving in stopped time through sheer speed there. Super Silver is pretty blatantly infinite/immeasurable speed, no need to go over that.
So are you ready to talk about the Mechikabura time-sucking black hole again?

As previously established, Mechikabura was sucking up all of time. To prove this feat counts for something, there are two things that need to be proven:

  1. Mechikabura sucked up all of existence normally and not by simply absorbing the Time Nest directly

  2. Characters can actually scale to the black hole’s speed itself

For that first one, proving that isn’t actually as complicated as it may seem. While yes, the Time Nest would easily let Mechikabura suck up most of history, it would not suck up all of history. As previously established, Parallel Quests and Fu’s Time Rifts are not counted in the Time Nest. The entire reason Parallel Quests exist is because of Time Patroller work. Any timelines they interact with become Parallel Quests. Them not being connected from the Time Nest is also consistent with Fu’s shenanigans in the same game, where he begins altering history outside of the Time Nest’s jurisdiction.

This all matters as the black hole was stated to be “swallowing up all of time”. Looking closely at the timelines the black hole swallows, we can see what appears to be Frieza and Vegeta. This is important because they are from specific instances of Time Patrol work and not just random moments in normal history. This means that these moments Mechikabura is sucking up are NOT accessible through the Time Nest, and only are present outside of it. Thus Mechikabura’s energy must have spread through all of time without using the Time Nest as a focus point, and thus had to have crossed across all of time-space. We know it absorbed everything as well as Chamel outright states that Mechikabura left nothing.

With all that in mind, Mechikabura’s time eating black hole must have been infinite / immeasurable speed. So, Trunks technically does have a feat that lets him match Silver. In Dragon Ball characters scale to the speed of their own attacks. This has been a universal thing ever since ki was introduced, as characters can dodge attacks from one another’s ki attacks and whatnot. Since Mechikabura’s black hole covered all of time, logically his other attacks would scale as well. Not to mention Demigra’s light chains are able to move in tandem with the black hole’s energy in order to save Trunks and friends, and Trunks is able to fight Mechikabura while Demigra merely serves as a support. All that means Trunks should solidly scale in speed to the black hole.

While Silver’s infinite / immeasurable speed feat in relation to Sonic Man comes from a character who should be much slower than his Super form, and thus Silver would be “upscaling infinity”, Trunks has similar stuff for upscaling anyways, as he was more capable than Demigra in his Super Saiyan God form in the first place, got stronger and faster in later arcs, is amped by the Key Sword, etc.

With all this information in mind, it’s clear that Trunks is definitely capable of matching Silver’s Super form in stats, letting him keep up with the hedgehog. Neither is going to be outstatting each other from the get go, so the fight comes down to other factors.

Arsenal and Abilities

While Trunks’ stats seem to only match Super Silver, his actual abilities and arsenal are a different factor entirely. To start off with the basics of what he can do, his ki manipulation is similar to the level of his canon self, knowing a variety of moves which could prove useful against the hedgehog. However Silver’s attack reflection through telekinesis seems like a hard counter, especially when considering his equivalent speed in his Super form. That said, attack reflection is nothing new in Dragon Ball, and plenty of random characters have shown the ability to deflect ki blasts before, so Trunks shouldn’t be out of his depth there. Still, it’s important to look at their more complex abilities to determine if Trunks has an advantage in this area. The short answer? He does.

For starters we can compare the offensive hax the two have at their disposal to see how they can generally affect the other. For that we have a specially made chart that compares their offensive hax…

..and thus reveals Trunks’ edge.

None of Silver’s offensive hax are capable of affecting Trunks, whether it be time rewinding being negated by the Key Sword, Silver trying to rewrite laws of reality being negated by the Key Sword, trying to seal Trunks’ abilities being negated by the Key Sword, you get the point.

In comparison Silver does not resist Trunks’ ability sealing, potential poison manipulation, or time dilation and acceleration. While you could argue Silver being able to resist that last one due to his acausality, that argument doesn’t really hold up too well, as when Chronoa used her time dilation, it still affected acausal characters like Xeno Goku, and the power itself is more so affecting a space rather than a specific being as Chronoa specifically affected the room Goku and Trunks were training in.

While on the topic of offensive hax now would be a good time to explain why exactly Trunks should be able to use Dark Ki related abilities. During the battle with Mechikabura, Trunks’ Key Sword was powered by Light, God, Time, and Dark Power. We know Trunks can use his other time and light powers since the light chains and Time Labyrinth itself connect to said powers, so logically the same would apply with the abilities granted by Dark Ki. Especially considering Trunks has seen numerous Dark Ki techniques across both Xenoverse and Heroes, and considering that Demigra (the guy who granted the power of darkness to the Key Sword) is one of the strongest Dark Ki users in DBH.

In terms of defense oriented abilities, on paper Silver would have a good advantage here due to his telekinesis, teleportation, and abilities like Grab All giving him excellent battlefield control. It’d be logical to assume he could grab any or all of Trunks’ projectiles, or Trunks himself, with his top notch psychic powers and simply toss them away. However, this defense is not as flawless as it seems. While yes, Silver could grab any of Trunks’ projectile hax and gain distance with teleportation, Trunks has some answers to this.

For countering teleportation, Trunks has multiple methods of teleporting himself. Would it be through Dark Ki powers, his time crystals, the Key Sword, or his theoretical possession of the Kai Kai ability. This teleportation along with Trunks’ natural skill (more info in the Tertiary Ability section) would also allow Trunks to evade and get by techniques like the Shield of Light. This would also allow him another method of getting out of being telekinetically grabbed, as once Silver has a hold of him he can simply warp out of the grabbed space. While Trunks has not showcased teleportation in combat, he has seen multiple characters like Goku do so. This along with considering his tactical nature naturally should lead to him considering the option. Likewise, he could potentially use the Peeler Storm technique as an ability available to Dark Ki users, that allows them to become completely intangible while psychic blades appear to attack their opponent, preventing Silver from directly grabbing him.

When it comes to direct equipment, Silver does have a bigger amount of power ups at his disposal. That’s undeniable. However most of them aren’t too ridiculously impactful in the grand scheme of things. Stuff like Ring Time would be resisted, more minor elemental attacks could simply be powered through, etc. However Trunks still has useful equipment in the form of his capsules. He has access to multiple spammable healing items and even Senzu Beans through them, giving him better healing options in comparison to Silver’s Rings. To specify, in Xenoverse you can carry up to one hundred of a specific item. This would mean that Trunks would have three hundred total full heals (Z Energy, All-Z Energy, Senzu Essence), a hundred of them being able to bring him back from being knocked out (Senzu Essence), and another hundred of them applying to both him and his allies that he can summon (All-Z Energy).

Now would be a good time to mention Trunks’ summons, which appear through his cards and Hero Switch. Now, the argument of Trunks being able to pull off his summons is complicated, as Silver has three different potential methods of countering Trunks’ summons:

  1. Using his technopathy abilities to shut off the Hero Switch entirely for the rest of the fight.

  2. Using his portal closing powers to cut off the portal Trunks opens to call forth his summons.

  3. Using his Time Rewind to prevent the summons from appearing in the first place.

All three of these methods might be able to work, but it is not as simple as it may appear.

For technopathy, while it will short circuit the Hero Switch and prevent further Card Summons, that does not necessarily mean Trunks cannot get summons on the field BEFORE he gets touched by Silver’s telekinesis. We see in DBH World Mission in the one mission where you play as Trunks, that he immediately opens the fight by having his Card Characters follow him into battle. This doesn’t instantly mean Silver can’t stop the summons, but it does raise a valid chance that Trunks won’t give Silver the chance to do so.

For cutting off the portals, it is unlikely this will be Silver’s first instinct when he instantly sees a portal open up in the first place. Not to mention that with Trunks’ own abilities he is perfectly capable of just opening up another portal, and we see in the Heroes anime that he can just summon Chronoa directly just by moving his sword and nothing else. While he hasn’t shown this capability with his other summons, Chronoa and her power alone would be a huge benefit. We see Chronoa’s base form appear to lend Trunks “a little bit” of her power to freeze the enemy temporarily in time, but considering this is the real Chronoa that Trunks calls upon, a person that does care for Trunks a lot as a good friend, it is unlikely that she would only do a temporary freeze to help Trunks and nothing else. There is also nothing to directly suggest she cannot just stay to help Trunks further after being summoned. While it’s teetering on becoming outside help, that makes it possible she could stay in the battle and aid Trunks further.

And finally, for time rewinding, the Key Sword makes Trunks flat out resist time rewinding in the first place, meaning he could likely interrupt Silver’s Chaos Control reversing time,aor since the Key Sword can duplicate itself he could likely lend copies of it to his summons to make them immune as well. It’s not like they would not be capable of doing so either, as Bardock has wielded the Key Sword before against Broly for instance.

In summary, while it is not a guarantee Trunks is going to get summons off in battle, it is still a possibility. A possibility that would have massive gains.

To delve deeper into what his summons would net him, lets go over a list of his summons and then examine what each one could bring to the table. From what we know of in Heroes, Trunks would have access to the following summons: Xeno Goku, Golden Cooler, Golden Frieza, Blue and Blue Evolution Vegeta, SS4 Bardock, SS4 Broly, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Cell, Ultra Instinct Goku, Chronoa, and numerous others. But for now we’ll just focus on the main important summons. Most of these summons outright scale to a similar power as Trunks regardless, which if summoned, would allow a great numeral advantage that allows him to attack Silver with a multitude of people assisting in the beat down.

These summons are incredibly useful as several have their own hax. Several of these characters either have access to God Ki, can heal Trunks, or summon their own summons in turn. The big one is Goku, who has the ability to summon other Time Patrol members or even Demigra. This would also allow access to more dark ki users. However, even if you ignore that summon in particular, he has access to Xeno Cell. Xeno Cell possesses a Dark Dragon Ball in his body, allowing him access to demonic energies as well. 

It is clear that if Trunks gets his summons off it is going to be a huge deal for Silver, especially with summons like Chronoa with her absurd time powers. That brings us to Trunks’ ace in the hole: the Time Labyrinth.

In terms of win conditions, Trunks has three primary ways to win:

  1. Beating Silver to death (duh)

  2. Outlasting Super Silver

  3. Time Labyrinth

The Time Labyrinth is the best out of these three win conditions due to both its simplicity and its effectiveness. All Trunks needs to do to activate the Labyrinth is simply strike the opponent with the Key Sword a single time, and the sealing commences. That is it. One strike. Heck, arguably not even that, as Chronoa’s weaker version straight up covered an entire universal space. Considering his tactical prowess and various methods of being able to get in close to Silver, getting one blow off on Silver before Silver does enough damage to put him down for good might as well be a guarantee.

As stated before the Labyrinth’s sealing prowess is absurd, being able to seal an entire dimension that is cut off from time in a timeless void that also follows different laws of physics, to the point where it cannot be properly analyzed by the Time Scrolls at all (this version is weaker than the Key Sword’s version by the way).

The seal has different interpretations in the Heroes manga and anime. In the anime it is not used on Mechikabura at all, only a weaker version is used by Demigra to seal Dark King Fu and Limit Breaker Super Saiyan 4 Vegito. The inside of the seal is shown as the two being unable to move at all, though with Fu still being able to summon the evil time bird Dogi Dogi to destroy the seal from the outside. However the manga’s interpretation is notably different and more elaborated on, so it is definitely the better variation to focus on. Even then Fu only broke the seal in the anime through outside interference, something Silver is not able to use. 

The manga interpretation IS used on Mechikabura, the first time by Chronoa and the second time, sealing him for good, by Trunks with the Key Sword, and like in the anime is still used by Demigra on Dark King Fu. In the manga characters are still able to move and use their abilities inside the Time Labyrinth, however even those with extremely potent space-time travel are unable to escape it. Again, Trunks can pull off this seal with only a single hit, making it an extremely potent win condition. Silver does have four counterarguments to Time Labyrinth though:

  1. Being too strong for the Time Labyrinth to contain and thus being able to destroy it.

  2. Being able to use a Chaos Emerald to warp outside of the Labyrinth.

  3. Rewinding Time as Trunks performs the seal to escape the Labyrinth.

  4. Demigra could escape the Time Labyrinth in Xenoverse through nothing more than built up Time-Space distortions, so logically Silver can do the same

All four of these arguments have critical issues however.

In regard to the first one, him being too powerful for the Labyrinth, that correlates to discussion of attack potency. That was already covered however in the Stats section where it was determined Trunks would be able to match all of Silver’s AP arguments. Considering Dark King Fu could not escape a weaker version of the Labyrinth despite the fact he should be above Mechikabura’s black hole feat by a significant margin, being better able to use the Dark Factor, the power argument falls flat.

The second argument for Silver escaping the Time Labyrinth focuses on an instance where Shadow was trapped in a specific place called the Special Zone. In this dimension he was unable to use Chaos Control to simply warp out of it, but was able to do so upon regaining an Emerald. This is because the dimension had manipulative rules that nullified Shadow’s Chaos Powers, and Shadow was able to regain his space-time crossing capabilities upon overpowering the dimension’s restrictions with a Chaos Emerald

However when the Time Labyrinth sealed the entire Dark Demon Realm, the only way the Dark Demon Realm Army led by Mechikabura could escape was by mind controlling the Supreme Kai of Time (who had been locked into the Labyrinth as well) to make her undo the seal. This instance likely also explains how Fu escaped the Time Labyrinth in the Dragon Ball Heroes manga, as since the Time Birds that he absorbed were capable of performing the Time Labyrinth technique he was thus capable of undoing it as well.

Thus, simply powering up with an Emerald would not be a viable method for Silver escaping the Time Labyrinth’s Seal.  Think of the instance like this: Shadow is on a train with a broken engine (his connection to the Chaos Force) inside a tunnel (Special Zone). He fixes the engine (re-establishes his Chaos Force connection with an Emerald) and thus is able to leave the tunnel. In the case of the Demon Gods that were sealed in the Time Labyrinth however, their engine (their Space-Time Travel) is already fixed. Their unique issue is that the walls of the tunnel are completely sealed off, and thus the engine being fixed is pointless since the train does not have anywhere to go.

The third argument is Silver rewinding time to either prevent the seal from happening, or to rewind time from inside the seal to undo it. The former will not work due to Trunks and the Key Sword simply resisting time reversal, and the latter will not work due to the Time Labyrinth being a timeless void meaning there is no time to rewind in the first place. Pretty simple.

The fourth and final argument is that Demigra managed to escape the Time Labyrinth in Xenoverse due to simple time-distortion energy. This argument is flawed for numerous reasons. The Time Labyrinth is never referenced in Xenoverse itself. Chronoa doesn’t have the form needed to perform the Time Labyrinth in Xenoverse, and the Key Sword is not referenced at all either. The game makes it clear that Demigra was specifically sealed in the Crack of Time, and to top it all off when Chronoa (who sealed Demigra) uses Time Labyrinth herself, she is sealed along with what she seals. The only other notable cases of Time Labyrinth sealing are when Trunks sealed Mechikabura (which was with the busted as hell Key Sword) and when Demigra sealed Fu (which had significant prep time).

While there are also some sources that suggest the inside of the Time Labyrinth is also just the Crack of Time itself, more images of the Time Labyrinth suggest otherwise. It seems more so that the Time Labyrinth is simply located inside the Crack of Time after Chronoa seals the Demon Realm, rather than its inside being the Crack of Time. This is likely due to the Demon Realm itself normally being outside space-time and thus when it gets sealed it is just left inside the Crack of Time. Thus there is no reason to assume the place Demigra was sealed in was specifically the Time Labyrinth.

So to summarize, Silver just has no method to deal with the Time Labyrinth. Obviously Trunks is not going to bust it out right out of the gate in the fight, but with his tactics, mobility, etc, he will definitely be able to get a hit in with the Key Sword later in the fight to instantly ensure his win via Time Labyrinth sealing.

Moving on from his sealing shenanigans, Trunks also has plenty of card related abilities to aid him in battle that would help massively. To specify, the Dragon Ball Heroes cards themselves are meant to represent the character they focus on, both through how they fight, their abilities, etc. So, every card ability that a Trunks card has should be something Trunks himself is capable of naturally. With this logic in mind, this opens up the path for numerous useful abilities Trunks can bust out.

Trunks has multiple card abilities that are capable of increasing the rate at which he recovers stamina, or just fully recovering his stamina outright. He can increase his ki recovery, recover health, increase his attack power, reduce the damage he receives, etc. And while Silver has means of increasing his stats as well, Trunks has a card ability that prevents the enemy from acquiring mid-fight amps outright. While you could argue Silver’s power nullification makes him resist that last one, Trunks still should have more total card amps regardless, considering he has over seventy of them to use in battle.

These card abilities massively contribute to the one win-con for Trunks that has not been covered yet: outlasting Super Silver. More details regarding Trunks’ stamina will be given in the section regarding tertiary factors, but in terms of abilities, there are multiple factors that can lead to Silver running out of juice faster than normal. As just mentioned, Trunks’ card abilities can massively recover his stamina and ki in multiple ways, meaning him running out of energy normally is definitely not going to happen here the majority of the time. In comparison Silver can recharge himself with rings to extend his time limit. Trunks does not particularly have a way to get rid of the rings, but it should be noted that it is not like Silver carries an infinite supply. Not to mention that while Super Sonic’s feat of lasting from anywhere from 12 to 24 hours straight while fighting Enerjak is impressive, it’s not out of the realm of stamina other Dragon Ball characters have displayed.

With all that said, Trunks does have potential methods to speed up the end of said Super form. As mentioned previously, Silver does not have resistances to poison or time acceleration. Focusing on that time acceleration in particular, Trunks’ should be massively superior compared to Chronoa considering the Key Sword wields both her Time Power Unleashed form’s energy and Tokitoki’s energy. By looking at Fu, we know that the time acceleration is combat applicable. Granted, we do not know the exact range of Trunks’ time acceleration. We know Chronoa affected the room Goku and Trunks trained in, but we do not know how big said room is. However considering Trunks can get close to Silver with his own teleportation and intangibility as mentioned previously, him getting in at least the close range Fu displayed isn’t unrealistic.

It is also worth addressing that it is not a guarantee that Trunks will be able to figure out that Super Silver has a time limit he can exploit. Still, if there was a situation where Trunks were to use his time acceleration on Silver, it would have massive implications. Going back to the Chronoa instance linked earlier in this section, she with her weaker time power was able to condense the time span of six months into three days. Essentially, accelerating the space by sixty times over. If used on Silver, this could potentially condense his Super form timer from as much as twenty four hours to a mere twenty four minutes.

Going further, the demon characters Shroom, Putine, Salza, and Chamel, were able to create a pocket dimension for Goku and Vegeta that also had accelerated time. In said pocket dimension the span of a week passed in an hour, making time flow one hundred and sixty eight times faster in it. The dimension also had fake replicas of other powerful characters in the form of Xeno Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta. Considering Trunks’ massive Time Power, possession of Dark Ki, and his own pocket dimension creation, with the Key Sword he would logically be capable of replicating this. With that logic, were he to throw Silver into a pocket dimension like this, the Super form time limit would go from a max of twenty-four hours to just eight and a half minutes.

Granted, Trunks would need to keep Silver in there, considering Silver’s potent dimensional travel, and Trunks has never made a pocket dimension like this himself, but the possibility is worth mentioning. Considering his plethora of recovery and own impressive ranged options, Trunks would absolutely be capable of making the fight last as long as these shorter timeframes.

Still, let’s say that Trunks thinking to use time acceleration on Silver is debatable. He still has other potential methods of making the Super form disappear early. Let’s talk about the Egg Grapes, and so Silver’s energy absorption resistance. In the Archie comics, Eggman has a special deadly device called the Egg Grapes. These devices drain the energy and stamina completely out of the victim, killing them. This is brought up as Mammoth Mogul once used Chaos Energy in order to protect himself and other captives from the absorptive properties.

So with this in mind, Silver should have a blatant resistance to energy absorption right? Right?
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.

See on a surface level this instance WOULD give Mammoth Mogul, and thus Silver, a resistance to the Egg Grapes, due to both having Chaos Emeralds and what not. But there’s a lot of extra context that makes that questionable. For starters, Mogul later implies after this instance that the Egg Grapes did eventually result in him being affected in some way alongside his comrades. He also states that he had to use Ixis Naugus to protect himself until he was eventually saved, and this instance also reveals he had a Chaos Emerald helping him protect himself while inside the Egg Grapes. There are also some further instances to consider as well: Eggman stating that he plans to drain Enerjak of his energy so he can power his next big plan; Enerjak actively being drained by the Egg Grapes; Enerjak straight up confirming the Egg Grapes drained much of his power.

So with all this in mind, what gives? How did Mogul manage to defend himself and others from the grapes despite the fact that more powerful characters like Enerjak have been massively affected by them before? It’s as simple as saying there is not actually a resistance to power absorption at play here.

Look at the panel that has Eggman’s plan in it again, the one where he addresses Shadow destroying the city and says his plan to drain Enerjak’s Chaos Energy, this statement is vital as it confirms that Chaos Energy can in fact be drained by the Egg Grapes. Enerjak stating afterwards that the Egg Grapes drained him of his power and that he needs the Master Emerald to recharge further confirms this all. So with all that in mind, how exactly did Mammoth Mogul resist the draining properties of the Egg Grapes? Simple, he did not resist them. He delayed them.

The Egg Grapes feast on the energy of people, what Mogul did with the Chaos Emerald he had on hand was simply give the Egg Grapes a different energy to focus on and drain. This also explains why Eggman was not concerned at all about Mogul protecting all the people he had captive, he was still getting energy and knew that once Mogul was too tired to draw more power from the Emerald that all the captives would be drained anyways.

Heck, it is not like the Egg Grapes are the only thing that has been shown capable of draining Chaos Energy from powerful beings like Enerjak. The very Enerjak that Silver helped defeat was defeated by his power being drained by The Sword of Acorns. Now obviously The Sword of Acorns is extremely powerful and is literally made by Gods and what not, but it still suggests a lack of energy draining resistance.

If Silver does not have an energy draining resistance, then that means the Key Sword will be able to drain stamina and give Trunks an opportunity to press his advantage further. And while Silver could replenish lost energy with his Chaos powers or Rings, that's a finite resource, and it means Silver is going to burn out quicker.

There is also another majorly impactful ability Trunks has in Dimensional Domain, which reduces all enemy stamina stats to an outstanding total of… 1. Insert Fandub reference here. While you could argue Dimensional Domain is specifically power nullification and not stamina drain, it seems more to just remove stamina rather than nullify or lower stamina. Thus without a proper resistance to energy absorption, Silver would be susceptible to this as well. And we know Super forms do have limited energy and can tire out. Thus Dimensional Domain could potentially get Silver right next to running out of Super. It is going to take a lot of rings to replenish all that, as well as an opportunity Trunks is unlikely to give him.

So with all this info that has been covered in mind, let's recap.

Trunks has more resistances than Silver, has more options for ending the fight faster, has more recovery options, has options to deal with Silver’s battlefield control, has plenty of ways to kick his win conditions into motion, and so on and so forth. While Silver is definitely no slouch when it comes to abilities and equipment, Trunks just has too, too many things to throw at Silver that the hedgehog simply cannot deal with. So, to end this section off, Trunks has the edge in terms of abilities and equipment.

Tertiary Factors

Silver and Trunks both had good levels of training, with Silver being trained by an older version of Mammoth Mogul, one of the greatest sorcerers that ever lived in Mobius, for most of his life, but Trunks trained with several masters for much longer, being trained by Future Gohan, Xeno Goku and even Chronoa herself. And when it comes to real battle experience, Trunks once again has the advantage. While Silver has held his own against beings with tons of experience like Enerjak before, and has been through his fair share of battles, it pales in comparison to Trunks’ own life of conflict. Not only did Trunks go through the many, many battles from his time in his own future, but he's also been fighting alongside the Time Patrol for even longer. Silver is also far younger and less mature, and would be more prone to making mistakes in the heat of the moment.

Both fighters have their own methods of gaining more knowledge mid-fight to gain an edge, but the info Silver could gain from Power Rings would only be as useful as Trunks calling Chronoa with a Time Crystal, as the info they’ve granted on screen amounted to nothing more than vague hints, and left Sonic with a headache in the process. Thus it would not be the most effective method of determining Trunks’ weaknesses, not that he has any particular ones Silver can exploit.

Both have shown ingenuity and tactical prowess in fights to help them gain a significant edge, with stuff like Silver redirecting Enerjak’s attacks instead of using brute force coming to mind. However Trunks does take another advantage in terms of tactical prowess. As stated before he has more total experience, but has also faced off against plenty of trickier opponents. Towa, Mira, Demigra, Sealas, Mechikubara, and so on, he has faced plenty of variety in terms of what opponents can throw at him and has responded strategically.

There are good moments of tactical skill even in main canon, like him using Super Saiyan Grade 3 to bait Vegeta into thinking he would get an easy hit, or flinging his sword at Goku Black to distract him and leave him wide open for a devastating Galick Gun. Against Silver’s telekinesis, in combination with his previously elaborated on intangibility and teleportation, there is no doubt he would be able to formulate consistently effective strategies to get hits on Silver despite the latter’s better battlefield control. Considering his previously established win conditions, it is not like he needs to get in a massive amount of hits in the first place anyways to take the fight.

Going further on battlefield control, Trunks’ summons play a huge factor here. Obviously Trunks’ own range and mobility is impressive, but adding more fighters to the field for Silver to have to focus on would be a ginormous boon for Trunks. Again, pulling off his summons is still a tricky argument as Silver has ways to deal with them, but the point still stands that were Trunks to pull them off, he would be helped massively.

In terms of stamina, at first impression you’d assume Super Silver would be on a strict time limit just like in the mainline games, and thus Trunks would have the edge here. Not the case; for in the Archie Comics, as previously established, Super Sonic has been shown to be able to last from as long as twelve to twenty-four hours straight before the form disappeared. So it would seem on second impression that Silver would have a stamina edge in comparison to Trunks’ Super Saiyan God form right?

No, actually. While in a pocket dimension with an accelerated flow of time, Xeno Goku and Vegeta go the span of an entire week battling consecutively while in their Ultra Instinct Sign and Evil Super Saiyan Blue forms respectively. They seemingly maintain these forms for the entire week-long timeframe, without eating, sleeping, resting, etc, as Goku stated they were going all out when training. There was not anything in the dimension present for recovering strength, and the first thing Goku and Vegeta do when they get out is eat some Senzu Beans.

This feat may seem like an outlier at first considering other instances in main Dragon Ball canon regarding stamina and hunger, but this is not the only time Heroes breaks conventional survivability standards anyways. In the very next chapter, Gogeta is completely unaffected by fighting in the vacuum of space despite Goku and Vegeta not being able to do so in primary Dragon Ball canon. In that sense, this feat is not actually that ridiculous in retrospect. Trunks would be comparable if not superior to this feat of stamina, as the Super Saiyan God state seems to last much longer in comparison to the Super Saiyan Blue form on multiple occasions. The red haired form has also been shown to require less energy and stamina to turn into. 

To address a few minor things: no Silver can’t just use the Key Sword against Trunks, the sword can turn into intangible energy to break free of Silver’s grasp and it is implied to have a degree of sentience as it is capable of going through space-time solo to aid people. Even if he’s disarmed, Trunks can summon the Key Sword right back. Silver can’t just run away and constantly avoid Trunks with his Space-Time awareness either, as Trunks can always consult Chronoa and the Time Scrolls to find where he goes.

So in conclusion, considering Trunks uses a much less stamina training form than his father and Goku, he should definitely be able to last for a full week. This would make his God form duration roughly seven to fourteen times longer than Silver’s Super form, and this is without taking into consideration his better healing options and plethora of recovery related card effects. Plus with his Space-Time warping and various non-blast techniques, he’s definitely able to make up for his disadvantage regarding battlefield control.

Simply put, Trunks is much more experienced, has much better stamina, and is completely capable of countering Silver’s excellent battlefield control and thus takes the advantage when it comes to tertiary factors.


If you can’t tell by now, this is a close matchup. Both combatants here have a near equal chance at winning with only small details giving one the win as both mostly counter each other’s full arsenal. However, when it comes to these small details, Trunks holds the advantage to allow him to squeeze out that narrow victory. 

In terms of stats, both are dead even when it comes to Super Saiyan God Trunks vs Super Silver. This of course includes speed, considering both upscale from infinite/immeasurable speed characters. Despite this, Trunks holds an advantage in terms of his abilities and resistances. As you’ve already seen in the arsenal section, Trunks resists literally all of Silver’s offensive hax options while Silver doesn’t do the same for Trunks’. Silver fails to resist Trunks’ sealing, poison inducement, time acceleration and dilation. This means that Trunks has a few viable options to overwhelm Silver with hax, something which Silver cannot do in return.

For defensive abilities, Trunks has multiple counters to Silver’s various means of battlefield control, allowing that advantage for Silver to be reasonably countered. Equipment wise, while Silver has more equipment overall, most aren’t gonna be substantial in this fight. Trunks resists pretty much all the relevant equipment and has a large arsenal of his own that grants him various means of survivability.

But of course the most important is Trunks’ access to summons which gives Trunks a massive numbers advantage with people just as strong if not even stronger than himself. This on top of them also having access to a Key Sword if Trunks wills it. But even assuming summons aren’t allowed, Trunks has access to a pretty strong wincon in ability to seal Silver within the Time Labyrinth. This all not even going into the massive arsenal of attack power buffs, stamina buff, etc that allow him to basically overpower and outlast Silver. Abilities like time acceleration could potentially speed up the process of Silver exiting his Super form, and so could control the pace of the fight and force Silver to burn out.

Overall, this is an extremely close fight and both can very much win. However, Trunks holds multiple small advantages and counters that puts him over Silver. While Silver has a bunch of terrifying telekinetic and chaos based abilities, Trunks holds the hax, resistances and equipment to end Silver’s timeline changing shenanigans for good. Something something looks like Silver took the silver medal while Trunks took home the gold, or something.

The winner is Trunks.



How well does Archie Silver stack up to Xeno Trunks? This goes without saying but Silver, in his base form, doesn’t really stand a chance. Silver may scale to characters like Chaos 0, who can hold entire oceans in place, but Trunks scales to characters like Goku and Beerus, who can destroy Universe 7, which is roughly 13x larger than our universe, with their fists. To Silver’s credit, he was able to hang against Dark Enerjak, who defeated Super Sonic, long enough for Lara-Su to use the Sword of Acorns on him, but even Silver himself admitted that there was nothing he could do to match Enerjak’s level of power. However, while Trunks may be too much for base Silver to handle, Super Silver is an entirely different story. Let's compare the stats.

There are plenty of ways we can get Silver’s super form to hit multi+ levels of power. 

  1. The Chaos Emeralds power the Super Genesis Wave, which completely reshaped the entirety of Sonic and Mega Man’s multiverse. When Sonic’s botched Chaos Control mixed with the Super Genesis Wave, the entirety of Sonic’s multiverse collapsed. Sonic’s (and presumably Mega Man’s) multiverse is infinite in size. Mega Man’s Chaos Energy/Chaos Control was able to match and neutralize the wave’s effects on his multiverse. Sonic would’ve done the same thing had Eggman not interfered.

  1. Silver assisted Sonic and Shadow in defeating Solaris, who was going to devour all timelines. This is essentially the same thing Mechikabura did, which is a multi+ feat.

  1. Sonic Rush Adventure is technically canon to Archie Sonic, which means Super Sonic and Burning Blaze fought and defeated the Egg Wizard, who absorbed the Power of Stars. The Power of Stars protected the Sol Dimension from the multiverse collapsing.

When it comes to speed, this is easy. Silver’s super form should be comparable to, if not faster than, Sonic Man via scaling to Super Sonic. How fast is Sonic Man? He’s fast enough to break out of time stops via raw speed, which would give him immeasurable speeds.

Now, how does this compare to Trunks? At first glance, it looks like Silver and Trunks should have relative stats, right? Well…it’s complicated. While you can make an argument for both characters being relative in stats at their peak, Super Silver’s stat arguments seem to be safer and more reliable. 

While Mechikabura’s black hole could absorb all of history, it’s never shown how he did the move, and there are alternate explanations that could be used that don't require him needing “infinite speed” to pull it off. Mechikabura generated his black hole inside the Time Nest, which contains the Time Scrolls. The Time Scrolls are special scrolls that contain the record of various time periods and histories in the DBH-verse. Is it not possible that Mechikabura absorbing just the Time Nest, which is finite in size, simply gave him access to every history in the DBH-verse? Another Dragon Ball character named Demigra could potentially destroy all of history by just destroying the Time Nest’s time vault. No infinite speed required. Sonic Man’s argument is a lot more clear cut. The writer himself confirmed that the feat is done via speed. Nothing else.

Even if this weren’t the case, the scope of the Super Genesis Wave is likely greater than Mechikabura’s black hole. The Super Genesis Wave affected Sonic’s multiverse (which contains infinite timelines) and other areas that exist outside of his multiverse, like Mega Man’s multiverse (which contains its own set of infinite timelines that are completely separate from Sonic’s multiverse), Maginaryworld, and the Chaos Force.

While Mechikabura’s black hole absorbed all of DBH’s timelines, there’s no evidence its reach extended to areas outside of the multiverse or outside of time like the Super Genesis Wave. Heck, destroying all of time wasn’t going to reach Demigra in the Crack of Time because the Crack of Time exists outside of the multiverse/time. We shouldn’t just assume that Mechi absorbed the Crack of Time or other areas outside of time when that was never stated to have happened. All we know was that he absorbed all histories within the multiverse.

As an additional note, why would Mechikabura be affecting areas that are not connected to time when the black hole’s ability was to specifically consume time itself to add to Mechi's time power? It doesn't make any sense.

While one could argue that Goku damaging the Crack in Time (which exists outside of time) could match the Super Genesis Wave in power… it doesn’t. Goku damaged it, but he never destroyed it in its entirety, unlike the Super Genesis Wave that actually destroyed structures outside of space-time in its entirety, like the Virtual Zone, Maginaryworld, and Chaos Force, not to mention that Goku was within said area at the time while the SGW was within the multiverse when it affected these areas.

All in all, Super Silver being faster and potentially more powerful than Trunks seems to be the more reliable outcome. In order for Trunks to match Super Silver, we have to assume things about Mechikabura that were never stated and can't be proven. Most of Silver’s best feats and scaling are direct and don’t rely heavily on assumptions.

Arsenal and Abilities

Silver’s psychokinesis and chaos energy surprisingly counter many of Trunks’ haxes. With his psychokinesis, Silver can redirect Trunks’ ki attacks back at him, and there’s no real reason why Silver can’t just take control of Trunks' sword and use it against him. Even if Trunks could summon it back, Silver can just take control of it again. Silver's psychokinesis also gives him stuff like shields. He can create shields on his own or just use items to keep his psychokinesis less busy.

He also has teleportation that can be spammed which gives him an easy way to get out of sticky situations. Shield of Light can also be used to block and send back stuff Trunks sends at Silver, though it does take energy to use. He can also shoot energy blasts of his own and has projectile items, some pretty unpredictable like glue or oil, that can help long range. Overall, Silver's abilities give him pretty good ways to handle stuff Trunks is throwing out while also being good offensively. 

Trunks’ summons are also a non-factor. Silver’s psychokinesis can disable machinery and it has been heavily implied that the Hero Switch is needed for the cards to function, given that it is what’s needed to use abilities from the DBH game, which would include the cards. Even if that weren’t the case, the cards themselves are likely technological in nature given that they’re created by Capsule Corp, who specializes in creating tech. Heck, one of the promo trailers even shows electricity flowing through the cards. Silver’s psychokinesis can also heal dimensional fabrics to close rifts in space-time, which means it could close the portals used to summon other characters as well. Even if Trunks were to pull off a summon, Silver can simply rewind time in order to revert them. So most likely, summons are not gonna play much of a factor in this fight.

Last but not least, Silver’s chaos energy is capable of negating many of Trunks’ haxes. Mogul once used a Chaos Emerald to protect himself from the Egg Grapes, which can drain energy. The Encyclopedia also confirms that Mogul with an emerald was capable of protecting himself from the Egg Grapes without any outside assistance needed. That’s not to say Chaos Energy can’t be drained in general. It clearly has been drained in the past, but that doesn’t change the fact that the 1 emerald by itself was able to protect someone from energy draining. The things that have drained Chaos Energy blatantly have more potency than the Egg Grapes anyway, like the Sword of Acorns. When the Egg Grapes were used on Enerjak, Enerjak still had enough juice left in his system to fight freaking Super Sonic. When the Sword of Acorns was used on Enerjak, it zapped away ALL of his energy instantly and he was completely powerless.

Trunks’ energy draining is not really energy draining in the traditional sense anyway. All it does is lower your stamina. That’s it. It’s not anything like the Sword of Acorns. You can recover said stamina in game by just resting. Silver is not going to instantly drop out of his super form the nanosecond he becomes tired. Not to mention, power rings can be used to restore stamina anyway, so Silver counters this ability regardless.

Because Super Silver is likely faster than Sonic Man, this means that manipulating time shouldn’t work against him, making Chronoa’s time manipulation moot. Both characters are capable of time traveling whenever they want to, so that cancels out.

Silver’s main concern in this match would be Trunks’ Key Sword. Whether or not Silver can overcome its haxes does admittedly come down to your interpretation, but it's not impossible to argue that Silver can overcome them. The Super Genesis Wave can be used to bend, cheat, and outright rewrite the rules of reality on a fundamental level. When the Bem made the Mobians immune to Eggman’s roboticization, Eggman completely negated their resistances by rewriting the rules of reality with a Genesis Wave.

Eggman and Wily were going to use the Super Genesis Wave to erase Sonic and Mega Man out of existence, but when they launched the Super Genesis Wave, Sonic and Mega Man’s super forms were completely unaffected by it. Even when the Super Genesis Wave had completely finished rewriting both worlds, super forms were still unaffected by it. If the Super Genesis Wave couldn’t negate a super form, it’s reasonable to assume that Trunks' Key Sword can’t just shut off a super form either. Another Chaos Force user, more specifically Shadow, has had his abilities nullified and sealed off before, only for such a restriction to be rendered ineffective with the use of a Chaos Emerald, of which this has happened twice.

It’s also reasonable to say that Silver likely could break out of Chronoa’s Time Labyrinth if one were to argue his Chaos Control is more potent than anything she’s ever had to seal before. Her seals have been broken before, in both Xenoverse and Heroes’ continuities (specifically through space-time distortions), and seals in Dragon Ball tend to usually fail if they’re too weak to contain what was sealed in the first place. As mentioned in stats, Chaos Control could match the Super Genesis Wave’s potency, and the Super Genesis Wave could reach various structures that exist outside of space-time. The Time Labyrinth has yet to contain something with the sheer scale of the Super Genesis Wave, or the potency and utility of its reality warping, which could rewrite an entire infinite multiverse - as well as spaces that exist beyond that multiverse. If all else fails, just TK the sword and use it on Trunks directly.

It is debatable whether Trunks is able to accelerate one's own time, however even if he could do this and knew to do it, the fact that Silver is completely decoupled from time itself and can rewind time nullifies that.

In essence, Trunks is not gonna cheat his way to victory here. Silver resists the vast majority of his game changing abilities and equipment and has a counter for each of them that Trunks could use. On the flipside, the sheer versatility of Chaos Force itself (being practically a wish granting device), as well as coupled with Silver's own abilities and equipment give him a greater versatility and utility advantage when it comes to their arsenal.

Tertiary Factors

So obviously, with a fight as close as this, tertiary areas are going to be of importance. So who has the advantage? Well, it is true that Trunks holds a solid lead in terms of skill, experience and practical combat training. However, such capabilities are not the only additional factors to a fight, especially given how Silver is far from a traditional fighter who Trunks could apply all his skills against to the fullest. Silver was trained by Mammoth Mogul, an expert when it comes to sorcery and the Chaos Force, meaning while his skills are not as expansive as Trunks, they may very well be more practically useful in this fight. We will get into why.

To begin with, Silver's famous (or infamous) telekinesis is going to allow him far greater battlefield control in this fight. Now I know that "battlefield control" might sound like an archaic quality in modern vs debating, but it is actually going to be a massive edge for Silver in this fight. With it, he is able to keep Trunks at a distance, as well as use his environment to his advantage more sufficiently - essentially, Silver is able to control the flow of the battle, and their exact distance. This alone will help to shut down a lot of Trunks's abilities, which often need direct contact, if Trunks can not consistently get within close range to reliably pull off a game changing maneuver.

Granted, Trunks has his own projectiles, being his ki blasts. However, Silver is able to actually redirect such energy attacks from people as powerful as Enerjak while in base form, meaning he can always send them right back. In addition to this, while Trunks could potentially redirect energy attacks as well, Silver is able to do it at more of a distance and even passively with the Shield of Light technique. On his own end, Silver has ranged moves that can temporarily stun Trunks, as well as have the sheer scope of being able to cross the entire multiverse and beyond. This, along with his telekinesis, offers Silver a very clear advantage at a range.

Have that said, Trunks would fare far better in close quarters combat. However, Silver has better defensive and evasive options to counter that, in the scenario that Trunks were able to somehow close the gap and get in close. He is able to make shields around himself, defending himself from Trunks for long enough to either push him back again with his telekinesis or use his teleportation to create a distance yet again, which is an ability that Trunks lacks. While he can traverse time and dimensions, he actually has very little evidence for teleporting to close locations mid combat. There is a debatable instance where he seems to "appear" in a location, however it is never elaborated on and Trunks has never used such an ability before or since, much less in the middle of combat.

It is worth noting that Trunks could potentially break out of a psychokinetic hold. The problem with this is that as Silver is relative, if not just flat out stronger than Trunks, he would not be able to do this immediately or reliably, and nothing is actually stopping Silver from simply doing it again. Trunks has very little reliable answer to having his movements restricted or being placed into a disadvantageous position in the fight, and will have difficulty against Silver’s defensive and evasive options even if he managed to get through that. Overall, Silver appears to have a clearer and more tangible advantage when it comes to tertiary factors, and this is not even mentioning the sheer utility of Chaos Force in the Archie Sonic comics, which function basically as wish granting, granting Silver even more options and control over the battle.


Let’s quickly be honest for the fight itself: this fight can go either way. Because of their timey wimey bullshit abilities and powers going as far as being unaffected by time itself, Trunks and Silver almost counter each other in all categories. However, with reviewing and analyzing both time travelers, Silver comes out on top. Thanks to Silver’s psychic powers and agility alone, he has shown enough progress through Archie to keep up the best fighters in Sonic’s catalog that can match Trunks’ power and destruction in Dragon Ball. Let’s summarize the main key factors in our reasoning.

It’s obvious that Silver has speed on hold, but let’s explain again. The argument for granting Trunks infinite speed via scaling to the sucking speed of Mechi's black hole is far more problematic contextually than the infinite speed feats that characters in the Archie Sonic universe scale to, requiring more levity than with vice versa. Even beyond that, Sonic Man was capable of infinite speed without any Chaos Emeralds, whereas Silver in his super form has the full power of Chaos and would likely upscale to a greater degree.

To add on, his telekinesis can shut down Trunks' summonings and it has consistently restrained characters who can match and potentially surpass Trunks in power. There's technically nothing stopping Silver from yeeting the swords, especially the Key Sword, out of Trunks' hands and using the same sword for himself to stab Trunks with it. While Trunks can summon the sword back, this doesn't prevent Silver from actually taking it in the first place and using it against him in quick succession. As Silver has better control over the battlefield with his telekinesis, speed and defensive options, he can easily control the flow of the fight.

Silver can also resist most of Trunks' haxes. It's unlikely that the Key Sword would shut off Silver's super form given that the Super Genesis Wave couldn’t do that. Even if it could, characters like Shadow have shown that they can still regain access to   their Chaos abilities if they have a Chaos Emerald on hand, with said power nullifications no longer working on him. 

Lastly, there is Trunks’ trump card, the Eternal Time Labyrinth. While this is possibly the greyest area of the debate, Silver should have what he needs to break out of it - especially with the amount of levity necessary to give to Trunks to reach this point in the first place. Chronoa's seals have been broken through powerful space-time distortions, and an event as massive in scope as the Super Genesis Wave that the Chaos Force could create is simply beyond anything that the Time Labyrinth has ever had to deal with before. 

While it's not impossible to argue for Trunks, just practically speaking, you'd need to give him effectively every benefit of the doubt in this debate to get him to consistently win - and even then, his victory would not be guaranteed. You'd need to grant him levity on being able to match Silver in speed, you'd need to grant him levity on the Time Labyrinth working, and even then that is only one specific circumstance, meaning you'd need to grant him levity on the ability to consistently tag Silver in spite of his greater battlefield control and defensive options. There are simply too many steps and conditions required for Trunks to win this in comparison to Silver.

All in all, while this is a fairly debatable fight, once you look at their actual conditions for victory the winner becomes clearer. Silver can resist all of Trunks's abilities as well as nullify the majority of his combative options and keep himself at whatever distance he'd want for the majority of the fight. Even if we were wrong and one or two of Trunks's OHKO moves were to work, Silver still finds himself in better circumstances more often than not in this fight, not to mention that his stat arguments are stronger and more solid.

Both time traveling saviors are great at what they do with Trunks easily being the better fighter in close quarters combat and having more experience under his belt, however Silver has the perfect counters, overpowered telekinesis and greater speed to win this bout. His name may be Trunks Briefs, but Silver wears the pants. (Except he doesn't because he's naked!)

The winner is Archie’s Silver the Hedgehog.

Final Tally

Xeno Trunks (8) - Blue Igneous, Weniss, HeavenPiercerChris, KN, Dragonmasterxyz, Clockboxxer, therealcalhoward, Mal

Archie Silver (9) - Mariofan85, CEWinick, Electrik, tmk, Tunnelman, MKF4, Js250476, Robin, Mozza


  1. What the fuck does overcame fatherless behaviour mean

  2. Wow, that didn't turn out like I expected at all. On the upside, my preferred character won on the blog. On the downside, now I actually have my hopes up for him winning the actual episode and I'm still not convinced he will.

    Great read, as usual!

  3. Not what I expected. Great read and awesome research. Kudos to all.

  4. To be completely honest, this blog is the same story as the Black Adam VS Apocalypse one, where the "loser" have one less vote but his reasoning of winning seems more elaborate and convincing. Tbh, I feel Trunks have this in the bag, even if this match looks pretty close.

  5. Exactly how I saw it!

    People honestly underestimate Silver too much. People wanked the living life out of the Keysword, which brought to my knowledge that it really isn't that powerful.

    I like how you guys are using Super Silver too! Kudos to all the researchers! Silver... FTW!!

  6. I can't say I agree with this one, honestly. Look, I think Super Silver's a pretty powerful creature, but there's a couple of things that stick out to me as some serious stretches in the Silver Verdict, mainly:
    - Chaos Control is being pushed as a much more powerful force than the resources suggest due to the Super Genesis Wave. It's important to remember that the Super Genesis Wave was not only *powered* by the Chaos Emeralds, throwing quite a few questions in of "Is the Super Form truly that powerful, or is it simply more effective due to the similar energies, but the fact that the Super Forms *don't* actually work out in the end. Mega Man gets away just fine in protecting his universe, but the second Eggman interferes with Sonic, they lose complete control and their world is RAVAGED. I highly doubt that Trunks is less capable than Eggman of throwing a monkey wrench into the spokes, and even beyond that there's a big argument to make that scaling the Super Forms to the Genesis Wave comes with some notable issues.
    - There is quite literally something stopping Silver from grabbing the Keysword, the Keysword will dissolve and return to Trunks if someone else holds it, a point that's actually discussed in this write-up.
    -The Chaos Force does not work the same post-reboot. It might be the same Silver as pre-reboot, allowing you to use those feats, but a lot of those elements are flat-out gone. Word of God said it themselves, which I know NORMALLY it's a situation of "It has to show up", but the fact the Chaos Force doesn't show up in any significant (or in a way that implies it has the same kind of power) way in the Post-Reboot timeline, you can't just give it to him! The only person theoretically that keeps the Chaos Force feats IS Sonic, because he's literally got the Chaos Force stored in him, it's why his eyes turn green in the comics.
    - Going back to Chaos Control for a minute, the Labyrinth of Time has a funny little issue that kind of makes Chaos Control useless, and that's the fact that it literally HAS no time. It's a timeless void that took the power of the Supreme Kai of time to escape, it's not exactly able to be brute forced. You can't break through a wall if there's no wall there, it's less of a barrier and more of an infinite room.

    Overall, I think there are some points in the Silver analysis that don't counter the Trunks analysis, but simply state "Well, it can do this". It feels almost like the SILVER response should have come first because the Trunks response seems to rebuke a lot of it's claims!

    Silver is one of my favorite characters of all time, but I just don't see him pulling through. I win either way, though, I love both characters!

    Kudos to the researchers, this was amazing stuff, can't wait to see how it stacks up to the next Death Battle!

  7. I can't describe by words how much better Team Trunks' arguments were in comparison to Team Silver.

  8. Saw the episode. Second one I've disagreed with in a row. It was overall better than Black Adam Vs Apocalypse though.

    1. Disagree with this one as well, as there were more things going in Xeno Trunks favor that should have given him the win. That said, I did enjoy the fight and music in the episode itself, so I thought it was still good overall.
